Summit Creek Exploration Well - EA03-001
Document List
For Northrock Resources' exploratory oil & gas program at Summit Creek, Sahtu region.
For Northrock Resources' exploratory oil & gas program at Summit Creek, Sahtu region.
Timeline for the environmental assessment of the Summit Creek project by Northrock Resources, Ltd
For Northrock Resources' exploratory oil & gas program at Summit Creek, Sahtu region.
For Northrock Resources' exploratory oil & gas program at Summit Creek, Sahtu region.
Letter from the Sahtu Land and Water Board referring Northrock Resources' oil & gas exploration project at Summit Creek, Sahtu region for Environmental Assessment.
MVEIRB notifies Northrock that their Summit Creek project has been referred to EA.
Northrock expresses concerns with the length of the EA process and the short amount of time left on their exploration license.
Staff Report from SLWB on Northrock resources' Summit Creek LUP and WL application.
SLWB's report on the proposed Northrock project, after being asked to reconsider their prior decision.
Fax of the letters received by the SLWB from the other referral agencies involved.
Northrock informed the Tulita District Land Corp, Tulita Renewable resources Council and Fort Norman MActis Land Council that they have managed to set up a meeting with MVEIRB in Yellowknife.
A copy of the report on the ice profile, conducted recently at the proposed Keele river crossing.
CPAWS comments on the Draft terms of reference and work plan for the Summit Creek project.
Note from MVEIRB to Distribution List Re: Notice of Referral to Environmental Assessment. This document also contains all the forms required to remain on the distribution list.
Notes of all issues and topics covered in the meeting.
Environment Canada's comments on the TOR and Work Plan
Northrockƒ_Ts comments on the draft terms of reference and work plan.
RWED's comments on the draft terms of reference and work plan.
DFO's comments on the draft terms of reference and wok plan.
RWED offers their assistance to expedite the process in any way possible.
MVEIRB's application to lease the community hall in Tulita on May 15th.
Fax of Northrock's DAR and the form for identification of EA roles.
MVEIRB's presentation for the Tulita meeting on may 15th
Response to notice of non-conformity
Distribution of MVEIRB's Information Requests and confirmation of directly affected parties.
Northrock's response to MVEIRB's IR.
Sahtu Renewable Resources Board's response to MVEIRB's IR
MVEIRB invites all directly affected parties and interveners to submit any IR's they may have. This correspondence also includes a formatting guide for IR's.
More responses from Northrock to IR's Submitted by MVEIRB.
CPAWS submission of IR's for the proposed Summit Creek Project.
MVEIRB sends a copy of all the IR's and all the responses, to the distribution list.
MVEIRB confirms receiving CPAWS IR and informs them that their IR will be issued to Northrock
MVEIRB informs the distribution list that Northrock's DAR is now available and provides them with a copy of all the completed identification of EA roles forms.
INAC will not be submitting a Technical Report on the Summit Creek project as it stands.
Summary record of the Tulita community hearing regarding the Northrock Resources Ltd. B-44 Environmental assessment
Maps and Cultural/Heritage Information on the Proposed Study Area.
MVEIRB contacted SLUPB to see if they wished to have directly affected party status.
Letter from INAC to MVEIRB accepting their findings in the REA and adopting the recommendations.
David Etchinelle is concerned with his ability to continue harvesting in the area around Stewart Lake because of the Northrock's proposed development.
NEB as the designated regulatory agency has decided to adopt MVEIRB's recommendations.
Sahtu Land and Water Board has decided to approve Northrocks application for LUP and WL.
Northrock's winter workers appeared to be using water from the Stewart Lake to make snow and this was lowering the level of the lake and effecting peopleƒ_Ts ability to harvest fish. This was being done against the request that no water be used from that
Northrock would like to amend their LUP to allow for a winter airstrip to support construction.
MVEIRB thanks SLWB for bringing the proposed changes to their attention and confirms details of a phone conference earlier that week. MVEIRB also provided suggested measure and guidance for the amendment to the LUP