Cameron Hills Extension Project - EA03-005
Document List - Public hearings
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter informs the Board of a possible conflict with the Dehcho Leadership Meeting and requests a date change for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Paramount Resources' presentation regarding the cumulative effects of their past, current and future planned developments at Cameron Hills, South Slave region.
Resumes for the witnesses presented at the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Notes on Paramount Resources' presentation at the public hearing for the Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Package includes a draft agenda for the pre-hearing conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region, an attendence form, and pre-hearing conference worksheets.
Intended as an aid for party's preparation for the Pre-Hearing Conference in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
People attending the community meeting held at Kakisa for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Notes for community meeting held at Kakisa for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
For the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter confirms dates for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave.
Letter informs the Review Board of a possible conflict with the Dehcho Leadership Meeting and requests a date change for the public hearing for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
A list of attendees and the Pre-Hearing Conference Guide in preparation for the pre-hearing conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region
Letter confirms attendence of the party at the Pre-Hearing Conference for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project.
Communication between Ka'a'gee tue and MVEIRB requesting meeting between KTFN and MVEIRB in Kakisa.
MVEIRB's response to KTFN's request for public hearings in Kakisa.
Fax from MVEIRB to KTFN : MVEIRB plans to have a public hearing in Kakisa but no date has been set as of yet.
Public Notice for the Environmental Assessment of Paramount resources and the public meeting to be held in Hay River.
Letter from MVEIRB to KTFN expressing their wish to have a community meeting in Kakisa.
Reply from MVEIRB to KTFN regarding the possible conflicts with Regional Deh Cho leadership meetings and rescheduling the public hearing dates
Pre-Hearing Conference held for the Paramount Resources Ltd. Cameron Hills Extension Project at 2:00 pm on Monday, February 2, 2004.
Completed pre-hearing participation form - K'Atlodeeche First Nation - Participating Via Teleconference
INAC and INAC South Slave's Completed Pre-Hearing Participation forms
Paramount Resources Ltd. Returning its completed pre-hearing conference worksheet.
Fax - MVEIRB forwards a copy of all the completed pre-hearing conference worksheets to Paramount.
Fax. MVEIRB forwards a Draft agenda for the pre-hearing conference to the distribution list and Paramount Resources Ltd
List of all parties participating in the pre-hearing conference
Listing the duration of the FPMC presentation for the Public Hearing
Email: MVEIRB requests that KTFN submit their presentation material as soon as possible.
The speakerÆ’_Ts agenda for the Katlodeeche at the Hay River Public Hearing
A list of questions the KTFN and the FPMC have for the MVEIRB and the Public hearing in Kakisa
List of all parties participating in the Paramount Resources, Cameron Hills Extension project Public Hearing, Hay River
Email containing the answers to questions he was unable to answer at the public hearing.
Some suggested changes to the Notes from the Comunity Meeting in Kakisa