EL Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-004
Document List - Other public registry materials
Status report on the Upper Thelon Land and Resource Management Plan proposed by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, issued on December 7, 2007.
This is the Review Board's Reasons for Decision regarding evidence transfer for the Bayswater El Lake uranium exploration project.
A request from Joe Murdock on behalfe of the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation, requesting the Review Board grant an extension period for parties to comment on the Uravan and Bayswater proposed developments.
Note to file from the MVEIRB that extensions have been granted to all Parties and the developers for the submission of additional evidence to EAs 0708-002 through -005.
Comments forwarded by the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board to the MVEIRB in relation to the Uravan (South and North Boomerang Lake) and Bayswater Uranium (El Lake and Crab Lake) EAs in the Akaitcho Territory. Comments originally sent
Note to file stating that the Review Board has closed the public record and is proceeding with its deliberations on the information it has received
Attachment to letter from Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada re: evidence on the public records of EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in focusing the proposed studies and consultations for the Upper Thelon Land and Resourc
A letter from the Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada identifying evidence gathered during EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in defining the scope of studies and consultations required for the proposed Upper Thelon Land an