There are a number of sources you can use for background information about the Review Board and ongoing assessments or initiatives.
For ongoing assessments
Aside from the public registry, which contains all the evidence the Review Board has on file, contact the developer of the project under assessment and visit its website to get more specific details about the development. Review Board staff will only be able to give you a cursory overview of the project. The developer is the best one to describe its own project. The Review Board members or staff will not do this for you in an interview.
Depending on how early it is in the assessment, there may or may not yet be a list of registered participants. Generally, after the Developer's Assessment Report is submitted, the Review Board asks groups to identify themselves if they wish to formally participate in the process. These are typically the groups who will be most involved in providing evidence to the Board. Please consider contacting these groups to find out more about their positions and the evidence they submit to the file. Again, the Review Board members or staff will not do this for you in an interview.
For ongoing initiatives
The Review Board often highlights its on-going initiatives in its monthly on-line newsletters. In the News section of the website you will find current news items, but you can also go through the News archives.
Additionally, the reference library includes a listing of submissions the Review Board has made regarding various external initiatives.
For more information, please contact the Administrative Assistant, Catherine Janz, at (867) 766-7050, or at