Wool Bay exploration drilling - EA03-003
Document List - Developer's Assessment Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Displaying 5 documents.
49.89 KB
List of drill locations for the Drybones Bay/Wool Bay area, both for diamond exploration programs proposed by Consolidated Goldwin Ventures and North American General Resources, Akaitcho region.
2.53 MB
For North American General Resources' diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool bay, Akaitcho region.
811 KB
Sites of several planned developments, including North American General Resources' diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool bay, Akaitcho region.
8.1 MB
Map showing detailed geography of Drybones Bay/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.
774.82 KB
Map showing geography of Drybones Bay/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.