The Review Board is seeking technical advisory services from qualified persons or firms to assist in the environmental assessment of Avalon Rare Metals Inc.’s Thor Lake Rare Earth Element Project.
The Request for Proposals is soliciting expertise to provide the Review Board with technical advice in the following key themes to be considered during the environmental assessment:
- rare earth element mineralogy, metallurgy and environmental impacts – notably radioactive interactions and water quality – associated with the extraction and processing of rare earth element ore;
- mine components associated with rare earth element ore processing including surface-stored tailings and related facilities, underground tailings paste backfill, and waste rock piles;
- surface and subsurface hydrology and hydrogeology; and
- interaction of underground tailings paste backfill with groundwater movement through the mine development area.
Proposals, which include a detailed description of services offered, qualifications of personnel providing the services and associated daily rates, should be forwarded to the Review Board office by 5:00 p.m. (MDT), April 29th, 2011.
A detailed description of the scope of work is available by downloading the attached RFP document or by contacting Martin Haefele, Manager of Environmental Impact Assessment at the Review Board.
Martin Haefele
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board
P.O. Box 938 #200 Scotia Centre
5102-50th Avenue
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N7
Tel: (867) 766-7053
Fax: (867) 766-7074