Drybones Bay mineral exploration - EA03-006
Document List - Developer's Assessment Report/Environmental Impact Statement
Additional submission to Snowfield Development's Developer Assessment Report, map of FATE claim geological anomaly.
Submitted for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program in Drybones/Wool Bay area.
Notice that the Review Board has reviewed Snowfield's DAR and found that it did not conform to the terms of reference.
A fax that was sent to the distribution regarding Snowfield Development's failure to conform to the terms of reference. (The letter dated August 23, 2003 that was sent to the developer was attached).
The Developer's response to the non-conformity decision from the Review Board. Distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list.
Letter from MVEIRB explaining the deficiencies found in the Developers Assessment Report and what information is required to correct these deficiencies.
Excerpt from the final EA terms of reference to be considered in accordance with the letter sent to Snowfield Development from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board dated August 29, 2003.
Letter regards MV2003C0023 LUP application. Letter is in response to the secondary deficiencies in the DAR. (A copy of this letter was distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list).