Depositing Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground - EA1819-01
Document List - Assessment/review startup
A joint letter from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board and the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board in response to Diavik's June 19 letter (PR#64).
A letter from Diavik to the Review Board and the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board, requesting an updated on the MVEIRB-WLWB coordinated process for the Processed Kimberlite to Pits and Underground project. See PR#3 for the Boards' original joint letter in February 2019.
GNWT's response to the Review Board's letter (PR#57), indicating the GNWT intends to fully participate in this EA and at the public hearings.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Fisheries and Oceans Canada participation in this environmental assessment.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Environment and Climate Change Canada participation in this environmental assessment.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Government of the Northwest Territories participation in this environmental assessment.
A letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board, describing the relevant roles and expertise of GNWT departments in this environmental assessment.
Updated letter from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board about participant funding allocations.
Letter from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board about participant funding allocations.
Letter from Environment and Climate Change Canada to the Review Board regarding species at risk considerations in EA1819-01.
Request for extension to the participant funding application deadline submitted by Fort Resolution Metis Council.
This Notice of EA and Initiation of Aboriginal consultation letter from the GNWT to the Akaitcho Pre-screening Board includes the March 15th letter from the GNWT and GoC to the Akaitcho Dene First Nation Chiefs (PR#28).
An updated notice to parties from the Review Board regarding the participant funding available for EA1819-01.The deadline has been extended to April 12th. The original notice was released on March 20th with a deadline of April 5th.
The Participant Funding Application Form for parties to apply for participant funding for the Environmental Assessment of Diavik's Proposal to Deposit Processed Kimberlite into Pits and Underground.
The Participant Funding guide for parties to apply for participant funding for the Environmental Assessment of Diavik's Proposal to Deposit Processed Kimberlite into Pits and Underground.
A letter from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board to Environment and Climate Change Canada identifying the species under the Species at Risk Act that might be affected by Diavik's proposed project (EA1819-01).
The letter's sent to indigenous governments and organizations from the GNWT Department of Lands and the Government of Canada's Northern Projects Management Office, notifying groups of the environmental assessment for Diavik's project (EA1819-01) and the initiation of the governments' consultation on the project. PR#35 is a similar letter from the GNWT to the Akaitcho Pre-screening Board.
A letter from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board to the Distribution list regarding the notice of referral to environmental assessment of DDMI's Depositing of Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground.
A joint letter from the WLWB and the Mackenzie Valley Review Board outlining their commitment to coordinate their activities regarding the assessment of Diavik's application of Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board's Reasons for Decision to order an Environmental Assessment of Diavik Diamond Mines's proposal to deposit processed kimberlite in pits and underground.
Notification of the Mackenzie Valley Review Board's decision to refer Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.'s proposed changes to its processed kimberlite containment to Environmental Assessment.