NICO Project - EA0809-004
Document List - Technical or community sessions
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited titled "Incorporation of water quality predictions for reverse osmosis water treatment option into human health and ecological risk assessments".
This document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited is an update of receiving water quality predictions for the operations period with revised effluent treatment facility discharge quality.
This document submitted by Fortune Minerals Limited is an informal undertaking that discusses disturbance to Bathurst caribou from future development at multiple spatial scales.
This is a document submittted by Fortune Minerals Limited titled "Aquatic Risk Assessment".
This note to file offers parties the opportunity to comment to Fortune Minerals on its Supplementary Baseline Plankton Study Plan.
These are the Environmental Assessment Technical Session sign-in sheets for the Fortune Minerals Ltd. NICO Project technical meetings held in Yellowknife, NT at the Tree of Peace from February 7-9, 2012.
Summary of the discussions that took place on Feb 8, 2012 between Golder (representing Fortune Minerals Limited) and NRCan regarding groundwater TDS and borehole overlay maps.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's clarification of Undertakings No. 1 and 14. It explains that full water quality modelling for the RO ETF will be available by April 13, 2012 and clarifies the NO2 emission issue.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to a Feb 24th clarification request regarding Undertaking No. 4. It provides a percentage of the potential woodland caribou habitat disturbance as a result of the NICO Project + a 500 m buffer.
An e-mail from the YKDFN expressing their concerns about security. The YKDFN request an example of a mine closure situation in which bonds or securities held by a third-party covered future closure and reclamation costs.
This document outlines a Review Board request to Fortune Minerals Ltd. to provide some clarification and additional information on several undertaking components.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd.'s response to Undertaking No. 12 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides an analysis of the value of ore and the price points where mining at the NICO Project may no longer be profitable.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 14 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the maximum predicted annual ground-level concentrations of NO2 for the Regional Study Area.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 1 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides some detail on the proposed reverse osmosis elluent treatment system including treatment efficiency and residuals.
This document is the GNWT's response to Undertaking No. 10 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a summary of Socio-Economic Agreement data regarding Northern Aboriginal engagement in the NWT mining workforce.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 3 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides an assessment of the magnitude and significance of NICO Project effects on Bathurst caribou abundance and distribution
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 5 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a more detailed assessment of the potential direct and indirect impacts on upland breading birds and their habitat.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 7 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides the technical and economic factors considered in determining the need for an all-season road (NPAR).
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 2 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It references MSDS sheets posted on Feb 10, 2012 and provides a short description of their use & fate in the thickening process.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 6 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a summary of the nature of covers proposed for 7 of 8 example CDFs referenced during the Technical Meetings.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 11 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the case studies and impacts on communities that have gone from seasonal to all-season access.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 9 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a list of references for the case studies it used to estimate the in-migration levels into smaller communities (Whati).
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 8 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It identifies the range of shift rotations, including the pros and cons of each, possible for the NICO Project.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 13 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a short review of the traditional knowledge methodology used for the DAR and a short summary of concerns and avoidance.
This document is Fortune Minerals Ltd's response to Undertaking No. 4 from the February 7-9, 2012 Technical Meetings. It provides a calculation of the potential woodland caribou habitat disturbance as a result of the NICO Project + a 500 m buffer.
This document provides a report of a February 8,2012 meeting between the GNWT and Fortune Minerals to discuss previous information requests regarding socio-economic issues and concerns.
This is a letter outlining the undertakings and commitments from the Feb 7-9, 2012 Fortune Minerals NICO Project Technical meetings at Tree of Peace.
Power Point Description of the NICO Project (and changes) presented at the Technical Sessions February 7-9, 2012
This note to file advises parties that Shannon Hayden will be the Review Board lead contact on the NICO Project until March 12.
This is a publication from Learned Discourses titled, Linking Environmental Assessment to Environmental Regulation Through Adaptive Management. It was submitted by the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board during the Technical Meetings.
This is the Material Safety Data Sheet for Potassium Amyl Xanthate.
This is the Material Satefy Data Sheet for Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol.
This is a document submitted by Fortune Minerals titled Co-disposal practices in mine waste management.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical meeting on day 3, Febraury 9, 2012.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical meeting, Day 2 on Febrary 8, 2012.
Transcripts from the NICO Project technical session, Day 1 on February 7, 2012.
This is the Technical Meeting Agenda. Note that the Technical Meeting dates have been changed to February 7-9, 2012.
This document confirms the dates of Jan 17-19, 2012 for Technical Meetings and asks parties to assist in preparing the agenda.
Technical meeting dates for the NICO Project are tentatively scheduled for January 17-19, 2012 in Yellowknife.