Diamond Exploration - EA1112-001
Document List - Terms of Reference and workplans
Final Work Plan for EA 1112-001 - Debogorski Diamond Exploration Project - Drybones Bay
Work Plan cover letter dated May 27th from the Review Board to the distribution list.
Letter dated May 20th from LKDFN to the Review Board providing comments on the draft Work Plan for Debogorski Diamond Exploration Project, Drybones Bay and Requesting Party Status.
Letter dated May 20th from INAC to the Review Board providing comments on the draft work Plan for EA 1112-001 - Debogorski Diamond Exploration Project, Drybones Bay
Letter of May 20th from Alex Debogorski regarding the draft Work Plan for EA 1112-001
Letter dated May 20th from YKDFN re: the draft Work Plan for Debogorski EA 1112-001.
Letter from GNWT providing comments on the draft Work Plan for the Debogorski EA 1112-001.
Fax Distribution List for May 10th Cover Letter, draft Work Plan, request for Party Status Form.
Draft Work Plan for Debogorski EA dated May 10, 2011.
Request for Party Status form - attachment to letter of May 10th requesting comments on the draft Work Plan and request for party status.
May 10th letter from the Review Board requesting comments on the draft Work Plan and requesting party status applications.