Depositing Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground - EA1819-01
Document List - Information requests
Notice of proceeding on how parties can respond to the evidence provided by Diavik in response to the Review Board's supplemental information request through the public hearing phase of this EA.
Diavik's responses to Review Board supplementary information requests #1-4 and timeline for response to supplementary information request #5
A letter from the Review Board requiring clarification and more detailed information on several topics. The letter identifies five supplemental information requests for diavik to respond to.
Part 3 of 3 of the attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). PDF's include: the TK Panel session report Our Youth Our Future, DDMI's cover letter to MVEIRB re 2nd round IR's, Tlicho Government's summary of recommendations, and Tlicho Governments Diavik Report (1999).
The attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). PDF includes: Part 2 of the TK Panel Reefs and Water Monitoring Report, the TK panel Session report on Caribou and NCRP Closure Plan, and the TK Panel session report on options for processed kimberlite.
The attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). Index to the pdf's included on the first page of the document.
The ORS comment table from the Information Requests for EA1819-01.
NWT Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation - Akaitcho IMA Implementation Office response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Federal department responses to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (PR#43). Includes: Transport Canada's response to Question 6; Environment and Climate Change Canada's responses to Questions 2, 4, and 5; and, Fisheries and Oceans Canada's responses to Questions 2 and 3.
Fort Resolution Metis Council response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
North Slave Metis Alliance response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43). Includes the 1999 NSMA Can't Live Without Work report referenced in NSMA's response to the Review Board.
Deninu Kue First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43). Includes the 2012 Deninu K'ue Ethno-history report referenced in DKFN's response to the Review Board.
Northwest Territory Metis Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Government of the Northwest Territories response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information request (Question 2, PR#43).
Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Tlicho Government response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board response to the Review Board's April 26th, 2019 information request (Question 2, PR#43).
Yellowknives Dene First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26th, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Reminder to all parties that the Review Board requests parties and the developer submit meeting reports for meetings that discuss EA issues.
Letter from the Review Board to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation in response to the June 6, 2019 extension request.
A notice of proceeding describing the Review Board's decision to grant Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation's request for a two-week extension for preparing information requests.
Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation's request for a two week extension for preparing information requests.
Diavik's Summary Impact Statement, in response to Review Board information request #1 on the online review system.
At the request of Lutsel K'e First Nation (LKDFN), Review Board staff have removed PR#44, which containted LKDFN's initial response to the Board's information requests.
Note to file describing a meeting between Review Board staff and Diavik staff on April 30, 2019.
In order to help describe and evaluate the potential impacts of the project, the Review Board is seeking information from parties to EA1819-01. This document includes all of the Review Board information requests to parties. This file was updated on April 29, 2019.
A notice of proceeding from the Review Board, describing the information request stage of the environmental assessment.