
Welcome to the Mackenzie Valley Review Board

The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board's mission is to conduct fair and timely environmental impact assessments in the Mackenzie Valley that protect the environment, including the social, economic and cultural well-being of its residents.

Our mission is to conduct fair and timely environmental impact assessments in the Mackenzie Valley that protect the environment.


Request for Proposals for External Legal Services

Please note that there is a typo in the contact information section of the RFP.  Please send proposals to mcliffephillips@reviewboard.ca. Thank you

The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (Review Board) invites individuals and firms to submit a proposal for the provision of legal services in some or all the areas specified below for a five-year term.
Thank for your consideration of this proposal and for your interest in working with the Review Board.  More information is available on our employment and contracting page.

Now Hiring: Senior EA Policy Advisor

Deadline Extended- Applications are now due by December 6, 2024

The Review Board is hiring for a Senior Environmental Assessment Policy Advisor. Find more information about the job and how to apply here.

Important News:

A new Public Registry is Now Live. We are also thrilled to announce the soft-launch of our new website, where you can access our new public registry. We would love your feedback. For a seamless experience and to stay updated with the latest information, simply click the button below to toggle between both sites. We look forward to seeing you around!