South Boomerang Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-002

Document List - Post Report materials

Displaying 11 documents.
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Notice from the Review Board to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada of the closure of EA's 0708-002 and 0708-003 (Boomerang Lake South and North), due to the developer, Uravan Minerals Inc's., withdrawal of its land use permit applications.

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A letter from Cameco Corporation, Uravan Minerals Inc.'s exploration partner in the Upper Thelon area, to the minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, supporting Uravan's Land Use Permit application withdrawals.

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Correspondence from Uravan Minerals Inc., withdrawing applications for LUP MV2006C0008 and LUP MV2007C0038.

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Indian and Northern Affairs notice of receipt of the South Boomerang Lake Mineral Exploration Project Report of Environmental Assessment.

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A letter sent to Minister Strahl from UVN concerning REA and Reasons for Decision.

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Attachment to letter from Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada re: evidence on the public records of EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in focusing the proposed studies and consultations for the Upper Thelon Land and Resourc

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A letter from the Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada identifying evidence gathered during EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in defining the scope of studies and consultations required for the proposed Upper Thelon Land an

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A summary of 2007 Barren-ground caribou calving distribution surveys issued by ENR of the GNWT, and provided to the Review Board by Uravan Minerals as part of its submission of December 15, 2008.

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An email from Uravan Minerals to a distribution list concerning the proposed Upper Thelon Land and Resource Management Plan. The original email included five attachments, three of which are already on the Review Board's website for the Uravan 0708 files:

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Notice from the federal minister to Uravan Minerals Inc. that its correspondence of October 29, 2008 (listed in the Review Board website public registry as "Comments from UVN concerning REA..." dated November 4, 2008), had been received.

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November 17, 2008 letter from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation to the federal minister regarding previous correspondence from Uravan Minerals Inc. to the minister, as well as the federal minister's notice of receipt of the letter.