SDL 8 2-D Geophysical Program - EA0506-007
Document List
A response letter from the Chair of the Review Board to Paramount Resources regarding their letter dated June 3, 2010.
A letter from Paramount Resources recieved by the Review Board regarding measures in the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision EA0506-007.
Notification from the Review Board to Paramount Resources regarding the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs decision on SDL8 EA 0506-007 as well as notification from the National Energy Board on the recommendation.
Notice from National Energy Board regarding the Ministers decision of the Paramount Resources Ltd. SDL8 Geophysical Program and the Review Boards recommendations on that environmental assessment.
Correspondence from INAC Minister Chuck Strahl accepting the Review Board's recommendation that the Paramount 2D Geophysical Program (0506-007) proceed to the regulatory stage of approvals without an environmental impact review.
For Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program environmental assessment, Dehcho region. There is no terms of reference for this proceeding as the Board determined that no developer's assessment report is required.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2004. Prepared by the Oil and Gas Commission. Available at the Review Board office.
Letter from MVEIRB notifying Parties that the deadline for submitting Information Requests has been extended one week until May 12, 2006
This letter outlines Paramount's response and opinion on the Report of Environmental Assessment issued by MVEIRB.
A letter, dated Feb 17, 2006 from Pat Duxbury, MVEIRB EAO to Mr. Albert Lafferty, which responds to some concerns that were outlines in Mr. Lafferty's letter to the MVEIRB, date Feb 13th, 2006. The concerns were largely about consultation efforts towards
A letter from the Ft. Providence Metis council regarding concerns about MVEIRB consultation efforts directed to the NWT Metis Nation
A request from the Government of the Northwest Territories, Department of Environment and Natural Resources to extend the deadline submission of its Boreal Caribou IR one week.
Letter from Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation to MVEIRB regarding EA process and scoping concerns.
Summary of the presentation given by Paramount Resources Limited at the Community Hearing in Hay River regarding the SDL8-2D seismic program.
A request from the Ka'a'Gee Tu First Nation to suspend the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region, until certain court proceedings are completed. This file contains the request only, not the supporting document
Notice to all interested parties that a request to suspend the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management for Northeast British Columbia, Volume 2. Prepared for the BC Oil and Gas Commission Muskwa-Kechika Advisory Board. March 2003. 104 pages.
Full title: Boreal Caribou Habitat and Land Use Planning in the Deh Cho Region, Northwest Territories. Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, Yellowknife, NT, 2004, 57 pages.
Response to request for ruling on staying the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region. Also contains request for party status.
Notification of Environmental Assessment referral/start up to Paramount Resources regarding their 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Public notice of the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources regarding their 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Response to request for ruling on staying the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region. Also contains request for party status.
Notification letter, distribution list, and distribution list return fax to potentially interested parties to Paramount Resources regarding their 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Response to request for ruling on staying the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region. Also contains request for party status.
Comments on responses to their request for ruling on staying the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Signed version of reasons for decision to deny the Ka'a'Gee Tu First Nation's request to suspend the Environmental Assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
A request from the Ka'a'Gee Tu First Nation to suspend the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region, until certain court proceedings are completed.
Map showing esisting linear disturbance in Cameron Hills area. Produced by GNWT Forestry Division.
Application including development description submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board for Paramount Resources' seismic 2D program, Dehcho region. File number MV2005B0021.
Comments the MVLWB received during the preliminary screening for Paramount Resources' seismic 2D program, Dehcho region. File number MV2005B0021.
Response to request for ruling on staying the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
For Paramount Resources 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Brief notice that MVEIRB denied Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation's request to suspend the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Notification of a planned scoping hearing for Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Letter to interested parties regarding the upcoming scoping hearing and pre-hearing conference for Paramount Resources' 2D seismic program, Dehcho region.
Notes from the Pre-Hearing Conference for this EA. The conference was held in Yellowknife on February 13th, 2006.
Poster distributed to a number of community organizations to advertise for the community hearing held in Hay River on Feb. 28, 2006.
Letter of response from MVEIRB regarding concerns brought forward about issues scoping and EA process from Allan Landry, Ka'a'Gee Tu First Nation
Summary of the Issue Scoping Community Hearing held on Feb. 28, 2006 in Hay River as part of the environmental assessment of the SDL8 seismic program
First Round Information Requests from MVEIRB to Parties. These IRs were issued by the Review Board on April 6, 2006.
Term of Reference and Work Plan for the SDL8 environmental assessment. Paramount will be expected to respond to the terms presented here in the form of a Developer's Assessment Report
Letter from MVEIRB regarding the issuance of its Terms of Reference and Work Plan, as well as the 1st round of Information Requests, for the envionmental assessment of the SDL8 seismic program.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2004. Prepared for the Deh Cho Land Use Planning Committee.
Information Request Responses 13 and 14 from the National Energy Board
Fort Providence Resource Management Board's response to Information Requests 4 and 5 that were issued to Deh Gah Got'ie Dene Band and Metis Local #57/
Paramount Resources' Developers Assessment Report for the SDL8 environmental assessment
Information Request Response 10, 11 and 12 from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Response to Information Requests numbers 7, 8 and 9 for Paramount Resources' seismic exploration program, Dehcho region.
Background information booklet on the Boreal Caribou and their current status as a species at risk. Submitted by the GNWT for Paramount Resources' seismic program, Dehcho region.
Information Request response from Environment Canada.
Document entitled "NWT Species at Risk - Are Caribou Important to You? Boreal Caribou Conservation in the Northwest Territories" Attached to GNWT-ENR Information Request Responses
Letter, dated May 29, 2006 from MVEIRB to Paramount regarding conformity of the Developers Assessment Report. Paramount has been requested to reissue several items of information.
A letter from MVEIRB to Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation, Katlodeechee First Nation and Northwest Territory Metis Nation reagarding Information Requests responses that have not been yet filed with the Review Board.
Letter to Environment Canada from the MVEIRB as Section 79 of the Species at Risk Act requires notification of an EA that may affect a listed wildife species (Boreal Caribou).
A map of Cameron Hills Timber Supply Area which is appended to the Government of the Northwest Territories' response to Information Request 7.
Addendum to the Develops Assessment Rerport for the SDL8 EA. Mainly covering vegetation and cumulative effects issues.
Surface map depicting surface geological formations in the SDL8 area and surrounding region as required in the Developers Assessment Reports
Information Request Response (#2) from Katlodeeche First Nation
A letter from MVEIRB to the SDL8 distribution list regarding the conformity of the DAR and future direction
Email from Joe Acorn, consultant for Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation to Pat Duxbury, MVEIRB Environmental Assessment Office, regarding process concerns over the SDL8 environmental assessment
An email from Shirley Maaskant, Paramount Resources Ltd. in response to question posed by Pat Duxbury regarding the development history of the SDL8 area.
Letter from MVEIRB regarding extension of final comments deadline. The deadline is now July 21st, instead of July 7th.
Letter from MVEIRB to parties notifying them about Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation's request for ruling
Letter from Katlodeeche First Nation in response to the request for ruling put forward by Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation.
A letter from David Livingston, INAC to MVEIRB regarding its opinion on the matter of Ka'a'gee Tu First Nations request for ruling regarding information requests
A notification from MVEIRB, that pursuant to KTFN's request for ruling, the deadline to submit final comments has been extended to July 21st.
Email from Joe Acorn, consultant for Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation, to Pat Duxbury, MVEIRB, regarding the comments received from parties related to KTFN's Request for Ruling
Letter detailing the Review Board's decision on Ka'a'gee Tu First Nations Request for Ruling. A modified work plan is also described.
Notification by the MVEIRB concerning the issuance of round 2 information requests.
Reasons issued by MVEIRB regarding the acceptance, rejection or modification of Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation requests for information submitted to the MVEIRB.
Submission by KTFN of requests for information regarding the SDL8 environmental assessment.
Round 2 Information Requests issued to Paramount, INAC, NEB and the GNWT.
A request for Joe Acorn, consultant for Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation, to extend the date for submission of final comments to the SDL8 EA.
2nd Round Information Requests responses from Paramount Resources Ltd.
2nd Round Information Request Response for the Government of the Northwest Territories
Second Round Information Request responses from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Further documentation is expected regarding these IRs and it is expected around Sept 1.
2nd round Information Request Responses from the National Energy Board
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's response to Information Request #27. The IR response includes inspection reports regarding Paramount's Cameron Hills projects.
Technical Report from the Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation on Paramount Resources' SDL8 environmental assessment
Technical report prepared by the Government of the Northwest Territories, Environment and Natural Resources division regarding the SDL8 environmental assessment
Technical Report from Environment Canada regarding the SDL8 environmental assessment
A notification of references that may be considered by the Review Board during its deliberations on the SDL8 environmental assessment
Notification of Paramount's Request for Ruling regarding the use of documents in draft status.
Technical Report from Paramount Resources Ltd. on regaring the SDL8 environmental assessment
A response to Paramount Resources Ltd's Request for Ruling from the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee.
Response submitted by Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation regarding Paramount Resources Ltd's Request for Ruling
A submission by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding Paramount Resources Ltd's Request for Ruling
A letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories- Environment and Natural Resources concerning Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Request for Ruling.
MVEIRB reasons for decision regarding Paramount's September 25, 2006 Request for Ruling regarding use of draft documents and issues related to the Decho Land Use Plan
Letter to the Minister of INAC from Gabrielle Mackenzie-Scott regarding the issuance of the Report of Environmental Assessment for Paramount's proposed SDL8 geophysical seismic program.
The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board's Reasons for Decision and Report of Environmental Assessment for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resource Ltd.'s SDL8 2-D geophysical seismic program in the South Slave.
A letter from Gabrielle Mackenzie-Scott to the National Energy Board regarding MVEIRB's issuance of its Reasons for Decision and Report of Environmental Assessment for the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s SDL8 geophysical seismic pro
Additional information submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board in the course of the preliminary screening process for Paramount Resources' seismic 2D program, Dehcho region. File number MV2005B0021.
This letter is in response to a December 21, 2006 letter Paramount Resources sent to the Review Board.
A letter from Bob Overvold to Gabrielle Mackenzie-Scott, thanking MVEIRB for providing the Report of the Environmental Assessment
February 2, 2007 Letter from Paramount to MVEIRB requesting a response to its questions about the determination of significance and the selection of mitigation measures in the SDL8 EA. Note: This letter was received by the Review Board on February 8, 20
A letter dated February 23, 2007, from Vern Christensen, MVEIRB to Shirley Maaskant, Paramount Resources Ltd. in response to concerns raised by Paramount regarding significance determination and mitigation measures of for the SDL8 EA.
Information Request response (#1) from K'a'gee Tu First Nation. Please contact the Review Board for a copy of this document.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2005. Prepared by the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada - Northern Oil and Gas Branch. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2004. Prepared by the Oil and Gas Commission. Available at the Review Board office
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2003. Prepared by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2004. Prepared by the Prmbina Institute. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2002. Prepared for Lawson Lundell - Barristers and Solicitors. Prepared by Low, C.A. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2006. Prepared by the Deh Cho Land Use Planning Committee. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2003. Prepared by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2004. Prepared by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP). Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2003. Prepared by the Boreal Caribou Committee. Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2005. Prepared by the Boreal caribou committee(BCC). Available at the MVEIRB office.
A reference document MVEIRB may use in its deliberations on the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources Ltd.'s Significant Discovery Licence 8, 2D Geophysical Program (SDL8). Published in 2002, Prepared for Environment Directorate, INAC, Yukon. Prepared by Anderson, R.B., Dyer, S.J., Francis, S.R., and Anderson, E.M. Available at the MVEIRB office.
This report was too large to put on the registry. For those interested, please contact MVEIRB for a copy.