Joint Review Panel issues report
The Joint Review Panel has issued its final report on the Mackenzie Gas Project. You can find it [here][1] on the Northern Gas Project Secretariat’s website.
The Joint Review Panel has issued its final report on the Mackenzie Gas Project. You can find it [here][1] on the Northern Gas Project Secretariat’s website.
The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and on behalf of the responsible ministers, has agreed to adopt the Review Board's recommendation to approve Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd. Dehcho Geotechnical Program (EA03-009) with modifications to the mitigation measures.
To download a copy of the Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision as well as the minister's decision letter, the modified measures and other documents from the environmental assessment visit the
online public registry for Imperial Oil Resources Ventures Ltd's Dehcho Geotechnical program.
The Gahcho Kue Panel is soliciting proposals from qualified persons or firms to assist in the environmental impact review of De Beers’ Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine Project. This Request for Proposals is soliciting expertise to provide the Panel with technical advice in any or all of the following key themes:
Proposals must include a detailed description of services offered, qualifications of personnel providing the services and associated daily rates, and must be received by 5:00 p.m. (MST), November 13th, 2009.
A detailed description of the scope of work is available by downloading the attached RFP document or by contacting Alan Ehrlich, Panel Manager.
Gahcho Kue Panel
c/o Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
P.O. Box 938 #200 Scotia Centre, 5102-50th Avenue
Yellowknife, NT
Tel: (867) 766-7056
Fax: (867) 766-7074
The Executive Coordinator provides executive assistance and support to the Executive Director as required.
Reporting to the Executive Director, the Executive Coordinator is also responsible for the coordination and professional support to the Review Board’s strategic and business planning process, as well as the provision of policy development and research support services for the Board. Further, the Executive Coordinator is responsible for providing confidential secretary services to the Board during meetings and/or proceedings.
For a copy of the job ad or to learn about other job opportunities, check out the job opportunities page or contact Vern Christensen at (867) 766-7053 or
The Review Board is looking for a Senior Environmental Assessment Officer to join our environmental impact assessment team.
The Senior Environmental Assessment Officer will be responsible for planning and facilitating environmental assessments of proposed developments. The incumbent will ensure a high level of quality in the Review Board’s processes and will assist the Review Board in developing policy and position papers, and guidelines regarding the environmental impact assessment (EIA).
For a copy of the job ad or to learn about other job opportunities, check out the job opportunities page or contact Martin Haefele at (867) 766-7053 or
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board is soliciting proposals from qualified persons or firms to assist in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc Corporation’s Prairie Creek Mine.
The Review Board is seeking expertise to provide technical advice in the following key themes to be considered during the environmental assessment:
A detailed description of the scope of work is available by downloading the attached RFP document or by contacting the Review Board office.
Proposals, which include a detailed description of services offered, qualifications of personnel providing the services and associated daily rates, should be forwarded to the Review Board office by 5:00 p.m. (MST), September 25, 2009.
For more information contact:
Chuck Hubert, Environmental Assessment Officer
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
P.O. Box 938
200 Scotia Centre, 5102-50th Ave.
Yellowknife, NT
Tel: (867) 766-7052
Fax: (867) 766-7074
Want to find out what is happening with the Review Board's environmental assessments and impact reviews?
Download this month's copy of Valley Talk Newsletter or visit the Status of assessments page in Review Board 101.
The Review Board is looking for an Environmental Assessment Officer to join our environmental impact assessment team.
The Environmental Assessment Officer will be responsible for working closely with Review Board stakeholders in planning, facilitating and completing environmental assessments of proposed developments. The incumbent’s duties include writing briefing notes and reports about a development proposal or an issue, establishing budgets and work plans for the conduct and completion of environmental assessments, and preparing draft policy and position papers regarding the environmental impact assessment process and other matters.
For more information check out the [Job Opportunities][1] page or contact Martin Haefele at (867) 766-7053 or
The Review Board is hiring a summer student to provide support and assistance to the Manager of Environmental Impact Assessment in coordinating the Review Board’s environmental assessment processes.
For more information, please go to "About Us" section of the website -> Job Opportunities .
The Review Board has a new section to its website called **[Review Board 101][1]**.
In this new section, visitors will find:
- overviews of who the Review Board is
and what it does;
- short status updates on current
- a list of upcoming deadlines and
- redesigned process diagrams; and
- an interactive environmental
assessment diagram.
Visitors to the web page can find this section by clicking the Review Board 101 banner on the bottom left of the homepage.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board has made a few changes to its public
registry's online subscription service.
**Fewer email notifications**
To cut down on the amount of email the system is sending you,
you will no longer receive instant notifications when the Review Board
uploads new documents. Instead you will receive one email at the end
of the day listing the documents uploaded that day for each active
assessment you subscribed to.
You can always visit the website throughout the day to view documents
uploaded, or you can subscribe to our RSS Feeds if you wish to receive
instant notifications.
**New subscription types**
To create more transparency in our process, we are asking
subscribers to update their accounts and identify whether they are an
observer or designated contact for the assessments they have
subscribed to. The default has been set to "observer"
If you subscribe as a designated contact, it means you are the
recognized contact responsible for your organization's participation in
the assessment. Being a designated contact does not register you as a
The Review Board will post the official distribution list and the
names of the individuals and organizations listed as designated
contacts on the public registry from time to time.
If you are not the official contact or do not want to be listed on the
distribution list, you should choose "subscribe as an observer".
**Update your account**
You can update your subscription account by visiting:
[1]: "Email subscriptions manager"
The Review Board has released the December issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
- Danny Bayha re-appointed
- Discussion paper released
- NWT Board Forum identifies research
- What we do - translator workshops
- Updates on environmental assessments
and reviews
The Review Board has released the November issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the October issue of its Valley Talk newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the September issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the August issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the July issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the June issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the May issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
----Topics include:----
- Making a Greener Workplace
- Updates on environmental assessments
and environmental impact reviews
- This is what we do: Socio-economic
impact assessment
The Review Board has released the April issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
- New tools to help you understand the
- Updates on environmental assessments
and environmental impact reviews
- PDAC 2009
- This is what we do: Incorporating Traditional Knowledge
The Review Board has released the March issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the February issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter!
--- Topics include: ----
The Review Board has released the first issue of its Valley Talk Newsletter for 2009!
--- Topics include: ----
A discussion paper entitled: [A Framework for Determining Whether a Proposed Development is Likely to be Cause of Significant Public Concern][1] has been posted to our website. In order to help us refine our guidelines about the concept of “Public Concern” as it applies to environmental assessment or environmental review, the Review Board would like your comments and suggestions about the contents of this document.
Please send your comments to: before December 1, 2010.
Do you want an e-copy of all the Review Board publications? Don't want to download them all from the Reference Library? Then you need the Review Board's 2009 Reference CD!
--On the CD, you will find:--
You can email Renita Jenkins, Manager of Communications or call 867-766-7051 to request your copy of the Reference CD.
The Review Board is pleased to announce that it has released its 2008-09 Annual Report. Inside the report, you can read about all the assessments, impact reviews and strategic initiatives the Review Board worked on over the past fiscal year.
As part of our commitment to reduce our paper use, this document is only available in electronic format. You can download a copy from in the Reference Library -> Corporate documents -> Annual reports and strategic planning or from this news item.
The Review Board has released a status report and information circular about the Cultural Impact Assessment Guidelines development process.
The document is intended:
- to show interested parties how the
Review Board is developing Cultural
Impact Assessment Guidelines for the
environmental impact assessment
process in the Mackenzie Valley and
to encourage public participation in
the guidelines development process;
- to provide answers to some frequently
asked questions about cultural impact
assessment; and
- to identify some cultural impact
considerations related to resource
development activities in the
Mackenzie Valley identified so far in
our engagement with communities.
You can download a copy of the document from the Reference Library in the Cultural Impact Assessment Resources section.
You can now download plain language handouts explaining each phase of an environmental assessment in the Mackenzie Valley.
These handouts are available in the step-by-step through the process section of the Reference Library.
The Review Board is completing the scoping phase of the environmental assessment of Fortune Mineral Ltd.’s proposed Nico Project,a cobalt-gold-bismuth mine. This scoping phase is an opportunity for the public to voice any concerns they may have about a particular development.
On November 2nd and 3rd 2009, the Mackenzie Valley Review Board will be hosting a public meeting in Wekweeti, called an issues scoping session for the environmental assessment.
**Wekweeti, NT**
Arbour Building
November 2nd, 2009: 11am – 10pm (lunch and dinner provided)
November 3rd, 2009: 9:00 am - 12pm
The developer and interested parties are advised to consider Fortune Minerals Ltd.’s application documents for the proposed development, which includes project descriptions. This information is available on the Review Board’s public registry at EA0809-004 Nico Project's public registry.
Please contact Chuck Hubert with any questions you may have about this environmental assessment.
The Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and on behalf of the responsible ministers, has formally adopted the Review Board's recommendation to approve Paramount Resources Ltd.’s Significant Discovery Licence 8 2D
Geophysical Program (EA0506-007), as modified by the developer’s commitments, and subject to the Review Board's recommended mitigation measures.
To download a copy of the Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision as well as the minister's decision letter and other documents from the environmental assessment visit the
online public registry for Paramount Resources Ltd.'s SDL8 Geophysical Program.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board is reviewing the preliminary screening of True North Safaris General Wildlife Application pursuant to its authority under ss.126(3) of the *Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act*. The Review Board has requested that the Department Environmental and Natural Resources, GNWT not issue the permit before May 26th, 2009 to allow time for the board to review the screening.
An **Other Board Decision** public registry file has been opened for the screening review. You may access the public registry online by visiting this link: True North Safaris: Black Bear Baiting - OBD0910-001
**Please note the email subscription service feature is not available for this file.** If you wish to be informed of public registry updates, please contact Alan Ehrlich via email or by calling 867-766-7056. You may also set up an RSS feed for the assessment by clicking here: OBD0910-001 RSS Feed .
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board will host a technical session on May
27-28, 2009 at the Tree of Peace Friendship Centre in Yellowknife, NT.
This technical session will be a forum for participants in the environmental assessment of the Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project to discuss the Developers Assessment Report and to identify where additional information is needed for the upcoming information request submissions. The event is aimed mostly at the parties to the assessment but is open to the public.
Day 1: Key lines of Inquiry
Wednesday, May 27th, 2009
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tree of Peace Friendship Centre (Large Boardroom), Yellowknife
Day 2: Subjects of Note
Thursday, May 28th, 2009
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tree of Peace Friendship Centre (Large Boardroom), Yellowknife
See attached invitation letter for more information and a copy of the agenda. You can view the online public registry for this environmental assessment by visiting this link: Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project: EA0708-007 public registry.
You may also contact Tawanis Testart with any questions you may have about this environmental assessment.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board will be hosting public meetings, called issues scoping sessions, to find out what issues should be included in the environmental assessment of Fortune Mineral Ltd.’s proposed Nico Project,a cobalt-gold-bismuth mine, to be located approximately 70 km northeast of the community of Whati, NT.
***Technical scoping session:***
**Yellowknife, NT**
Tree of Peace Friendship Centre
Monday April 20th, 2009, 9am – 4:30pm
***Community scoping sessions:***
**Whati, NT**
Whati Cultural Centre
Monday, April 27th, 2009, 1:30 pm – 10pm
*supper provided*
**Behchoko, NT**
Behchoko Cultural Centre
Monday May 4th, 2009, 11am – 5pm
*lunch provided*
**Gameti, NT**
Gameti Communitiy Hall
Thursday May 7th, 2009, 3:30 pm – 10pm
*supper provided*
At these sessions, members of the public and interested organizations have the opportunity to share their views on what issues the Review Board should focus on during the environmental assessment of the proposed mine and its potential impacts on the environment and on the social, cultural and economic well-being of Mackenzie Valley residents.
Please contact Alan Ehrlich with any questions you may have about this environmental assessment. You can view the online public registry for this environmental assessment by visiting this link: EA0809-004 Nico Project's public registry.
Due to technical difficulties with phone lines at the arena, the Review Board is unable to webcast the live proceedings of the Selwyn mineral exploration program public hearing being held in Tulita today.
Transcripts will be available after the hearing and posted on the public registry. We apologize for the inconvenience.
For a copy of the draft agenda and other information related to the hearing, visit this environmental assessment's public registry.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board will be holding a public hearing in Tulita on April 7, 2009 to hear final issues and submissions of the parties, community and the developer for the environmental assessment of the Selwyn Project Mineral Exploration. This development is being proposed in Howard's Pass, Mackenzie Mountains.
Hearing Location: Fort Tulita, NT
Meeting place: Arthur Mendo Arena
Date: April 7th, 2009
Duration: 1pm until 7pm
Please contact Nicole Spencer with any questions you may have about this environmental assessment.
You can view the online public registry for this environmental assessment by
visiting this link: EA0708-001: Public Registry
On July 3rd, 2009, the Review Board submitted its report of environmental assessment on the proposed Selwyn Resources Ltd. mineral exploration project at Howard’s Pass to the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Please see attached news release for more information and click the link below to download a copy of the decision.
Cover Letter and Report of Environmental Assessment for Selwyn Resources Ltd.
Media are asked to contact Renita Jenkins, Manager of Communications at 867-766-7051 with any questions.