Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine - EIR0607-001

Document List - Hearing follow-up

Displaying 24 documents.
413.33 KB

This is a note to file that advises that the the public record is now closed.

380.5 KB

This is the closing argument from De Beers Canada.

232.06 KB

This document advises parties that a traditional knowledge report has been submitted to the Panel by the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation and is accepted under confidential cover.

1.21 MB

This is the Closing Statement from Environment Canada.

4.98 MB

This is Part 1 (pgs 1-240) the Deninu Kue FIrst Nation ethno-history report.

134.31 KB

This is the closing statement from Deninu Kue First Nation.

134.31 KB

This is the coomplete Closing Statement from Deninu Kue First Nation. The first half page of text did not appear in the original submision. This document contains the complete text.

7.12 MB

This is the Ethno-history submission part 2 from Deninu Kue First Nation.

581.39 KB

This is the joint submission from aboriginal groups and De Beers on Ni Hadi Yati.

2.06 MB

This is the Closing Statement from Tlicho Government

662.06 KB

This is the interim TK Report submitted by the North Slave Metis Alliance.

687.4 KB

This is the closing statement from North Slave Metis Alliance.

153.55 KB

Closing statement from Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

746.05 KB

Closing statement from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.

467.07 KB

This is the closing statement from Transport Canada.

727.84 KB

This is the closing statement from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation.

368.12 KB

This is the Closing Statement from the Government of the Northwest Territories.

1.9 MB

This is the closing statement from Natural Resources Canada

477.25 KB

Yellowknives Dene First Nation Closing Statement

362.99 KB

Undertaking #2 submitted by De Beers - consolidated commitments Table.

3.27 MB

This is part 2 of Undertaking #3 submitted by the Government of the Northwest Territories. "Demonstration Project on Cumulative Effects". Authors, Nishi and Gunn

4.53 MB

This is the draft report Modeling Cumulative Effects in Barren-ground Caribou Range submitted by the GNWT as part of Undertaking #3.

225.61 KB

This Hearing Directive set dates for post-hearing filings and closure of the public record.

887.83 KB

Undertaking #1 submitted by AANDC from the Gahcho Kue Hearings of December 6, 2012. The Undertaking includes a list of CIMP Bathurst Caribou Herd Projects and the Strategic Plan to 2015.