Pine Point Pilot Project - EA0607-002
Document List
Correspondence from INAC Minister Chuck Strahl accepting the Review Board's recommendation that the Tamerlane Pine Point Pilot Project proceed to the regulatory stage of approvals without an environmental impact review.
Letter sent from INAC to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board on March 5, 2008, requesting that the regulatory process for the Pine Point Pilot Project not start until the Responsible Ministers make their MVRMA Section 130(1)(a) decision, which the R
The Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for EA0607-002, Tamerlane Ventures Inc's Pine Point Pilot Project, issued February 22, 2008.
Letter from the Deninu K'ue First Nation stating concerns with the time associated with release of the Report of Environmental Assessment.
Letter from Gabrielle Mackenzie-Scott, Chairperson of the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, regarding the issuance of the Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment and Reason
Response from the MVEIRB to David Swisher of Tamerlane Ventures Ltd.'s letter of February 7, 2008.
MVEIRB's letter of response to Chief Alec Sunrise's letter of February 7, 2008.
Letter from the Katlodeeche First Nation to MVEIRB of February 7, 2008, expressing concern about the length of time being taken to complete the Report of Environmental Assessment.
Letter from Tamerlane Ventures to MVEIRB of February 7, 2008, expressing concern about the length of time being taken to complete the Report of Environmental Assessment.
Final comments by the Fort Resolution Metis Council in regards to the proposed Pine Point Pilot Project.
Update from Review Board staff reminding Parties that the deadline for any comments on this file is November 6, and the Public Record will close November 7.
Government of the Northwest Territories' responses to undertakings #4 and #5 (a and b) from the October 16th Public Hearing on the Pine Point Pilot Project.
Tamerlane Ventures' response to IR#55, with a variety of clarifications on commitments made by the developer during the course of the Pine Point Pilot Project EA.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's response to the Undertaking #1 from the October 16th Public Hearing on the Pine Point Pilot Project, identifying programs the federal government supports for traditional harvesters displaced by industrial activities.
Environment Canada's response to Undertaking #3 on wildlife commitments made by Tamerlane Ventures, coming out of the October 16 Public Hearing on the PPPP. Indicates that wildlife concerns dealt with by Tamerlane's commitments.
A notice from the MVEIRB of materials placed on the public registry since October 24, that the deadline for submissions from parties has been extended to Tuesday, November 6 to accomodate time for comments on the developer's response to IR#55, and that th
Cover letter and IR#55 from MVEIRB to the developer, regarding requests for clarification on a draft commitment table (NOTE: COMMITMENTS TABLE PROVIDED AS SEPARATE DOCUMENT ON PUBLIC REGISTRY).
Part of IR#55 from the MVEIRB to the developer, asking for clarification as necessary of commitments by the developer identified from the public registry.
Response comments from the developer to the Deninu Kue's final analysis document of October 29.
This is a notice that a DVD copy of the audio of the Public Hearing held in Fort Resolution is on the public record at MVEIRB's offices in Yellowknife. The file is too large for the website.
Final analysis from the Deninu K'ue First Nation of the PPPP EA prior to the closing of the public record, with 5 recommendations for the MVEIRB to take into consideration. Submitted October 29, 2007.
A list of commitments from Tamerlane Ventures on how species at risk surveying, monitoring, management and reporting will occur, largely in response to the recommendations given by Environment Canada at the October 16 public hearing.
A notice that the full transcript from the October 16, 2007 Public Hearing in Fort Resolution is now available at \r\n
Letter from Tamerlane regarding the measures to be implemented for ambient air quality and particulate matter monitoring.
MVEIRB memo to Distribution list on clarification of undertakings accepted by specific parties and information on the deadlines and date of closure of the public record.
a copy of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's "Mine Site Reclamation Policy for the Northwest Territories", not to be confused with the "Mine Site Reclamation Guidelines for the Northwest Territories", which is located on this Public Registry, 2007 versi
Speaking notes from a verbal presentation provided by the Deninoo Community Council at the Public Hearing of October 16, 2007.
Powerpoint slides from the final hearing presentation provided by the Fort Resolution Metis Council to the Review Board at the Fort Resolution Public Hearing of October 16. NOTE: THIS PRESENTATION REPLACES PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED PROPOSED HEARING PRESENTATIO
Revised hearing presentation material submitted and presented on October 16 at the public hearing in Fort Resolution by the Deninu Kue First Nation. NOTE: THIS MATERIAL REPLACES THE PRESENTATION SUBMITTED BY THE DKFN ON 2007-10-09.
Presentation provided by the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board on October 16 for the Public Hearing in Fort Resolution.
Revised public hearing presentation to replace October 10 version, by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada
Prepared by the Department of Environmental Conservation, State of Alaska. This report is referenced in the presentation by Environment Canada for upcoming public hearings.
by Ford, J and Hasselbach, L. Western Arctic National Parklands, National Park Service. This report is referenced in upcoming Environment Canada public hearing presentation.
Spatial Patterns of Cadmium and Lead deposition on Lands near Red Dog Mine, Alaska: NPS Final Report
National Park Service, Alaska. This report is referenced in the upcoming Environment Canada hearing presentation.
A report of a an Air Quality Assessment by RWDI Consulting for Tamerlane Ventures, of the Pine Point Pilot Project.
Summary of questions to be posed by the Katlodeeche First Nation at the forthcoming hearing in Fort Resolution.
Updated from October 5 submission by Environment Canada.
Resume of credentials for Adrian Brown, water expert being used by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada at the Public Hearing.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's hearing presentation slides. NOTE: LATER REPLACED BY FINAL HEARING PRESENTATION MATERIAL DATED 2007-10-17 ON THIS PUBLIC REGISTRY.
Summary and presentation speaking notes from the Fort Resolution Metis Council. NOTE: THIS PRESENTATION REPLACED BY FINAL HEARING PRESENTATION MATERIAL DATED 2007-10-17 ON THE PUBLIC REGISTRY.
A two page summary of the highlights of the Developer's forthcoming hearing presentation.
Notice of new material placed on the public registry on october 5, in advance of the public hearing.
Tamerlane Ventures' response to concerns raised in Technical Reports from INAC and Environment Canada, as well as Technical Comments provided by the Review Board's expert advisory team.
Proposed public hearing agenda and notes from Sep 27 pre-hearing conference.
Notice that Bruce Halbert of SENES Consultants, will be attending the Tamerlane Public Hearing on October 16, with resume attached.
Speaking notes for Mayor John Pollard's Public Hearing presentation
Comments from Jesse Jasper of Environment Canada, identifying historic documentation by the NWT Water Board on Cominco's Pine Point mine's impact on surface vegetation and groundwater.
Technical comments on water issues from the members of the expert advisory team retained by the Review Board to assist in the evaluation of the PPPP.
Notice that the Review Board has conferred party status to the Deninoo Community Council of Fort Resolution.
Final meeting minutes from Technical Sessions held on July 17-18, 2007 in Hay River.
A report of discussions between Tamerlane and officials with the GNWT's Department of Transportation, regarding the proposed lined settlement pond east of the PPPP site.
Additional information from the developer on basal inflows to the mine, as required in IR46 submitted by INAC.
Supplemental response to second round IR 37, detailing the flood risk level associated with the ore loadout facility, and mitigations in construction of the facility to prevent flooding.
Supplemental information from the developer outlining how an "injection well" works, with examples.
Response, received on September 11, 2007, of IR42 from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Their response addresses what provisions in current reclamation bonding protects the people of the Mackenzie Valley from environmental and financial costs associate
MSDS sheets supplied by the developer for all new reagents planned for use in the additional froth flotation circuit of the ore beneficiation process.
A note that Audio CDs of the Technical Sessions in Hay River on July 17 and 18 have been distributed by mail to all Parties to the EA. These files are much too large to go on the website. Others interested in listening to the Technical Sessions audio can contact the Review Board.
Notice that the Review Board has received from the developer Chipewyan and South Slavey versions of the executive summary of the development proposal (from the DAR) in audio MP3 files. These files are very large, but will be distributed to parties on CD via mail upon request. Contact Alistair MacDonald at MVEIRB for a copy - ph:867-766-7052.
A package of information to help Parties prepare for upcoming steps in the environmental assessment, issued by the Review Board on August 31, 2007. Includes deadlines for Technical Reports of September 21, date of September 27 for Pre-Hearing Conference,
Response from Tamerlane Ventures on Second Round IRs 35 and 38. IR 35 response is especially important for consideration because it identifies components of the proposed development that have changed since the issuance of the Developer's Assessment Report
Information from Adrian Brown Consultants, provided as an undertaking from the Hay River Technical Sessions, identifying work done for the Diavik Diamond Mine Ammonia Management Plan, assessing ammonia concentrations for mines utilizing emulsion/ANFO mixe
The entire Diavik Diamond Mine Ammnonia Management Plan Review Panel Report, dated Feb 9, 2007, submitted by Adrian Brown Consultants to the Review Board. Relevant to the consideration of ammonia concentrations likely to occur from blasting. Note: this is
Official notice from the MVEIRB that Party Status has been given to the Katlodeeche First Nation.
Official notice from the MVEIRB that a Public Hearing will be held in Fort Resolution on October 16, 2007, for EA 0607-002.
A question posed for the public record by the Deninu Kue First Nation on August 23, 2007, related to the need for more information about the proposed "Injection Well" water discharge system. Subsequent discussions between Review Board and DKFN staff hav
Following up on an undertaking from the Technical Sessions in July, the Review Board staff identified specific topographic and drainage basin images from material already on the public record - from a study done by Beak Consultants for Western Mines in 19
Case study communities and bibliographic sources included. Citation: Western Economic Diversification Canada (2006). The Resilient City: Hope for Resource-based Communities.
Citation: Infrastructure Canada (February 2006). Planning for a Soft Landing: Non-renewable Resource Development and Community Infrastructure in the Northwest Territories. A Research Backgrounder Prepared for the Experts Workshop on Northern Communitie
Citation: Infrastructure Canada (November 2005). Northern Communities: Boom Bust and the Role of Infrastructure. Ministry of Municipal and Community Affairs, Government of the Northwest Territories.
Article #1 of four referred to in IR responses #16 and #39 from Tamerlane Ventures, on potential for boom-bust effects and strategies for avoiding. Citation: Government of Canada (June 2006). From Restless Communities to Resilient Places: Building a
Second Round IR responses received from Tamerlane Ventures on August 15, 2007. Responses to IR # 35 and #38 are not included, and some other IRs cite forthcoming information. The Review Board has requested better quality map images to accompany this infor
Please find attached the 2nd Round of Information Requests issued by the MVEIRB for EA0607-002 to the developer and parties. IR's 35-43 are directly from the MVEIRB; IR's 44-54 were proposed by other parties. In some cases, the MVEIRB will have slightly
Comments received on August 9, 2007 from the Deninu Kue First Nation, calling for a public hearing in the community of Fort Resolution for the Pine Point Pilot Project EA.
Letter of August 9, 2007 from the FRMC to the Review Board identifying two general areas of concern that they feel merit further study: Woodland Caribou and impacts of mining on water and aquatic life in the Great Slave Lake near the proposed project.
correspondence from Environment Canada and the GNWT related to their opinion on the need for site specific air quality assessment
Correspondence between the Katlodeeche First Nation and the federal minister relating to concerns from the KFN about EA timelines.
A traditional knowledge study, confirmed for public release by the KFN on August 8, 2007. Note also that the cover letter requests that the KFN be allowed to defer comments on the need for public hearings until after a meeting with the Deninu K'ue First N
Proposed 2nd Round IRs, received August 8, 2007 from the GNWT. Questions relating to training and contingency planning for water disposal in case of a fault in the injection well system. PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE NOT OFFICIAL 2ND ROUND INFORMATION REQUESTS.
Comments from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, received August 7, 2007, on the need for a public hearing on the Tamerlane Pine Point file.
Comments received by the Review Board on August 7, 2007, from Environment Canada, stating a need for IRs on air quality issues, and making comments on the need for public hearings versus written submissions.
Notification of the Review Boards reconsideration of need for Public Hearing and issuance of 2nd round of IR's.
In response to an undertaking from the technical sessions for the proposed Tamerlane project, the developer has submitted this report from an expert consultant.
Comments received from Samuel Gargan, Assistant Negotiator for the Deh Cho First Nations, on July 30, 2007. Concerns expressed about possible downstream impacts of the proposed development.
Letter is an evaluation from an expert consultant regarding the potential for use of explosives in the mining of the R-190 deposit to lead to release of ammonia and nitrate. This is submitted as response to an undertaking from the technical sessions.
A letter from the developer in response to questions posed by ENR regarding types of oil heaters used, planned hazardous waste disposal and revegetation schemes. The original email from ENR is included as the last pages of this document.
Responses, relayed by the developer, from Layne Christensen, the main contractor on the freezewall technology, with regard to the freeze connections, brine and spill contingencies.
Surface topography in the area around the R190 deposit & Infiltration basin.
Schedule which better shows the timing between freezing the shaft and perimeter freeze wall as it relates to initial development.
Drill logs for holes near the infiltration basin and some near the R190 deposit. This was designed to show consistency in the overburden depths between the two. Attachment 1 show the numbered locations of drill holes on a map; Attachment 2 has drill logs
Results from modeling that show the projected base metal levels in tailings for the proposed project, using a Lock Cycle Test, and incorporating the additional froth flotation circuit into the analysis. submitted on July 25, 2007. further analysis forthco
A cover letter from Jesse Jasper of Environment Canada, explaining the reasons for putting the National Hydrological Research institute report by Udo Weyer (see in 6 parts on MVEIRB website - Technical Reports) and another study by Hocking, D. (1975).
Weyer, K.U. Salt dissolution, karsts geology, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point region, NWT. Vol (1). pgs 121-240.
Weyer, K.U. Salt dissolution, karsts geology, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point region, NWT. Vol (1). pgs 1-121.
Weyer, K.U. (1983). Salt dissolution, karst glacial, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point Region, NWT.
Weyer, K.U. Salt dissolution, karsts geology, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point region, NWT. Vol (1). pgs 1-121.
Weyer, K.U. Salt dissolution, karsts geology, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point region, NWT. Vol (1). pgs 1-121.
Weyer, K.U. Salt dissolution, karsts geology, glacial events and groundwater flow in the Pine Point region, NWT. Vol (1). pgs 1-121.
After further investigation Tamerlane has committed to using injection wells.
This document constitutes Appendix 3 (Chemical Analysis of Groundwater) from the Brown,Erdman and Associates pump test from 1980, and was confirmed by experts at the Technical Sessions held in Hay River to be an acceptable representation of likely groundw
Tamerlane Ventures Inc's presentation at the technical sessions held in Hay River on July 17-18, 2007.
An update from Tamerlane Ventures identifying changes to the power source plans for the PPPP, as of July 12, 2007, indicating a transition to hydro power from the Taltson Dam during the course of operations. Also included is correspondence between the dev
A list of water-related documents from the MVEIRB PPPP environmental assessment public registry, for technical experts to consider as they prepare for Technical Sessions.
Additional questions for consideration of Technical Experts in preparation for Topic 1 - Water inflows to mine - of the forthcoming Technical Sessions in Hay River on July 17-18.
A list of concerns arising from the Fort Resolution Metis Council's analysis of the PPPP Developer's Assessment Report. Issues related to freezewall and water will likely be discussed during the forthcoming Technical Sessions; for other issues (SARA speci
Correspondence between Tamerlane Ventures and Environment Canada concerning water treatment plant proposed for the processing facility and the concentrate facility. Specifications of the proposed water treatment facility are included, although information
Meeting notes from videoconference discussion between the developer, INAC, GNWT and Environment Canada, on July 5, 2007. Discussed was air quality, species at risk, and closure and reclamation.
A slightly changed 2007 version of the NWT Mine Reclamation Guidelines, developed by INAC. For consideration of the developer and parties for the Technical Sessions.
Forwarded to MVEIRB by INAC to follow up on response to IR #32, this document released in 1997 and written by Caroline Lafontaine, details research findings on "concentrations of metals and trace elements in muscle and liver of fish collected from Great S
Proposed questions for technical sessions from INAC, relating to closure and reclamation aspects of water quality and quantity issues. These questions have been appropriately incorporated into the final Technical Sessions - Topic #4 on Water Management.
Final agenda, format and topics for the July 17-18th Technical Sessions in Hay River.
Notes from pre-technical sessions meeting as compiled by MVEIRB staff in attendance.
The proposed agenda for Wednesday, June 27th's pre-technical session teleconference
Attached is the MVEIRBƒ_Ts preliminary questions on water issues for the upcoming technical session on Tamerlane Venturesƒ_T Pine Point Pilot Project.
An update of all information placed on the public record between June 4 and June 22, 2007. In addition, a reminder of where we are in the EA process.
Announcement by the Review Board that Technical Sessions on water chemistry and hydrology issues will be held in Hay River on July 17-18, and announcing a Pre-Technical Sessions Teleconference for June 27, 2007, along with teleconference info and tips she
Notification of the organizations given party status by the Review Board for the PPPP EA, on June 19, 2007
Responses from Tamerlane Ventures to the proposed technical meeting topics of the GNWT, INAC and Environment Canada, submitted June 19, 2007
Additional information provided by Tamerlane to support the response to IR 19 on details behind the preliminary laboratory bench-scale process water discharge analyses.
INAC suggestions for Technical Meeting topics, focusing on water and reclamation planning issues
Response from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to First Round IR #32, relating to update on status of historic Pine Point mining area, and any studies known of impacts of Pine Point mine on local/regional water quality.
Letter of support for PPPP from Chief Bill Norn of the Deninu Kue First Nation. NOTE: reference in the second paragraph should refer to Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Environmental Assessment EA0607-002.
Response from GNWT on IR0607-002-34, referring to updating of Guidelines for Dust Suppression.
GNWT suggestions for Technical Meeting Topics, focusing on water quality and waste products
List of Technical Meeting Topics suggested by Environment Canada, focusing on groundwater, air quality, waste disposal, Closure planning, post-closure monitoring and SARA species.
A letter of support for the PPPP from Hay River North MLA Paul Delorey, received June 8, 2007
Letter of support for PPPP, received from President Vern Jones of the Hay River Metis Government Council, on June 6, 2007
An update of all the documents placed on the public registry between April 20 and June 4, and update on the progress and next steps of the EA. Reminder that the deadline for Requests for Party Status has passed, and that all IR responses and Technical Mee
A letter of support for the PPPP from Hay River South MLA Jane Groenewegen, dated May 29, 2007.
Tamerlane Ventures Inc.ƒ_Ts response to the first round of of Information Requests
Report from the Review Board of a site visit made to the PPPP and proposed rail transfer facility, made on May 23, 2007.
Email correspondence between the MVEIRB and Mr. Greg McMeekin of Hay River.
Response to First Round IR #33 by Environment Canada, in which the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations are not considered to apply to the PPPP.
First Round of Information Requests from the Review Board to the developer and parties. Responses required by Wednesday, June 13, 2007.
This Technical Meetings Topic Questionnaire is for parties to report back to the REview Board on what topics, if any, they feel need to be addressed further in Technical Meetings. The Review Board will use the results to assist in determining whether to h
This is a notice that the Review Board has retained a team of expert advisors
On May 9, 2007, the Review Board issued Request for Party Status forms to the distribution list for the Pine Point Pilot Project EA, along with an explanatory letter. Forms are due back by June 1, 2007.
The files are too large to be placed on the website. These files are located at the MVEIRB offices.
Notice of a site visit to be conducted by the MVEIRB at the Pine Point Pilot Project location on May 23, 2007.
EA update from the Review Board, noting that the DAR has been found in conformity with the DAR, provided that material from the April 12 deficiency response is incorporated in. Parties can expect the DAR to be distributed by the developer within the next
A letter of support for the Tamerlane PPPP, received by the Review Board on April 18, 2007, from Chief Alec Sunrise of the Katlodeeche First Nation.
An email from Greg McMeekin of Hay River to the MVEIRB dated Feb 25, 2007, expressing concerns about potential future expansion of the Tamerlane mining operations toward the Buffalo River.
Deninu Ku'e Press Release dated March 2, 2007 entitled "DKFN do not reach agreement on Pine Point Pilot Project". Refers to negotiations on an Exploration Agreement.
A project update on the EA from the Review Board, with a summary of documents received and placed on the public record from February 14-March 8, 2007, and notice that the developer is working on a deficiency response.
A letter received by MVEIRB on February 24, from R. Swanson, expressing support for the proposed development.
a website document referred to the MVEIRB by Mr. Greg McMeekin of Hay River on February 21, 2007.
Copy of an email from Greg McMeekin of Hay River and response from MVEIRB, relating to concerns about Tamerlane's proposed development. Mr. McKeekin also refers to a web document available at in his corre
Letter of response from the MVEIRB to the Town of Hay River's letter relaying concerns about the information required of the developer in the Developer's Assessment Report. Issued February 16, 2007.
A copy of the January 2006 version of INAC's Minesite Reclamation Guidelines for the Northwest Territories.
A report by geological consultants G.H. Giroux and Ian McCartney on the geology of the Pine Point area, as well as some discussion of previous mining. 42 pages
Correspondence from Town of Hay River to MVEIRB on February 12, 2007, stating concerns about the Deficiency Statement issued by the MVEIRB to Tamerlane on January 22, 2007.
This 1998 study from the National Hydrology Research Institute looks at metals in water, sediments and fish in Resolution Bay of Great Slave Lake. A copy was forwarded by Tamerlane to the MVEIRB and a paper copy has been placed on the public registry. This file is too large to be placed on the website. Contact the MVEIRB for more information on how to access this report.
Due to copyright concerns, news media items will no longer be included on the public registry website. 3 items have been removed, and instructions in the attached file indicate how the Review Board will be treating future news items.
A deficiency statement issued by MVEIRB to Tamerlane, stating areas of the DAR submitted on Jan 4, 2007 that are not in conformity with the Terms of Reference for the EA, and detailing remaining questions that need to be answered before the DAR is deemed
Confirmation of MVEIRB's receipt of the DAR from Tamerlane on January 4, 2007 and description of the Conformity Check process.
Traditional Knowledge Study Summary Report - Fort Resolution
Comments from the Town of Hay River regarding the draft Terms of Reference for Tamerlane Ventures' Pine Point Pilot Project
Final Terms of Reference for Tamerlane Venture Ltd's Pine Point Project
Comments from Deninu Kue First Nation on the draft Terms of Reference for the environmental assessment of Tamerlane Ventures Pine Point Pilot Project
Comments submitted on the draft ToR for the Tamerlane PPPP environmental assessment by GNWT-Environment and Natural Resources division.
A letter, dated Sept 21, 2006, from Cece Heron, Northwest Territory Metis Nation, requesting an extension of the comment peridd for the draft Terms of Reference.
The Review Board's response to the Northwest Territory Metis Nations request to extend the draft ToR comment period. The Review Board has decided to stay with its current time lines.
Comments from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada regarding the draft Terms of Reference for Tamerlane Ventures' Pine Point Pilot Project
Comments from Environment Canada on the draft Tamerlane PPPP Terms of Reference
Comments from the Northwest Territory Metis Nation on the draft ToR for EA0607-002
Correspondence between NRCAN, Tamerlane Ventures and MVEIRB regarding the role of NRCAN as a responsible minister, specifically in regards to the use of explosives at the proposed project site.
Correspondence between INAC and Alistair Macdonald regarding a request by MVEIRB to have Wayne Starling be involved in the review of the draft ToR for the Tamerlane PPPP.
Comments from Tamerlane Venture Inc. on the draft Terms of Reference issued by the Review Board
Comments received from DIAND on September 6, 2006, with follow up questions and comments for Review Board and developer considertation, following the scoping sessions.
The Draft Terms of Reference and Work Plan issued by the Board on September 7, 2006. Comment deadline is 5pm, Thursday, September 21.
Comments from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation received on August 28, 2006.
List of available files on Pine Point area available at CS Lord; sent from Tamerlane to MVEIRB on August 22, 2006.
Comments and questions for the EA received from Kara King of Fort Resolution on August 18, 2006.
A Report by GTC Geologic Testing Consultants to Environment Canada on the Pine Point area, submitted March 30, 1983. Sent from Tamerlane Ventures to MVEIRB on August 22, 2006.
Environmental Evaluation submitted to Western Mines Limited in June 1980 on Great Slave Reef project (including R-190 property. Submitted by Tamerlane to MVEIRB on August 22, 2006.
Sent from DKFN to MVEIRB on August 24, 2006
An update of the EA with next steps and a list of recent files added to the public registry.
Final meeting report from MVEIRB of August 16, 2006 scoping session held at the Chief Lamalice Complex on the Hay River Reserve.
Final Meeting Report from MVEIRB of the Fort Resolution Scoping Session held on August 17, 2006.
Presentation given by MVEIRB on process of EA and purpose and goals of scoping sessions, August 16 and 17.
Document produced by the Deninoo K'ue First Nation at the Fort Resolution scoping sessions held on August 17, 2006.
Copy of the presentation given at scoping sessions in Fort Resolution and Hay River by Tamerlane Ventures.
Guidance from the Review Board that follow-up scoping submissions due by August 24.
Response from EC to MVEIRB re: notification of Section 79(1) that Species at Risk may have habitat within the area impacted by Tamerlane's Pine Point Project.
copy of an email/fax sent to the distribution list from MVEIRB on August 3, 2006, with maps of scoping session locations and recent documents added to public registry.
maps indicating directions to locations of scoping sessions in hay river (August 16) and Fort Resolution (August 17).
Response from Tamerlane to GNWT re: stated concerns from preliminary screening of Pine Point Project.
Response to issues raised during preliminary screening by Wayne Starling of INAC, including attachments.
Agendas for the scoping sessions on August 16 in Hay River and August 17 in Fort Resolution, along with some guidance from the Review Board to parties on how to prepare for the Scoping Sessions. NOTE: DATE ON DOCUMENT OF JULY 2 IS IN ERROR. DATE SHOULD BE
final minutes of a July 12th meeting between the developer, INAC, Environment Canada and GNWT departments to discuss issues brought up during preliminary screening.
An open invitation to all parties on the distribution list to join Tamerlane on a site visit at 9am, August 17th, between the two scoping sessions. Instructions to location included. Originally sent to all parties by Tamerlane on July 21.
Background article from 1976 submitted by Tamerlane
background article from 1969 submitted by Tamerlane
Research report by Brown, Erdman and Associates for Westmin Resources on the R-190 deposit, dated April 1982. cited by Tamerlane in correspondence to NWTMN dated July 21, 2006. NOTE: THIS IS A 3.6 MB FILE, 170 PAGES, AND MAY TAKE SOME TIME TO DOWNLOAD.
Tests on hydrogeology of R-190 deposit area by Stevenson International undertaken in 1983 for Westmin Resources. cited by Tamerlane in response to NWTMN dated July 21, 2006. NOTE: THIS IS A 8.6 MB FILE, 109 PAGES LONG, AND MAY TAKE SOME TIME TO DOWNLOAD.
Letter of July 21, 2006, where Tamerlane responds to concerns raised by Northwest Territory Metis Nation during preliminary screening. NOTE: attachments from developer added on August 2,2006
The MVEIRB is announcing the holding of Scoping Sessions in Hay River (August 16) and Fort Resolution (August 17).
Response to Natural Resources Canada survey on explosives proposed for use at Tamerlane's Pine Point Project.
A presentation and attachments given by Tamerlane to INAC and EC regarding specific technical concerns expressed during Preliminary Screening.
An email from Tamerlane to MVEIRB with attachment discussing additional testing being done on Dense Media Separation circuit proposed for Pine Point Project.
A letter from the Hay River Metis Council to Tamerlane, proposing further meetings.
All comments received from parties during the Preliminary Screening joined in one PDF document and distributed by MVEIRB on July 13, 2006. NOTE: ALL OF THESE DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE SEPARATELY ON THE WEBSITE AS WELL.
Email and questionnaire from NRCAN to Tamerlane requesting additional information about any explosives to be used in the Pine Point Pilot Project.
GNWT comments on the preliminary screening for Tamerlane Pine Point Project, received by Review Board on July 11, 2006
The distribution list for information about EA0607-002. If you are not on this list and want to be, contact Alistair MacDonald at or (867) 766-7052.
Notification letter required by section 79(1) of the Species at Risk Act that the Pine Point Project is proposed in the range of several SARA listed species.
An email and map indicating the location of a quarry and Town of Hay River recreation area in proximity to the Tamerlane Pine Point Project.
Presented by Tamerlane on May 30, 2006 to the Mineral Development Advisory Group in Yellowknife. contains project description details.
The Water License application MV2006L2-0003, for the Pine Point Pilot Project.
A telephone log from a discussion between MVLWB staff and INAC's Malcolm Robb, related to Dense Media Separation technology.
Initial cover letter and land use permit Application forms for the Pine Point Project, filed with the MVLWB on June 1, 2006. doesn't include water license application.
COmments filed on June 19, 2006, from Northwest Territory Metis Nation to MVLWB.
Questions about Tamerlane Development Description related to camp food and water.
Comments on Pine Point Project application by Indian and Northern Affairs to MVLWB, dated June 27, 2006.
A letter from Tamerlane to MVLWB re - follow up on questions about Dense Media Separation technology.
This document was submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board as part of the initial development application. It is a very large file (43.9 MB)that makes it too large for download. CD copies will be made available by the MVEIRB upon request.
Public notice that Environment Canada has referred Tamerlane Ventures' Pine Point Project to Environmental Assessment.
Refers Tamerlane Ventures' proposed Pine Point project to EA based on potential significant adverse environmental impacts. This project is located near Hay River and Fort Resolution, in the South Slave region.
Letter from MVEIRB to Tamerlane Ventures Inc. informing of referral of the Pine Point Project to EA
Letter comments on the importance of community based traditional knowledge.