Mackenzie Gas Project - EIR0405-001
Document List - Minister's decision and final measures
Volume 2: Technical considerations: Implementing the decision. Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Regulatory review process, Chapter 3: Environmental and socio-economic matters, and Chapter 4: Development fields
The Federal Minister and Responsible Ministers, under the Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act (MVRMA), have made a decision on the Environmental Impact Review of the Mackenzie Gas Project which was made under subsection 135(1) of the MVRMA This is a combined response is under the authority of the MVRMA and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).
Volume 1: Respecting all voices: Our journey to a decision. Part 3: Production, The transmission pipelines and Part 4: Our decision
Volume 1: Respecting all voices: Our journey to a decision. Part 1: The project as a whole and Part 2: Production, gathering and processing systems
Volume 2: Technical considerations: Implementing the decision.Chapter 5: Routing and land matters, Chapter 6: Facilities, Chapter 7: Economic feasibility, Chapter 8: Toll, tariff and access provisions, Chapter 9: Consultation, Chapter 10: National Energy Board lifespan regulation, Chapter 11: Disposition, and Appendices