Ekati - Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth Pipes expansion - EA99-004

Document List

Displaying 142 documents.
40.08 MB

Ekati Diamond Mine expansion: EA Report (DAR) for Sable, Pigeon, Beartooth Kimberlite pipes 2000

67.17 KB

Review Board response to DFOs concerns over fish habitat compensation

115.09 KB

Letter from YKDFN in response to the concerns BHP raised with the Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment

157.44 KB

Letter from DFO outlining concerns over fish habitat compensation considerations during the EA.

71.34 KB

Letter from INAC responding to concerns raised by CPAWS

209.06 KB

Final ministerial acceptance with modifications made to the Review Board's measures.

33.99 KB

Letter from INAC thanking the Review Board for the clarification

75.91 KB

An initial outline of the Review Board's position with respect to in INAC's April 12th letter comments on recommendations 47 and 48.

99.01 KB

Letter from CPAWS responding to concerns BHP raised with the Report of Environmental Assessment

64.3 KB

Letter from INAC responding to concerns BHP raised with the Review Board's recommendations in its Report of Environmental Assessment

1009.53 KB

Letter from Indian and Northern Affairs initiating a consult to modify on the Report of the Environmental Assessment of the BHP Diamonds' Sable, Beartooth and Pigeon kimberlite pipe development project. Includes response from developer to the Report of En

51.46 KB

Letter from Review Board to INAC responding to INAC's initiation of a consult to modify

356.92 KB

For the BHP/Ekati kimberlite pipe development project, North Slave region.

952.17 KB

Report prepared on behalf of MVEIRB that examines whether the developers assessment report for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development adequately and appropriately addresses economic issues raised in the Terms of Referenc

359.09 KB

Report prepared on behalf of MVEIRB that examines whether the developers assessment report for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development adequately and appropriately addresses socio-economic issues raised in the Terms of Re

20.41 KB

Report prepared on behalf of MVEIRB that examines whether the developers assessment report for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development adequately and appropriately addresses the environmental issues raised in the Terms of Reference. This document is available from the MVEIRB office.

20.57 KB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

140.53 KB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

148.88 KB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

161.74 KB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

1.42 MB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

3.43 MB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development, held in N'dilo.

428.84 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

421.87 KB

Developers response to the technical review prepared by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

93.99 KB

For the public hearing for BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development held in N'dilo.

304.81 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

337.48 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

1.13 MB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

2.49 MB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

448.84 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

503.86 KB

Response to an information request issued by the Board regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

505.66 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite development.

3.81 MB

Response to conformity issues raised by parties regarding the developers assessment report for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

217.67 KB

Summary of comments from parties and decisions by the Board regarding the developers assessment report for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development and its conformity to the Terms of Reference issued by the Board.

16.28 KB

Issued to BHP Diamonds regarding the Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth proposed kimberlite expansion project. This document is available from the MVEIRB office.

16.28 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development. This file is too large for the website and is not available online. Please contact the Review Board office to receive a copy.

1.22 MB

Final draft for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

107.59 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

136.98 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

683.23 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

290.83 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

77.13 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

109.83 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

380.38 KB

Comments from developer regarding the proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

285.7 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

276.18 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

30.37 KB

Note that Health Canada has no comments on the Terms of Reference for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

40.57 KB

Media release that provides public notice of the timelines for the comment period for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

77.72 KB

Comments regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

982.85 KB

A summary report of consultation activities undertaken by BHP Diamonds in preparation for their proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite developments.

1.22 MB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

662.65 KB

Workplan prepared by MVEIRB for Environmental Assessment of proposed BHP expansion project

604.75 KB

Trip report by L. Azzolini from community meeting attended in Lutsel K'e re. proposed BHP expansion.

104.65 KB

Notes from meeting between MVEIRB staff and Treaty 11 Representatives to discuss the purpose and function of the Review Board and community information sessions.

293.32 KB

Report by L. Azzolini on issues discusssed at a community meeting in Rae-Edzo re. proposed BHP expansion.

178.47 KB

Report of issues discussed at a community meeting in Dettah re. proposed BHP expansion

442.85 KB

Report from meeting with the Wildlife, Land and Environment Committee in Lutsel K'e re. how MVEIRB and EA processes work

58.41 KB

Letter from Dogrib Treaty 11 Council to BHP outlining expectations regarding the Environmental Assessment process and Impact and Benefits Agreement for the proposed BHP expansion.

76.85 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to INAC requesting a copy of the current BHP lease and documents related to the Lupin winter road.

310.14 KB

Letter from INAC to BHP stating that it expects that mining of the Koala North pipe will not require any additional regulatory approvals.

156.07 KB

Letter from Akaitcho Treaty 8 to BHP to reschedule Dettah and Ndilo community consultation meetings.

180.92 KB

Letter from Dogrib Treaty 11 Council to BHP agreeing to hold a regional community meeting re. proposed BHP expansion project.

368.24 KB

Trip report from meeting of the Yellowknives Dene Land and Environment Committee attended by L. Azzolini.

355.59 KB

Trip report describing a public meeting of the Lutsel K'e Wildlife, Lands and Environment Committee attended by L. Azzolini

210.38 KB

Note to file with notes from a meeting MVEIRB staff held with INAC to discuss the history and issues re. the Lupin Winter Road

88.48 KB

Letter from BHP to MVEIRB with schedule of community visits in Sept-Oct. 1999 re. proposed BHP expansion project

166.49 KB

Note to file re. meeting L. Azzolini held with BHP representatives to answer questions about the level of detail required in the Developer Assessment Report and the process of identifying Terms of Reference.

768.69 KB

Electronic copy of INAC recommendations re. scope of Environmental Assessment for proposed BHP expansion

101.09 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to the Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency in response to their request for copies of all public documents related to the BHP project.

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Letter from the Independent Environmental Monitoring Agency to MVEIRB requesting that a copy of all MVEIRB public documents related to the BHP project be sent to them.

645.3 KB

Final report submitted by Fort Resolution Environmental Working Committee to Interim Resource Management Assistance Program 1997-1998

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MVEIRB trip report following a meeting with the Fort Resolution Environment Working Committee to discuss the proposed BHP expansion project

419.86 KB

Environmental Assessment update newsletter prepared by MVEIRB (includes BHP expansion project)

202.66 KB

Email from MVEIRB to distribution list with a summary of MVEIRB's work plan milestones

276.48 KB

Email from GNWT to BHP and MVEIRB with a list of contacts for EA Working Group

542.17 KB

A summary of comments from GNWT and federal government agencies and authorities regarding BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

1.09 MB

Letter from MVEIRB to BHP summarizing information government departments have requested BHP include in its project description

302.35 KB

Email from NRCanada to MVEIRB with additional information requirements for BHP project description

426.27 KB

Letter from BHP to Minister of INAC re. length and efficacy of EA process

81.73 KB

Email from BHP to MVEIRB with date for Yellowknife community visit.

310.01 KB

Letter from INAC to MVEIRB with additional information BHP should include in its project description

209.67 KB

Email from Environment Canada to MVEIRB with list of information to be included in BHP project description

270.14 KB

Letter from GNWT to MVEIRB outlining information requirements for the proposed BHP expansion project description

88.18 KB

Email from BHP to MVEIRB with itinerary for upcoming community visits

402.88 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite development.

814.01 KB

Email from Julie Prystupa, GNWT, to L. Azzolini, MVEIRB, with list of items to follow-up on after meeting re. proposed BHP expansion project

814.01 KB

Email from MVEIRB to BHP EA pre-consultation meeting participants to request items that BHP should include in its development description

76.69 KB

Email from L. Azzolini, MVEIRB, to J. Prystupa, GNWT, re. BHP resubmission of project description

553.24 KB

BHP Powerpoint description of proposed Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth Pipes expansion

699.85 KB

Letter from INAC to MVEIRB with scoping recommendations for proposed BHP expansion and suggestions re. development of Environmental Assessment guidelines.

341.34 KB

Email from Gordon Stewart to MVEIRB outlining Natural Resources Canada's initial comments on the proposed BHP expansion project

365.64 KB

Emails from technical advisors confirming attendance at meetings to be held Aug. 24-25, 1999 to discuss BHP expansion application

191.98 KB

Trip report, observations and questions generated from Louie Azzolini's trip to BHP mine site on July 26, 1999

3.06 MB

Invitation sent by MVEIRB to invite Expert Advisors to a pre-consultation meeting to discuss the EA workplan for the proposed BHP expansion and separate Fort Liard gas pipelines; includes work plan for each of these proposed developments

427.75 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to Expert Advisors explaining the EA process and work plan for the EA of BHP's proposed expansion of the Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth Pipes expansion

86.57 KB

Letter invites participants to a hearing for experts, regulatory authorities and designated regulatory agencies for BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Pigeon and Sable kimberlite development.

87.84 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to the Nunavut Impact Review Board discussing the development of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two boards

166.46 KB

Letter from L. Azzolini (MVEIRB) to D. Unrau (INAC) expressing appreciation in regards to site visit to BHP Ekati Diamond Mine on July 26, 1999 and on-going assistance with EA.

522.42 KB

MVEIRB notification to federal and territorial government departments re. Environmental Assessment meeting to discuss proposed BHP Ekati diamond mine expansion and a separate Ranger Oil/Canadian Forest Oil/Chevron Pipeline Tie-in project

381.56 KB

Letter from INAC to invite MVEIRB to participate in the Inter-Agency Coordinating Team for Ekati Diamond Mine; terms of reference and a list of participating agencies are included.

181.62 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to Nunavut Impact Review Board with information on transboundary provisions in the MVRMA (Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act)

465.44 KB

For BHP Diamonds' proposed Beartooth, Pigeon and Sable kimberlite development.

1.48 MB

Direction from MVEIRB to BHP re. required components of a development description and workplan for the EA

91.93 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to BHP with a list of board and staff members who will conduct the BHP site visit on July 6, 1999.

101.1 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to BHP confirming that a number of MVEIRB board and staff members will conduct a site visit at BHP's Ekati mine and at Diavik on July 6, 1999.

88.81 KB

Public (newspaper) notification that MVEIRB will visit BHP's Ekati mine on July 6, 1999

1.91 MB

Cover letters BHP sent with copies of Project Description to non-governmental organizations and local government organizations.

102.16 KB

Email among INAC staff and to MVEIRB stating that legal opinion has been sought to define who the 'minister' is according to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA)

75.02 KB

Email from GNWT to MVEIRB requesting copies of BHP's application for water licenses and explaining that they are not aware of details of the BHP proposal thus far

90.49 KB

BHP describes an error on page 23 in the Water Diversions and Drainage Management section of the Project Description for the proposed Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth Pipes expansion.

87.61 KB

Cover letter from BHP to MVEIRB accompanying the submission of copies of previous studies that are referred to in the Project Description for the proposed development of the Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes. BHP requests that archaeological r

113.85 KB

Letter from INAC stating that the Environment and Conservation Division of INAC will be the primary contact that will coordinate INAC's participation in the EA process for the BHP expansion project.

102.22 KB

Letter from BHP to MVEIRB requesting MVEIRB guidelines for community consultation

82.16 KB

Letter from BHP to MVEIRB accompanying the submission of the 1995 EIS prepared for the Environmental Assessment and Review Process (EARP) review of the NWT Diamonds Project

93.63 KB

Email from DIAND requesting a meeting with MVEIRB to clarify the potential role DIAND staff would play in the Environmental Assessment of the BHP expansion project

491.9 KB

Letter from BHP to accompany submission of additional copies of the project description to MVEIRB and as a follow up from the meeting with MVEIRB April 29th 1999

96.32 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to Nunavut Impact Review Board providing notification that the proposed BHP Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth expansion has been referred to Environmental Assessment

98.14 KB

General notification for BHP Diamonds' Beartooth, Sable and Pigeon kimberlite pipes development. Includes distribution list.

325.35 KB

Letter from MVEIRB sent to Distribution List for proposed BHP Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth pipes expansion announcing the referral of the project to Environmental Assessment

47.57 KB

For the developer's proposed Beartooth, Pigeon and Sable kimberlite development.

184.38 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to BHP and government departments to notify that the proposed BHP Beartooth, Pigeon and Sable Kimberlite pipe development has been referred to Environmental Assessment

891.73 KB

Project description of proposed Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth pipes expansion sent by BHP to First Nations groups that have Impact and Benefit Agreements with BHP

904.73 KB

Email from INAC to MVEIRB discussing BHP's request for a meeting with regulators to describe the proposed BHP expansion and clarify regulatory requirements

241.36 KB

Letter from John Witteman (BHP) to MVEIRB outlining topics he wished to discuss in an upcoming meeting

119.99 KB

Note to file from Heidi Klein describing conversation she had with a CBC reporter re. proposed Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth pipes expansion

16.28 KB

Map can be found in the public registry files at the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board office (Vol. 2, Doc. 15)

58.58 KB

Letter from INAC referring BHP's proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes development to Environmental Assessment.

185.77 KB

Letter from NWT Water Board referring the proposed development of Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes to Environmental Assessment

392.86 KB

For BHP's proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes development.

115.17 KB

Letter from INAC to NWT Water Board recommending the proposed development of Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes to Environmental Assessment

456.1 KB

Northwest Territories Water Board Preliminary Screening Report Form for proposed development of Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes

98.18 KB

Letter from BHP to NWT Water Board requesting a Type B Water License for the proposed development of Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes

580.5 KB

BHP Application to NWT Water Board for water license amendment for proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes

3.93 MB

BHP Project Description for proposed development of Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth Kimberlite pipes

613.57 KB

Application to Indian and Northern Affairs for permits for BHP's proposed Sable, Pigeon and Beartooth kimberlite pipes development.

1.29 MB

Land lease permit applications submitted by BHP to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada for proposed Sable and Pigeon expansion

82.08 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to DIAND confirming receipt of preliminary screening notification for BHP expansion proposal

91.26 KB

Announcement by INAC that they will undertake preliminary screening of new water license application by BHP for proposed expansion of Beartooth, Pigeon and Sable Kimberlite pipes

113.5 KB

Notes re. conversation with CBC reporter Lee Selleck in response to questions about EA process for proposed BHP expansion

3.28 MB

BHP application to Lands Division of DIAND and NWT Water Board for land lease amendments and water license for proposed Pigeon, Sable and Beartooth pipes expansion

228.67 KB

Letter from J. Moore (DIAND) to Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board Working Group re. Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act

193.79 KB

Issues for discussion between James Moore, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Working Group