Summit Creek Exploration Well - EA03-001
Document List - Information requests
Displaying 9 documents.
578.21 KB
Distribution of MVEIRB's Information Requests and confirmation of directly affected parties.
213.65 KB
Northrock's response to MVEIRB's IR.
360.76 KB
Sahtu Renewable Resources Board's response to MVEIRB's IR
413.27 KB
MVEIRB invites all directly affected parties and interveners to submit any IR's they may have. This correspondence also includes a formatting guide for IR's.
282.76 KB
More responses from Northrock to IR's Submitted by MVEIRB.
451.39 KB
CPAWS submission of IR's for the proposed Summit Creek Project.
5.24 MB
MVEIRB sends a copy of all the IR's and all the responses, to the distribution list.
191.1 KB
MVEIRB confirms receiving CPAWS IR and informs them that their IR will be issued to Northrock