Drybones Bay mineral exploration - EA03-006
Document List - Terms of Reference and workplans
Includes request for party standing submissions for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.
Comments provided from the Department of Fisheries & Oceans on the draft terms of reference for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.
An email requesting a electronic copy of the DToR be emailed to the developer, and a letter which comments on the DToR.
Comments regarding the draft terms of reference and workplan. Also, confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development Corp.
The first letters regards comments on the Draft Terms of Reference for the EA of Snowfield Development. The second letter comments on the YKDFN's views regarding their lackp of EA referral authority.