Snap Lake water licence amendment - EA1314-02
Document List - Public hearings
The GNWT committed to provide this document to the Review Board.
This is De Beers response to parties comments on the additional evidence referred to by De Beers during the Public hearing.
A record of meetings held by De Beers with communities from May and June of 2014.
The GNWT's response to the new evidence referred to by De Beers during the public hearing.
The developer's response to undertaking number one.
This document resonds to undertakings two, three and four. The response to undertaking one is posted seperately.
A letter from the Deninu Kue First Nation to the Review Board expressing conern about the lack of acknowledgement of recommendations made during the public hearing.
This note to file provides direction to Parties and the Developer regarding the review of new information submitted during the Public Hearing and guidance related to closing arguments.
The transcript for day 2 of the Public Hearing held on June 6, 2014 in Yellowknife.
The transcript for day 1 of the public hearing on June 5, 2014 in Yellowknife.
A follow up letter to the June 3, 2014 GNWT letter regarding Yvonne Doolitle's participation as a member of the Review Board.
A report that documents the past and present Deninu K'ue occupation and use of the region north of Great Slave Lake in an area known as the Barren Lands
The undertakings from the public hearings held on June 5 and 6 in Yellowknife.
This is a letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board regarding participation of Yvonne Doolittle.
A letter from teh GNWT to the YKDFN regarding Crown consultation.
A reminder to Parties that the public hearing is limited to the scope of this assessment.
This is the presentation from the independent consultant, Ecometrix for the June 5 hearing.
This is the Government of the Northwest Territories presentation for the June 5-6 hearing.
This is a Note to File to parties concerning the participation of Yvonne Doolittle as a member of the Review Board.
This is the hearing presentation from the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation.
This is the North Slave Metis Alliance presentation for the June 5-6 hearing.
This is the hearing presentation from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
This is a Hearing Directive for the Publc Hearing June 5-6, 2014.
This is the Hearing agenda for the Snap Lake Water Licence Amendment June 5-6, 2014
This is the updated list of organizations with party status.
This is a draft agenda for the Snap Lake public hearings, June 5-6, 2014. Parties are asked to comment on this draft.
This is a summary of the pre-hearing conference held May 13, 2o14.
This is the agenda for the Pre-hearing conference.