Chedabucto Mineral Exploration Project - EA1415-02
Document List - Preliminary screening
This is the result of the WLWB review process of the Land Use Permit application. This document contains comments from reviewers and Husky's responses.
This is the Wildlife Management Plan associated with the Land Use Permit application.
This is the Waste Management Plan associated with the Land Use Permit application.
This is the Spill Contingency Plan associated with the Land Use Permit application.
This is the emergency Procedures and General Field Camp Safety document associated with the Land Use Permit application.
This is the Closure and Reclamation Plan associated with Land Use Permit application.
This is the Archaeological Impact Assessment Report associated with the Land User Permit application.
This the Engagment Plan and Record of Engagement associated with the Land User Permit Application
This is the Wekeezhii land and Water Board's Preliminary Screening and Reasons for Decision for referral to environment assesment of Husky Oil Operations Limited Chedabucto Mineral Exploration Project