News Archives
News Releases
Holiday Open House
The Review Board invites you to its Holiday Open House on December 11, 4:00-6:00pm
#200 2nd Floor Scotia Center
Resource Co-management Workshop Registration
Registration is now open for the Resource Co-management workshop in Yellowknife February 4-6 2020.
A draft agenda is included with the registration poster.
The link for registration is below.
Save the Date! MVRMA Workshop February 4-6 2020 Explorer Hotel, Yellowknife
This is information and the Save the Date Poster for the upcoming MVRMA Workshop to be held February 4-6 2020 at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife.
For MVRMA 2020 Workshop updates, please continue to visit the News Section here at .
Development of a Joint Policy on Engagement and Consultation
The Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board are pursuing the development of a joint engagement and consultation policy.
The Ten-Day Pause Period for Preliminary Screenings
With the enactment of Bill C-88, the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board has published a reference bulletin explaining the ten-day pause period for preliminary screening decisions.
Percy Hardisty passing
The Review Board is saddened to learn of the passing of Mr. Percy Hardisty on Wednesday April 17, 2019.
We extend our condolences to his wife Betty, and his entire family. Mr. Hardisty is remembered for his dedication, tireless work and his voice of advocacy for the Deh Cho region.
Mr. Hardisty served as a Board member with the Review Board for multiple terms until March 2014.
Environmental Assessment Updates
Media Information Sheet for Diavik EA Public Hearings
Information sheet for media containing information for the public hearings for EA1819-01: Depositing Processed Kimberlite in pits and underground - Diavik DIamond Mines Inc.
Participant Funding now available for EA1819-01
Participant funding is now available for the Environmental Assessment of Diavik's Proposal to Deposit Processed Kimberlite into Pits and Underground. The Participant Funding Guide and the Participant Funding Application are available on the public registry of this environmental assessment. These documents include the details of who can apply and how, as well as who to contact with additional questions.
New EA on proposed Diavik activities
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board has decided to conduct an environmental assessment on Diavik's proposal to put processed kimberlite into mined-out pits and underground mine workings.
General Review Board Announcements
Interim Policy Statement on Engagement and Consultation
The Review Board is adopting the MVLWB Engagement and Consultation Policy on an interim basis, while we work to develop our own engagement and consultation policy and associated guidance materials.
Informational Brochure - Draft EA Initiation Guidelines
This informational brochure provides a summary of the EA Initiation Guidelines initiative, the goals, and the expected benefits to participants in the MVEIRB's EA process.