Tłı̨chǫ All Season Road - EA-1617-01

Document List - Information requests

Displaying 44 documents.
885.92 KB

EA1617-01 Tlicho All-season Road: Final Response to North Slave Metis Alliance's July 14, 2017 Information Requests.

923.29 KB

A compilation of the first round of information requests and responses from the online review system.

159.87 KB

An amended response for the WRRB IR1 submitted on July 14, 2017 public registry number 142.

13.77 MB

The developer's response to NRCan information request 6.

839.86 KB

The developer's resonponses to MVEIRB information requests 10, 11, 12, 15 and 21.

445.28 KB

The developer's response to the WRRB's information requests 4, 5 and 12.

42.68 KB

The developer's cover letter for information responses to NRCan IR#6. MVEIRB IR# 10, 11, 12, 15, and 21. WRRB IR# 4, 5, and 12.

210.65 KB

A letter from the Review Board clarrifying how the NSMA's information requests will be considered.

604.27 KB

The developer's responses to WRRB information requests 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13.

589.86 KB

The developer's responses to Review Board information requests 3, 16, 17, and 19.

734.11 KB

The developer's responses to ECCC information requests 6, 8, and 9.

51.93 KB

The developer's cover letter for information request responses from ECCC IRs 6, 8, and 9. MVEIRB IRs 3, 16, 17, and 19. WRRB IRs 1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 13.

790.92 KB

The North Slave Metis Alliance's review of the developer's Adequacy Statement Response.

447.89 KB

The developer's cover letter for information responses to ECCC's 5 and 10, MVEIRB's 1, 2, 4, and 6, and the WRRB's 3,6, and 8.

266.28 KB

The developer's responses to ECCC's information requests 5 and 10.

188.67 KB

The developer's responses to the WRRB's information requests 3, 6 and 8.

297.06 KB

The developer's responses to the Review Board's information requests 1, 2, 4, and 6.

350.03 KB

A meeting report between the developer and ECCC regarding ECCC's information request #9 concerning migratory birds.

204.53 KB

The developer's response to the North Slave Metis Alliance information requests number one and three.

36.96 MB

The developer's resonse to Natural Resources Canada information requests including attachments.

4.11 MB

The developer's response to ECCC information requests 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 11, and 12.

57.5 KB

The developer's cover letter for information request responses for ECCC IRS 1,2, 3, 4,7, 11 and 12. And NRCAN IRS 1-7. And Review Board IRs 8 and 14. And NSMA IRs 1 and 3.

794.93 KB

The Tli?cho Government's response to information requests from MVEIRB: IR#9, IR#13, IR#18, and IR#20. And from the North Slave Metis Alliance: IR#2, IR#3, and IR#4.

145.02 KB

Information request respones from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to MVEIRB IR#5 and Environment and Climate Change Canada to the Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board IR #14.

176.78 KB

A letter from the developer to the Review Board regarding information response submission dates.

1.75 MB

On May 17, 2017 the developer hosted a technical review session of the Adequacy Statement Response. This document contains the meeting minutes and the developer's presentation.

353.25 KB

The WRRB requested an extension for submitting its first round of information requests untill June 2, 2017. The Review Board grants this extension.

128.45 KB

A letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board regarding the first round of information requests. The Tlicho Government has no information requests.

563.21 KB

A letter from the GNWT to the NSMA granting funding for a traditional knowledge study related to the Tlicho All-Season Road Environmental Assessment.

333.63 KB

This is an updated concordance table for the Developer's Adequacy Statement Response.

341.33 KB

This is a cover letter for the updated concordance letter.

171.69 KB

This notice of procedding provides direction on the first round of information requests.

224.24 KB

Updated workplan including dates for the next phase of EA.

72.47 KB

To assist the Board and parties in the assessment of barren-ground caribou

6.16 MB

NSMA Appendices to PR#98 with index. Tab 2: Letter from Canada to NSMA (16.08.2013); Tab 3: Letter from NSMA to Canada and GNWT (10.02.2014); Tab 4: Correspondence btwn NSMA and GNWT re caribou.

201.65 MB

NSMA Appendices to PR#98 with index. Tab 1: Documents filed with Supreme Court of NWT for Enge v. Mandeville, 2013 NWTSC 33. Refer to PR#98 for sections relevant to EA1617-01.

674.32 KB

NSMA response to Review Board's Oct. 28 Information Requests.

46.34 KB

Nothern Project Management Office provides an information request response regarding fish harvesting within the scope of the TASR project

1.86 MB

1997 DFO report by D.B. Stewart: "A review of the status and harvests of fish stocks in the North Slave area, Northwest Territories". Submitted by WRRB for Oct. 28 IR response.

414.2 KB

Response by WRRB to Review Board's Oct. 28 Information Request regarding potential aboriginal fisheries in the vicintiy of the all-season road and their potential impact from project activities.

113.58 KB

Review Board proceeding in response to a request for extension regarding the information requests issued by the Review Board on October 28, 2016.

52.47 KB

Letter from NSMA to MVRB requesting additional time to prepare responses to information requests.