NICO Project - EA0809-004
Document List
This is a letter from the Grand Chief of the Tlicho Goverment to the MVRB Chair regarding a decision to adopt the Review Board's Report of EA with modified measure #8.
This is a letter from the AANDC Minister to the MVRB Chair advising that AANDC is adopting the recommendation of the Review Board with the modified measure #8.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the Tlicho Government regarding consulting on modification to measure #8 in Report of EA.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the AANDC Minister regarding consulting on modification to measure #8 in Report of EA.
This is a Note to File that describes the results of consultation with the Review Board on a proposed modification to measure #8 in the NICO Report of EA.
Response from Fortune Minerals to MVRB regarding proposed modifications to measure #8 in the NICO Report of EA.
Letter from Tlicho Goverment to Review Board re NICO Report of EA and proposed modification to measure #8.
Note to File from the Review Board asking parties to comment on Federal Minister's proposed modification to measure #8 of the NICO Report of EA..
Letter from the AANDC Minister to the MVRB Chair re: consultation on proposed modifications to measure #8 in Rport of EA.
Letter from NPMO to NSMA in response to May 21 and April 23 correspondence.
Letter from NSMA to NPMO regarding measure 8 in the NICO Report of EA
Letter from YKDFN to NPMO regarding measure 8 from the NICO Report of EA
Correspondence from YKDFN to NPMO on consultation for NICO Report of EA
Letter from NSMA to NPMO re consultation for NICO Report of EA
Letters from NPMO to Tlicho Government, YKDFN and NSMA inviting comments on the NICO Report of EA.
Letter from NPMO to YKDFN, NSMA and TG re invitation to comment on proposed modification to measure #8 in the NICO Report of EA.
Letter from Tlicho Government to MVRB regarding review of the NICO Report of EA and Reasons for Decision.
This is the corrected version of the NICO Report of EA and Reasons for Decision. The only change to the Report is the correct version of Appendix B, List of Developer's Commitments.
This is a Note to File with corrected List of Developer's Commitments. This corrects a clerical error in the NICO Project Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision, Appendix B.
Letter from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada acknowledging receipt of Report of EA.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals to the Review Board regarding the measures outlined in the Report of Environmental Assessment.
This is the letter of transmittal to the Tlicho Government regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment for the NICO Project.
This is the letter of transmittal to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada for the NICO Report of EA
This is the NICO Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision.
This Media Advisory states that the Report of EA will be released January 25, after 4 pm.
This is a note to file that advises parties that the public record is closed.
This is the Government of the Northwest Territories closing comments.
This letter contains new archaeology commitment wording that has been agreed upon by Fortune Mineral's and GNWT.
Letter from Lucy Lafferty regarding the NICO hearing in Behchoko October 11, 2012.
This is Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada's closing comments.
This is the Northern Projects Management Office's response to the Board IR regarding Tlicho consultation.
Hearing transcripts from October 11, 2012 Behchoko
Transcripts from hearings held in Behchoko October 10, 2012
This is the letter in response to the Review Board request for a complete record of consultation between the GNWT and the Tlicho Government.
Letter from Archie Wetrade of Gameti submitted during the hearing in Behchoko on October 11,2012.
The following document lists suggested mitigation presented during the public heraings related to the Tlicho Government's TK presentation of the TK Report.
This letter provides clarification regarding GNWT verbal comments on Wildlife Effects Monitoring commitments made by Fortune at the Public Hearing.
NICO hearing agenda - October 10-11, 2012 - updated to remove "opening statements" by Fortune Minerals and Tlicho Government as this is a resumed heaing.
This is the presentation for the Traditional Knowledge Study submitted by the Tlicho Government for the October 10 heairng.
This is the response from Tlicho Government to Undertaking #2 on Augsut 31 regarding the Island Copper Mine.
This is the Traditional Land Use, Occupancy and Knowledge along with the Socio-economic Baseline Study submitted by the North Slave Metis Alliance.
This is the Traditional Knowledge and Use Study submitted by the Tlicho Government.
This is the Ticho Government response to Undertaking #1 from the August 30 hearings in Behchoko.
This is the response from Tlicho Government to Commitment #2 from the August 31 hearing in Behchoko.
This is the NICO Project hearing agenda for October 10-11, 2012 in Behchoko.
This is a response to Undertaking # 4 from the public hearing in Behchoko on August 31.
This Note to File from the Review Board sets a due date for submission of the presentation for the Traditional Knowledge Study at September 25.
This is a letter from the Review Board to GNWT and NPMO that revises the due date for the submission of Tlicho Goverment consultation information to October 15, 2012.
This is a summary of undertakings and commitments from transcripts of the NICO Hearings held August 27-31.
This is a letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories regarding the Tlicho Goverment Traditional Knowledge Study submission.
This is the transcript for the NICO hearing held in Behchoko on August 31, 2012.
This is the transcript for the NICO hearing held in Behchoko on August 30, 2012.
This is the transcript for the NICO hearing held in Yellowknife on August 29, 2012.
This is the transcript for the NICO hearing held in Whati on August 27, 2012.
This is a letter tio parties asking if they wish access to the confidential portions of the Traditional Knowledge Study to be submitted to the Review Board September 15.
This is an updated Hearing Directive that confirms 2 additional hearing dates on October 10-11 and provides dates for final written submissions and closure of the public revord.
This is a hearing follow-up commitment submission from the Aug 29 hearing date from Contango Strategies Ltd. on behalf of Fortune Minerals that provides additional information on constructed wetlands treatment systems.
This is the Independent Environmental Oversight report dated February 2011 that the Review Board committed to place on the public registry during the NICO heairngs August 31, 2012.
This is a report titled "Evalutation of the Effectiveness of Biological Treatment of Mine Waters, MPERG 2010-4" provided by Fortune Minerals in response to a request from WLWB during the hearings for references to in-pit treatment of ope pit lakes.
This is a record of meeting minutes between the Government of the Northwest Territories and Fortune Minerals Limited - August 28, 2012.
This is the Tlicho Government presentation for the NICO hearing - Access Road.
This is the Tlicho Government presentation for the NICO hearings - traditional knowledge
Thgis is the presentation from the Tlicho Government for the NICO hearings - closure
This is the Tlicho Government presentation for the NICO hearings - water quality
This is the presentation from the Tlicho Goverment for the NICO hearings - caribou
This is the Tlicho Government NICO hearings presentation - Socio-economic
This is the NRCan presentation for the NICO hearings - hydrogeology and geotech.
This is the presentation from NRCan for the NICO heairngs - access road.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited in response to NRCan techncial report recommendations.
This is a letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board regarding section 127.1 of the MVRMA in response to a letter from the Review Board dated July 31, 2012.
This is a meeting report between NRCan and Fortune Minerals Limited on July 26 re: recommedations from NRCan's technical report.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO heairngs - water quality operations.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Water quality conceptual model closure.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Wildlife Effects Monitoring Program.
This is the Fortune Mienrals presentation for the NICO hearings - Project Description.
This is the Fortune Minerals presentation for the NICO hearings - Socio-Economics.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - NICO Project Access Road.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Constructed Wetland Treatment System.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Closure and Reclamation.
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Caribou
This is the Fortune Minerals Limited presentation for the NICO hearings - Air Quality
This is the Government of the Northwest Territories presentation for the NICO hearings - Socio economic.
This is the Government of the Northwest Territories presentation for the NICO hearings - Air Quality.
This is a letter from the North Slave Metis Alliance to Fortune Minerals re: Impact Benefit Agreement.
This is the North Slave Metis Alliance presentation for the NICO hearings.
This is the presentation from Fisheries and Ocenas Canada for the NICO hearings - road crossings.
This is the Fisheries and Oceans Canada presentation for the NICO hearings - water and fish.
This is the Government of the Northwest Territories wildlife presentation.
This is the Environment Canada presentation for the NICO hearings.
This is the Yellowknives Dene First Nation presentation for the NICO hearings.
This is the presentation from Transport Canada for the August 31 hearing in Behchoko.
This is the AANDC presentation for Closure and Reclamation, NICO hearing August 30 in Behchoko.
This is the AANDC presentation for water quality, NICO public hearing, August 29 in Yellowknife.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited re: response to a request for closure scenario analysis from the Review Board in its July 24, 2012 letter.
This is the cover letter from Fortune Minerals Limited regarding the respoinse to a request for closure scenario analysis.
This is a response from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development to the Review Board's letter of July 25 regarding perpetual treatment post-closure.
This is the technical report submitted by the North Slave Metis Alliance. It is submitted more than one month past the due date.
This is a letter from the GNWT to the Review Board regarding clarification on the Tlicho Road Route and the Tlicho Roads Steering Committee.
This document contains minutes for a meeting between GNWT and Fortune Minerals on June 20, 2012.
This is the Notice of the Rescheduled Public Hearing that will appear in printed media.
This is the revised agenda for the pulbic hearings for the NICO Project August 27-31, 2012.
This Note to File is a follow-up to the pre-hearing conference that outlines agreed upon hearing procedures, response to funding requests, and requests submission of hearing presentations by August 22.
This is a Hearing Directive prepared by the Review Board that describes process steps and due dates from the end of the public hearings to the closure of the public record.
This is an information request from the Review Board to the Government of the Northwest Territories requesting its consultation record with the Tlicho Government.
This is an information request from the Review Board to the Northern Projects Management Office requesting its consultation record with the Tlicho Government.
This is a letter from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board to the Tlicho Government regarding Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act requirements.
Letter requesting clarification on GNWT position regarding the Tlicho Road Route and NICO Project Access Road
This is a letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board submitted after the pre-hearing conference.
This is a letter from the Review Board to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development requesting a response to questions regarding perpetual treatment post-closure and security.
This is a letter from the Review Board that requests Fortune Minerals provide a response to questions regarding closure scenarios by August 20, 2012.
The attached brochure was prepared by the Tlicho Goverment and was released at the Tlicho Assembly. Tlicho Government requested that it be placed on the public registry.
This Note to File advises parties that the NICO hearings have been re-scheduled to August 27-31, 2012.
This is a letter from the Review Board notifying parties that the pre-hearing conference is re-scheduled for July 30, 2012.
This is a letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board regarding hearing dates.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals Limited in response to notice of postponment of the public hearings for the NICO Project.
This is a Note to File from the Review Board advising parties that the NICO Project public hearings are postponed.
This is a letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board regarding hearing dates and locations.
This is the cover letter submitted by Fortune Minerals for the updated commitments table and responses to Techncial Reports.
This is an unpdated list of commitments submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited.
This is a document submitted be Fortune Minerals that provides responses to recommendations made by parties in their Technical Reports.
This is a letter and technical memorandum from Fortune Minerals regarding an Update of Receiving Water Quality and Source Loading Predictions for the Operations Period with Revised Winter Dust Emission Assumptions.
This is a news release submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited that announces a FEED Study and new mineral reserves.
This is an updated draft agenda for the NICO Project hearings. The community hearing in Whati has been changed to August 3. The other dates and locations remain the same.
This is a Note to File from the Review Board that presents a draft agenda for the public hearings and gives a presentation due date of July 19.
This is the Tlicho Government Technical Report - Risk Assessment.
This document is part of the Technical Report submission from Tlicho Government.
This is a letter from Tlicho Government regarding technical report submissions.
This is a letter from the Review Board that requires Fortune Minerals to provide an updated commitments table a response document to the technical reports by July 6.
This is a Socio-economic meeting report between the GNWT and Fortune Minerals, May 17, 2012 and is submitted by the GNWT
This is the technical report from the Government of the Northwest Territories.
This is a letter from the Review Board that invites parties to attend a pre-hearing conference on July 13.
Government of Canada Horizons Policy Brief discussing the definition of 'Well-Being". Submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
This documnet provides a table of International Standards related to Human Rights at the Marlin Mine. It has been submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
The Declaration sets out the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples, as well as their rights to culture, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues. It has been submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
This document provides a summary of North Slave Metis socio-economic data between 1996 and 2005-2006. It has been submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
Perceptiions of the North Slave M‚tis Regarding the Socio-Economic Effects of Diamond Mining. This has been submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
North Slave Metis Alliance Environmental, Social, Economic and Cultural Concerns: A Companion to the Comprehensive Study Report on the Diavik Diamonds Project. This has been submitted as an attachment to the NSMA technical report.
This is the Technical Report from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
This is the Tlicho Government Technical Report - NICO Project Economic Update submitted by Tlicho Government.
This is the Technical Report - Whati Transportation Summary from Tlicho Government..
This is the Technical Report from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the Tlicho Government requesting a preliminary report of traditional knowledge study findings.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals Limited in response to the Tlicho Government letter concerning the Fortune traditional knowledge study.
This is a technical memorandum on revised site specific water quality objectives submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited.
This is a Public Notice advising parties and the public that hearings for the NICO Project will take place from July 27- Aug 2, 2012.
This document is submitted by the Tlicho Government and is titled "Insufficiency Report: Fortune Mineral's Traditional Knowledge Study, Tlicho Government Technical Report on the NICO Project - EA0809-004 (2009).
This letter from the Review Board advises parties that public hearings for the NICO Project will take place from July 27-Aug 2, 2012 and that technical reports are due from parties on June 15.
This is a letter from the TLicho Government to the Review Board regarding the public hearings.
This is a letter from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada regarding public hearing timing.
This is a letter from the North Slave Metis Alliance regarding public hearing dates and venue.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals Limited in response to the Tlicho Government request to delay public hearings for the NICO Project.
This document is submitted by Fortune Minerals and contains responses to informal second round information requests from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
This Note to File asks parties to submit their views on the Tlicho Government recommendation to reschedule the public hearings from the week of July 30-Aug 3 to October 2012.
This is a meeting report between Fortune Minerals, Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and Tlicho Government held April 18, 2012.
This is a letter from the Tlicho Goverment to the Review Board regarding timing of the public hearing.
This is the plain language summary of the Developer's Assessment Report for the NICO Project in the Tlicho language. It is the written form of the audio file of the DAR in the Tlicho language placed on the public registry September 23, 2011.
This document is titled "Boreal Caribou Habitat and Habitat Use in Wek'eezhii" and is submitted by the Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board in response to a Review Board information request.
This Note to File from the Review Board provides instructions for the preparation of technical reports and a deadline of June 15.
This is a response from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to Yellowknives Dene First Nation information request 2.5.
This is the cover letter for the second reound information request responses document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limted.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limted that contains responses to second round information requests.
This letter is a Government of the Northwest Territories response to Yellowknives Dene First Nation second round information request 2.5 regarding cumulative effects monitoring.
This is a letter from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada in response to Yellowknives Dene First Nation information request 3.1 regarding a security bond.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited regarding bench scale passive wetland testing results.
This document contains second round information requests from the Government of the Northwest Territories.
This is a report of a meeting between Golder Associates (representing Fortune Minerals Limited) and the Yellowknives Dene First Nation that took ploace on Feb 7, 2012.
This document contains second round information requests from the North Slave Metis Alliance.
This document contains second round information requests from the Tlicho Government.
This document contains second round information requests from Environment Canada.
This document contains second round information requests from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
This is a letter from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development regarding an April 18, 2012 meeting with Fortune Minerals.
This is the cover letter for the Human Health Risk Assessment submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited.
This is a document titled "Human Health Risk Assessment" sublitted by Fortune Minerals Limited.
This Note to File reminds parties that focused information requests are due April 20, 2012.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited titled "Incorporation of water quality predictions for reverse osmosis water treatment option into human health and ecological risk assessments".
This document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited is an update of receiving water quality predictions for the operations period with revised effluent treatment facility discharge quality.
This document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited is an informal undertaking that discusses disturbance to Bathurst caribou from future development at multiple spatial scales.
This is a document submittted by Fortune Minerals Limited titled "Aquatic Risk Assessment".
This is a document titled "Nico Mine Access - Proposed Bridge Marian River Crossing".
This note to file offers parties the opportunity to comment to Fortune Minerals on its Supplementary Baseline Plankton Study Plan.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the Wekeezhii Renewable Resources Board requesting information on woodland caribou.
This is a letter notifying parties that the Board will invite a second round of Information Requests for the NICO Project EA.
This is a letter for the officer in charge of environmental hearings regarding the NICO Project. It identifies some concerns about process delays in the EA.
This is a Notice of Discontinuance of Appeal in Tlicho Government and Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board dated February 29, 2012.
These are the Environmental Assessment Technical Session sign-in sheets for the Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project technical meetings held in Yellowknife, NT at the Tree of Peace from February 7-9, 2012.
Summary of the discussions that took place on Feb 8, 2012 between Golder (representing Fortune Minerals Limited) and NRCan regarding groundwater TDS and borehole overlay maps.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's clarification of Undertakings No. 1 and 14. It explains that full water quality modelling for the RO ETF will be available by April 13, 2012 and clarifies the NO2 emission issue.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to a Feb 24th clarification request regarding Undertaking No. 4. It provides a percentage of the potential woodland caribou habitat disturbance as a result of the NICO Project + a 500 m buffer.
This letter from the Tli Cho Government describes issues requirng further dialogue, and requests a second round of information requests.
This letter from AANDC describes questions regarding water treatment changes, and asks for a second round of information requests.
An e-mail from the YKDFN expressing their concerns about security. The YKDFN request an example of a mine closure situation in which bonds or securities held by a third-party covered future closure and reclamation costs.
This document outlines a Review Board request to Fortune Minerals Ltd. to provide some clarification and additional information on several undertaking components.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s response to Undertaking No. 12 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides an analysis of the value of ore and the price points where mining at the NICO Project may no longer be profitable.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 14 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the maximum predicted annual ground-level concentrations of NO2 for the Regional Study Area.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 1 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides some detail on the proposed reverse osmosis elluent treatment system including treatment efficiency and residuals.
This document is the GNWT's response to Undertaking No. 10 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a summary of Socio-Economic Agreement data regarding Northern Aboriginal engagement in the NWT mining workforce.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 3 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides an assessment of the magnitude and significance of NICO Project effects on Bathurst caribou abundance and distribution
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 5 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a more detailed assessment of the potential direct and indirect impacts on upland breading birds and their habitat.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 7 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides the technical and economic factors considered in determining the need for an all-season road (NPAR).
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 2 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It references MSDS sheets posted on Feb 10, 2012 and provides a short description of their use & fate in the thickening process.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 6 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a summary of the nature of covers proposed for 7 of 8 example CDFs referenced during the Technical Meetings.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 11 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the case studies and impacts on communities that have gone from seasonal to all-season access.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 9 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a list of references for the case studies it used to estimate the in-migration levels into smaller communities (Whati).
This document is a written record of January 26, 2012 discussions between Golder Associates Ltd. and NRCan providing more information and clarification in response to NRCan Information Requests.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 8 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It identifies the range of shift rotations, including the pros and cons of each, possible for the NICO Project.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 13 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the traditional knowledge methodology used for the DAR and a short summary of concerns and avoidance.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 4 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a calculation of the potential woodland caribou habitat disturbance as a result of the NICO Project + a 500 m buffer.
This document provides a report of a February 8,2012 meeting between the GNWT and Fortune Minerals to discuss previous information requests regarding socio-economic issues and concerns.
This is a letter outlining the undertakings and commitments from the Feb 7-9, 2012 Fortune Minerals NICO Project Technical meetings at Tree of Peace.
Power Point Description of the NICO Project (and changes) presented at the Technical Sessions February 7-9, 2012
This note to file advises parties that Shannon Hayden will be the Review Board lead contact on the NICO Project until March 12.
This is a publication from Learned Discourses titled, Linking Environmental Assessment to Environmental Regulation Through Adaptive Management. It was submitted by the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board during the Technical Meetings.
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for Potassium Amyl Xanthate.
This is the Material Satefy Data Sheet for Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals titled Co-disposal practices in mine waste management.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical meeting on day 3, Febraury 9, 2012.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical meeting, Day 2 on Febrary 8, 2012.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical session, Day 1 on February 7, 2012.
This letter is submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited and provides responses to addtional information requests from Fisheries and Oceans Canada based on a conference call between Fortune and DFO.
This is the Technical Meeting Agenda. Note that the Technical Meeting dates have been changed to February 7-9, 2012.
This is the response from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada to information request 1.3 submitted by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This is an attachment to the Fortune Minerals Limited Information Request Response document.
This document confirms the dates of Jan 17-19, 2012 for Technical Meetings and asks parties to assist in preparing the agenda.
This is the cover letter for the Information Request Responses submitted by Fortune Minerals Ltd.
This document is titled Information Request Responses and is submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited.
Technical meeting dates for the NICO Project are tentatively scheduled for January 17-19, 2012 in Yellowknife.
This is the response from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Tlicho Government Information Request 32.
This is the response from Fisheries and Oceans Canada to the Tlicho Government Information Request 33.
This Note to File asks DFO and the GNWT to respond to information requests from the Tlicho Government. The information requests are attached.
This document contains information requests from the Tlicho Government.
This document entitled "Geographic Distribution and Changes in Population Densities of Waterfowl in the Northwest Territories, Canada 1976-2003" is submitted with information requests from Environment Canada.
This document contains information requests from Environment Canada.
This document contains information requests from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board.
This document contains information requests from North Slave Metis Alliance.
This document contains information reequests from Transport Canada.
This document contains information requessts from Government of the Northwest Territories.
This document contains information requests from Aboroginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
This document contains information requests from Natural Resources Canada.
This document contains information requests from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
This is a note to file from the Review Board that asks Fortune Minerals Limted to respond to the information requests submitted by parties.
This is the cover letter for the Fisheries and Oceans Canada information requests.
This document contains information requests from Fisheries and Ocenas Canada.
This letter regarding Lou Lake Bathymetry is placed on the registry at the request of Fortune Minerals.
This is a Update Letter to the Developer's Assesment Report for the NICO Project submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited to the Review Board.
This is a placehoilder for the audio file of the plain language summary of the Developer's Assessment Report in the Tlicho language. A cd of the audio file can be obtained at the Review Board office.
This is a Note to File reminding parties that the deadline to submit information requests is October 7.
This is an updated list of organizations with party status in the NICO Project environmental assessment.
This is a letter from the Review Board that grants party status for the NICO Project environmental assessment.
This is a letter from the Review Board that provides instructions on party status applications and information requests along with respective deadlines.
This is a letter from the Review Board to Fortune Minerals Limted stating that the DAR is in conformity with the Terms of Reference.
This is a Notice of Appeal in Tlicho Government and Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board dated June 30, 2011.
This Note to File states that an updated Work Plan will be prepared once the conformity check of the Developer's Assessment is completed.
This document is the Supreme Court of the NWT Reasons for Judgement in the Judicial Review of Tlicho Government and Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board dated June 2, 2011.
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
Developer's Assessment Report - Appendices
The Developer's Assessment Report for the NICO Project has been uploaded to the public registry and is available in hard copy and cd from the Review Board office.
This is a notification that Fortune Minerals Limited has submitted their Developer's Assessment Report to the Review Board.
This Note to file states that Fortune Minerals Limited plans to submit a Developer's Assessment Report at the end of March 2011.
This letter describes scoping comments from Ecology North regarding the Fortune Minerals Ltd. proposed NICO Project. Information in the document was used during preparation of the Terms of Reference but had not been posted to the public registry originally due to technical difficulties.
This document is an Affidavit, Exibits I-Q attached to the Application for Judicial Review.
This document is an Affidavit, Exibits A-H attached to the Application for Judicial Review.
This is a notice that an Application for Judicial Review will be made in the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories between the Tlicho Government and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board.
Review Board Ruling with Reasons for Decision on Tlicho Government Request for Ruling.
This letter from the Tlicho Government is a repy to the July 19, 2010 correspondence from Fortune Minerals Limited on the subject of proposed roads.
This letter from the Review Board states that an oral hearing on the Request for Ruling is not required.
This letter from Fortune Minerals Limited presents information concerning the proposed roads for the environmental assessment of the NICO Project.
This letter is the final submission by the Tlicho Government on the Request for Ruling, filed May 28, 2010.
This is a letter from the North Slave Metis Alliance that provides comments on the Tlicho Government Request for Ruling.
This is a submission from the Department of Justice Canada on the Tlicho Government Request for Ruling on Fortune Minerals Limited, NICO Project.
This document is a letter from the Review Board to the Distribution List for the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s NICO Project. The letter informs the Distribution List that the deadline for comments relating to the T'licho Government Request for Ruling has been extended to July 8th.
The following document is a request from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada asking the Review Board to grant an extension to the deadline for comments relating to the request for ruling from the T'licho Government to place the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals' NICO project into abeyance.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals to the Review Board that clarifies issues with respect to the access road map attached to the Request for Ruling.
This is a letter from Tlicho Government to Fortune Minerals responding to the request for corrections to the map attached to the Request for Ruling.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals to the Tlicho Government requesting corrections to the revised map attached to the Request for Ruling.
The following document is a letter to the Review Board from Fortune Minerals Limited in response to the Tlicho Government's May 28th, 2010 Request for Ruling and the requested abeyance of the NICO Project environmental assessment.
This document summarizes a meeting between Review Board staff and Fortune Minerals Ltd. representatives on June 3rd, 2010 regarding the environmental assessment of the NICO Project.
The following document is a notification to parties in the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s NICO Project that the Tlicho Government has registered a Request for Ruling with the Review Board.
This map is submitted with the Request for Ruling from the Tlicho Government.
This letter is a Request for Ruling from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board that asks that the environmental assessment of the Fortune Minerals NICO Project be postponed and placed in abeyance.
This is the NICO project description presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Limited at the communtiy scoping session held in Wekweeti on Nov. 2 and 3, 2009. An updated map shows the combined tailings-mine rock disposal area. This a corrected version of the project description presentation that was previously posted to the registry on December 9.
This is the NICO environmental overview presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Limited at the communtiy scoping session held in Wekweeti on Nov. 2 and 3, 2009. An updated map shows the combined tailings-mine rock disposal area.
This note to file is a summary of an informal meeting between Fortune Minerals Limited and Review Board staff to clarify items in the Terms of Reference.
This document is the final Work Plan for the environmental assessment of the NICO Project.
This document is the final Terms of Reference for the environmental assessment of the NICO Project.
This document is a cover letter for the final Terms of Reference and Work Plan for the environmental assessment of the NICO Project.
This is the sign-in sheet from the community scoping session held in Wekweeti on November 2-3, 2009 for the NICO Project environmental assessment.
This is a summary of the Review Board's scoping session in Wekweeti, November 2-3, 2009. Issues were documented by Review Board staff during the meeting.
Letter from Tlicho Government on draft Workplan for Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project.
Letter from GNWT on draft Workplan for Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project
Letter from North Slave Metis Alliance on draft Workplan for Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project.
Letter from INAC on draft Workplan for Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project
Letter from the developer, Fortune Minerals Ltd., on the draft Workplan for the Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project.
Letter from Environment Canada on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project.
This letter notifies the Distribution List that the Review Board will hold a scoping session in Wekweeti on November 2nd and 3rd for the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO cobalt-gold-copper-bismuth project.
Note to File for the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s NICO cobalt-gold-copper-bismuth project that summarizes an October 26, 2009 meeting between Review Board staff and a Fortune Minerals Ltd. representative regarding the draft workplan for the environmental assessment.
Letter from North Slave Metis Alliance on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project.
Letter from Transport Canada on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project.
Letter from Tlicho Government on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project.
Letter from INAC on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project
Letter from GNWT on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project
Letter from NRCan on draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project
Cover letter and comments from Fortune Minerals Limited on draft Terms of Reference for NICO Project.
Letter from DFO on Draft Terms of Reference for Fortune Minerals Ltd., NICO Project
Comment period for the NICO Project Draft Terms of Reference extended to October 22, 2009.
Draft Work Plan for the Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project with a cover letter requesting comments by October 30th.
Letter from Wek'eezhii Renewable Resources Board on draft Terms of Reference for NICO Project.
This is the Draft Terms of Reference for the NICO Project environmental assessment.
This is a covering letter that accompanies the Draft Terms of Reference for the NICO Project environmental assessment. It identifies October 16th, 2009, as the comment deadline.
Appendix I - Details on processing changes at the NICO site for the Fortune Minerals Limited Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth-Copper project.
An update on processing changes at the NICO Site for the Fortune Minerals Limited Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth-Copper Project.
Mapsheet 14 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (15 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 13 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (14 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 12 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (13 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 11 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (12 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 10 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (11 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 9 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (10 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 8 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (9 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 7 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (8 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 6 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (7 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 5 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (6 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 4 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (5 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 3 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (4 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 2 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (3 of 15 documents)
Mapsheet 1 attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (2 of 15 documents)
Overview map attachment to August 6, 2009 letter from Fortune Minerals regarding Nico transportation route. (1 of 15 documents)
This is the repsonse from Fortune Minerals to the Review Board's June 30th letter. It describes maps showing the transportation route to be followed by trucks carrying concentrate from the proposed Nico mine site in the Tlicho region. Note that the 13 maps and map overview sheet received with this letter are saved as seperate files on this web page.
This is a press release from Fortune Minerals stating that the processing plant for the Nico Project will be located at a southern site outside of the NWT. The release also provides a rationale for Fortune's decision.
This is a letter from Arktis Solutions on behalf of the Tlicho Government regarding the status of the potential GNWT road in the Tlicho, which would be used for transportation of concentrate from the Nico minesite to Highway 3.
This letter from the Review Board to Fortune Minerals Ltd. requests details regarding the proposed route for transporting concentrate from the NICO Project mine site to the highway.
This is a summary of the issues raised at the Review Board's scoping session in Whati on April 27th, 2009. Issues have been documented from the cards filled out and posted during the session.
This is a summary of the issues raised at the Review Board's scoping session in Gameti on May 7th, 2009. Issues have been documented from the cards filled out and posted during the session.
This letter, from Fortune Minerals Ltd., confirms its decision to ship concentrates from the proposed NICO Project mine site in the Tlicho to a facility in southern Canada. This is a response to the May 26, 2009 letter from the Review Board.
This letter describes the GNWT Department of Environment and Natural Resources' scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This is a summary of the issues raised at the Review Board's scoping session in Bechoko on May 4th, 2009. Issues have been documented from the cards filled out and posted during the session.
This letter describes the Wekeezhii Renewable Resources Board's scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This letter describes the North Slave Metis Alliance's scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region. (It includes an attachment in the same PDF file)
This letter was submitted on behalf of the Tlicho Government. It describes scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This letter describes Natural Resources Canada's scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This letter describes the Department of Fisheries and Ocean's scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This letter describes INAC's scoping comments regarding Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s proposed NICO Project in the Tlicho region.
This is a letter from Fortune Minerals to address questions raised by participants at scoping sessions for the environmental assessment of the proposed NICO Project.
This letter from the Review Board to Fortune Minerals Ltd. requests the location of the proposed NICO Project processing plant.
This document notifies parties on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals' NICO Project that the deadline for submitting scoping comments has been extended until June 1st, 2009.
This is the response of Fortune Minerals Ltd. to the Review Board's May 1st, 2009 request for clarification regarding certain aspects of the proposed NICO Project.
This is the sign-in sheet from the technical scoping session held in Whati on April 27th, 2009, for the NICO environmental assessment.
This is the NICO project environmental overview presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Ltd. at the communtiy scoping session held in Whati on April 27th, 2009. Similar presentations were made in Bechoko (May 4th, 2009) and Gameti (May 7th, 2009) scoping sessions.
This is the NICO project description presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Ltd. at the communtiy scoping session held in Whati on April 27th, 2009. Similar presentations were made in Bechoko (May 4th, 2009) and Gameti (May 7th, 2009) scoping sessions.
This is the sign-in sheet from the technical scoping session held in Yellowknife on April 20th, 2009, for the NICO environmental assessment.
This is a list of the points raised during the technical scoping session held in Yellowknife on April 20th, 2009, for the NICO environmental assessment.
This letter from the Review Board to Fortune Minerals Ltd. requests clarification regarding roads and processing options for the NICO Proect.
This is the NICO environmental overview presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Ltd.from the technical scoping session held in Yellowkife on April 20th, 2009.
This is the NICO project description presentation delivered by Fortune Minerals Ltd.from the technical scoping session held in Yellowkife on April 20th, 2009.
This is a brochure and agenda for the technical scoping session on Fortune Mineral Ltd.'s NICO Project. It includes an agenda for the scoping session in Yellowknife on April 20th, 2009.
This letter contains REVISED dates for Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s NICO Project issues scoping sessions. The scoping sessions will take place in Yellowknife, Behchoko, Whati and Gameti. The environmental assessment of this proposed cobalt-gold-bismuth mine is in the scoping phase.
This letter notifies the distribution list that the Review Board has scheduled scoping sessions for the environmental assessment of Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s Cobalt-Gold-Bismuth NICO Project. This letter contains the dates and locations for such sessions.
This is Figure 5 of the summary description of the NICO Project. It shows existing and proposed roads.
This is Figure 4 of the summary description of the NICO Project. It shows the proposed development at the project site.
This is Figure 3 from the summary description of the NICO Project. It shows topography and exploration program facilities.
This is Figure 2 from the summary description of the NICO Project. It shows the drainage areas around the project site.
This is Figure 1 from the summary description of the NICO Project. It shows the project study area.
This is a summary description of the NICO Project, a gold, cobalt and bismuth mine proposed by Fortune Minerals in the TliCho region. (Figures are posted as seperate documents)
This letter describes upcoming scoping activities by the Review Board, These activities will help the Review Board identify the issues that the envirnmental assessment of the proposed NICO Project should focus on.
Addtional information in support of the land use permit and water licence applications for the NICO project. Letter to Wek'eezhii Land & Water Board dated January 15, 2009.
Additional information in support of the land use permit and water licence applications for the NICO project.
Fortune Minerals's application for a land use permit for the proposed NICo project. LUP# W2008D0016, letter dated January 30, 2009.
Fortune Mineral's application for a water licence for the NICO project. Type "A" Water Licence W2008L2-004. Letter dated January 30, 2009 from WLWB.
General notification letter advising interested parties of the start up of the environmental assessment.
Form for interested parties or individuals to indicate whether they want to be on the distribution list.
Letter notifying the developer that the proposed NICO project has been referred to environmental assessment.
Letter from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada referring the proposed development to environmental assessment.