Fuel Cache Retrieval and Clean-up development - EA00-002
Document List - Technical reports
Letter from MVEIRB to distribution list regarding a correction to the Technical Report timelines.
Letter updates the schedule of milestone dates for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Clean-up proposal.
Letter reminds of the upcoming deadline for technical reports and closure of the public registry for the Canadian Zinc environmental assessment.
Letter forwards the technical reports prepared by the Government of the Northwest Territories, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Environment Canada, and the Nahanni National Park Reserve on the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Cat Ca
Email has attached Nahanni National Park Reserve's Technical Report on the Prairie Creek development proposal by Canadian Zinc.
Nahanni National Park Reserve's Technical Report on Canadian Zinc's proposed Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval and Diamond Drilling Program at Prairie Creek, NT.
The Government of the Nortwest Territories' Technical Report on Canadian Zinc's proposed Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval at Prairie Creek, NT.
The Government of the Nortwest Territories' Technical Report on Canadian Zinc's proposed Diamond Drilling Program at Prairie Creek, NT.
Environment Canada's Technical Report on Canadian Zinc's proposed Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval and Diamond Drilling Program at Prairie Creek, NT.
Comments provided by the department of Fisheries and Oceans Fish Habitat Management division on the Conformity Reviews of Canadian Zinc's proposed developments at Prairie Creek.
Notifies distribution list of MVEIRB's receipt of Technical Reports from the Government of the Northwest Territories, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Nahanni National Park Reserve, and Environment Canada.
From MVEIRB to distribution list, attaching the Technical Reports from the department of Fisheries and Oceans and Environment Canada.
From the department of Fisheries and Oceans to MVEIRB attaching their Technical Review for the Canadian Zinc environmental assessments.