EL Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-004
Document List - Preliminary screening
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board staff report sent to Board members on August 10 in preparation for the preliminary screening decision on the land use permit application for the E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program.
Dated August 23, 2007 and received August 29, 2007. Referred MV2007C0010 to environmental assessment pursuant to subsection 125(1) of the MVRMA. Reasons for decision included.
This package of preliminary screening documents includes: letter from MVLWB to Bayswater requesting further information to support the El Lake LUP application; a revised LUP application from Bayswater and description of community meetings held; letters fr
The attached preliminary screening comments were provided by the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board to the MVLWB on August 10, 2007 in reference to the Bayswater Uranium exploration applications.