Drybones Bay mineral exploration - EA03-004
Document List - Public hearings
There will be a public hearing in Yellowknife on October 11 & 12 to discuss exploration in the Drybones/Wool Bay area. There will be a pre-hearing conference on Sept 22/23.
The developer requests that the hearing date be moved to October 2/3.
Pre-hearing will now be on November 4, 2003 and the public hearing will be held on November 18/19, 2003
Announcement of pre-hearing conference and public hearing.
Information about public hearings and rules regarding third party representation.
Environment Canada's completed pre-hearing conference worksheet
DKFN will be represented by Diane Giroux at the public hearing.
Deadline for pre-hearing conference worksheets and the developers responses to the submissions.
NSMA will be unable to make the deadline for pre-hearing conference worksheets.
Gartner Lee Ltd.'s Presentation for the Public Hearing
Laurie Stevenson and Max Braden will be representing NSV at the public hearing.
LKDFN presentation and list of representatives for the joint public hearing.
Update on Elders session and revised agenda for the public hearing.
Notice to all parties that public hearing transcripts are available online and where to find them.
This file is too large to place on the public registry. For a copy of the presentation contact us directly.