Drybones Bay mineral exploration - EA03-006

Document List

Displaying 149 documents.
4.54 MB

Report from NWT Chamber of Mines submitted at the public hearing for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

415.76 KB

Presentation to the public hearing for Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

370.16 KB

Presentation to the public hearing for Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

310.56 KB

Presentation to the public hearing for Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

167.98 KB

Response to request from Yellowknives Dene First Nation for additional time to develop information requests in the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

4.68 MB

Presentation to the public hearing for Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

41.55 MB

Snowfield Development's response to the Cumulative Effects Study for Drybones/Wool Bay area, Akaitcho region.

3.38 MB

Provides answers to information requests issued by MVEIRB to Snowfield Development for their proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay.

191.44 KB

Additional submission to Snowfield Development's Developer Assessment Report, map of FATE claim geological anomaly.

5.99 MB

Submitted for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program in Drybones/Wool Bay area.

80.49 KB

Deadlines for Information Requests issued by MVEIRB for the diamond exploration program proposed by Snowfield Development at Drybones/Wool Bay.

883.25 KB

Report and reasons for decision on Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program on 5 parcels at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

2.67 MB

Snowfield Development's application to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board for permission to conduct diamond exploration drill programs at various sites near Drybones Bay, Akaitcho region.

506.29 KB

Memo describes the surface reconnaiassance work (the brochures cited are available from the MVEIRB office upon request).

64.77 KB

Letter thanking Snowfield Development for their assistance to archaeological work done in the Drybones Bay area.

358.76 KB

Report from Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board on Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program. Project is referred to environmental assessment.

26.58 KB

Map shows Snowfield Development's properties in the Drybones/Wool Bay area in relation to other properties. Map also shows location of Mud Lake kimberlite.

212.5 KB

Notification that Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program has been called up for environmental assessment.

43.5 KB

Participants to the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

190.9 KB

Snowfield Development request that the scope of the environmental assessment of their diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay be broadened to include bulk sampling.

1.27 MB

Includes request for party standing submissions for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

542.16 KB

Issued in the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

117 KB

Presented at Hearing for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

89.06 KB

Comments provided from the Department of Fisheries & Oceans on the draft terms of reference for Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

112.82 KB

Request from developer to expedite the EA of Snowfield's diamond explorations programs at Drybones Bay, NT.

176.86 KB

Letter accepts the MVEIRB's recommendations with modifications for Snowfield Development's proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.

36.46 KB

Comments on the Drybone/Woool Bay environmental assessment. Concerns regarding the lack of a systematic archaeological survey of the area.

398.17 KB

Response to comments made by parties on the Cumulative Effects Study.

210.06 KB

Announcement of intention to apply for a Class "A" Land-Use Permit - Drybones Bay Area, Great Slave Lake, NWT.

51.84 KB

Letter requests the recipient to review and provide comments for the land use application submitted by Snowfield Development Corp. MV2003C0023. A copy of the LUP application was attached.

746.48 KB

Sent to the distribution list requesting comments.

8.24 KB

Confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list.

16.96 KB

Confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development Corporation.

121.14 KB

An email requesting a electronic copy of the DToR be emailed to the developer, and a letter which comments on the DToR.

39.89 KB

Emails regard the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development.

22.69 KB

Comments regarding the draft terms of reference and workplan. Also, confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development Corp.

40.26 KB

Response from the developer to a request from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board for clarification on their proposed exploratory drilling.

7.7 KB

Confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development.

26.76 KB

Letter sent to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation acknowledging that INAC received the forwarded letter regarding Diamonds North Resources's referral to EA.

26.53 KB

Email request to be considered as an observer for the Consolidated Goldwin Ventures, North American General Resources Corp., New Shoshoni Ventures, and Snowfield environmental assessments. Interest in culmulative effects.

44.68 KB

Confirmation that they would like to remain on the distribution list for the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development.

189.34 KB

Letters regards YKDFN's concerns on how the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board is receiving and conducting the environmental assessments of the New Shoshoni, North American General Resources Corp., Consolidated Goldwin Ventures Inc., and S

137.22 KB

The first letters regards comments on the Draft Terms of Reference for the EA of Snowfield Development. The second letter comments on the YKDFN's views regarding their lackp of EA referral authority.

78.86 KB

Letter regards the status of the environmental assessment for the Drybones/Wool Bay area.

208.43 KB

Article on regards the proposed exploration drilling programs in the Wool Bay and Drybones Bay areas.

135.17 KB

Completed and submitted by Environment Canada.

135.17 KB

Completed and submitted by the Government of the Northwest Territories.

135.17 KB

Completed and submitted by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

1.13 MB

Submitted by Snowfield Development Corporation.

129.75 KB

Reminder to parties to complete their identification forms, fax includes blank copy of form.

98.95 KB

Notice that the Review Board has reviewed Snowfield's DAR and found that it did not conform to the terms of reference.

24.51 KB

A fax that was sent to the distribution regarding Snowfield Development's failure to conform to the terms of reference. (The letter dated August 23, 2003 that was sent to the developer was attached).

1.26 MB

The Developer's response to the non-conformity decision from the Review Board. Distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list.

72.64 KB

Letter from MVEIRB explaining the deficiencies found in the Developers Assessment Report and what information is required to correct these deficiencies.

59.47 KB

Excerpt from the final EA terms of reference to be considered in accordance with the letter sent to Snowfield Development from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board dated August 29, 2003.

343.45 KB

Letter regards MV2003C0023 LUP application. Letter is in response to the secondary deficiencies in the DAR. (A copy of this letter was distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list).

22.95 KB

Email about Snowfield's authorized representatives.

1.84 MB

Report prepared by Gartner Lee Ltd. and submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board. (A copy of this report was distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list for comments).

135.17 KB

Completed and submitted by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.

106.13 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to the distribution list notifying them that the Review Board is now accepting information requests for the EA of Snowfield Development Corp.

234.25 KB

Request for additional time to prepare Information Requests considering the delay in finalizing the DAR for Snowfield Development's Drybones Bay exploration project.

516.47 KB

Prepared by Mike Beauregard on behalf of Snowfield Development Corporation. (A copy of this report was sent out to the distribution list by MVEIRB).

74.04 KB

Notes from a meeting to clarify deficiency - Snowfield Development Corp.

4.18 MB

Report published by the Department of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, GNWT.

50.71 KB

Re: access to the cumulative effects study.

912.99 KB

Comments from the interested parties.

158.16 KB

Regards confidentiality of North Slave Metis Alliance information contained in Gartner Lee study.

72.43 KB

Sent out to the distribution list re: the posting of the "Diamonds and the NWT, Canada" report.

14.22 KB

Resend of material re: info request.

135.17 KB

Contact information page for North Slave Metis Alliance.

52.78 KB

Regards the timing of environmental assessments.

5.94 MB

Letters regards culmulative effects study of the Drybones/Wool Bay. Includes copy of Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management strategy and framework.

871.35 KB

Was distributed by the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board to the distribution list.

27.63 KB

Request for correction to the participants list submitted by the North Slave Metis Alliance.

142.84 KB

Distributed by MVEIRB to the distribution list.

96.98 KB

Submitted by Snowfield Development.

188.97 KB

Letter regards YKDFN's request keep documents entered into evidence for the EA at Drybones Bay confidential.

37.21 KB

Clarification on the deadlines for the submission of the Pre-Hearing Conference Worksheet and comments on the YKDFN request for ruling.

62.01 KB

Comments from YKDFN re: participant comments on the regional Cumulative Effects Study for Drybones/Wool Bays.

43.08 KB

Notice sent out to the distribution list that the scope of the Snowfield Development EA has been expanded, as well that there have been changes made to the submission deadline for proposed Info Requests.

197.76 KB

Letter which was referenced by DFO in their comments on the Culmulative Effects Study.

46.82 KB

Letter from MVEIRB to Mr. Greg Robertson informing him that he has been granted directly affected party status for the EAs of Consolidated Goldwin Ventures, New Shoshoni Ventures, and Snowfield Development Corp.

424.24 KB

Letter grants directly affected party status to LKDFN for the EAs of Consolidated Goldwin Ventures, North American General Corp., New Shoshoni Ventures and Snowfield Development Corp. LKDFN's comments regarding the Cumulative Effects Study are also attach

15.17 KB

A fax sent to the distribution list as a reminder of the November 14, 2003 IR deadline.

91.44 KB

Procedure for viewing YKDFN's reports.

135.17 KB

Completed and submitted by Mr. Greg Robertson.

292.42 KB

INAC's responses to the information requests #1.1.6, 1.1.11, 1.1.15 and 1.1.16

43.99 KB

Email sent from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to MVEIRB.

391.44 KB

Reponse to MVEIRB regarding questions arising from the management of archaeological resources in the Drybones and Wool Bay areas.

163.46 KB

GNWT's response to information requests issued by MVEIRB.

155.24 KB

Response from NSMA re: information request, and information request from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

67 KB

Request for ruling for the Drybones/Wool Bay areas environmental assessments (EA-03-002, EA-03-003, EA-03-004, EA-03-006).

151.02 KB

Letter from Snowfield Development which nominates representatives from the company who may request to view the confidential documents.

61.73 KB

In response to IR #1.1.18 requesting the NWT Bureau of Statistics to provide information on population trends for Yellowknife, Dettah, Ndilo, Ft. Resolution and Lutsel K'e between 1970 and 2000.

172.83 KB

Pre-hearing conference guide and participant worksheet are also attached.

766.36 KB

Information requests from YKDFN.

126.12 KB

Draft agendas for the pre-hearing and public hearing conferences. Also, a Request for Ruling on a change in the scheduled conference dates from Yellowknives Dene First Nation.

286.79 KB

A summary of the highlights from the pre-hearing conference and revised slides from the pre-hearing conference.

71.68 KB

Comments from the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines on the YKDFN request for ruling.

119.42 KB

Comments on the request for ruling proposed by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.

202.9 KB

Letter provides further clarification as to the reasons for YKDFN's request for ruling.

541.53 KB

Response from SDC to the round two IRs issued by the Department of Oceans and Fisheries.

82.09 KB

The Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board's response to the request for ruling from YKDFN for a postponement of the Snowfield Development pre-hearing and public hearing conferences.

100.81 KB

Follow-up from the pre-hearing conference. SDC's offer to consult interested parties.

535.57 KB

Response from SDC to IRs submitted by the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, GNWT.

397.97 KB

Correspondence between YKDFN and SDC regarding a proposed meeting between the two parties. SDC's reponse to concerns posed by YKDFN are also attached.

16.32 KB

Comments from developer in response to concerns from the North Slave Metis Alliance on the culmulative effects assessments of the Drybones/Wool Bay areas.

42.41 KB

Submission by Gartner Lee Ltd.

188.25 KB

Clarification re: a map referred to in an Indian and Northern Affairs Canada submission, and clarification from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on comments made re: the Culmulative Effects Study.

18.64 KB

Reminder from MVEIRB of deadlines for Snowfield.

7.12 MB

Tlicho project land use permit application presentation.

26.29 KB

Notice sent out to the distribution list re: access to public hearing transcript.

23.28 KB

Notification re: public registry from MVEIRB.

93.55 KB

This letter regards concerns from YKDFN over archaeological evidence submitted by Snowfield and concerns over the developer's intention to undertake additional archaeological work.

485.92 KB

Summary of the YKDFN Dettah public meeting which took place on April 2nd and 3rd, 2003.

912.1 KB

For the Drybones/Wool Bay areas (April 2, 2003).

21.35 KB

Notice sent out by MVEIRB to the distribution list that the Report of Environmental Assessment has been released.

445.99 KB

Letter seeks clarification on recommendations proposed by MVEIRB in the Report of Environmental Assessment.

25.77 KB

Letter notifies MVEIRB that the Minister has received the REA and is currently reviewing it.

204.08 KB

Letter regards the Federal and Responsible Minister considerations and responses to the decisions and reasons for decision of the environmental assessment reports prepared by MVEIRB for the North American General Resources Corporation, Consolidate Goldwin

63.94 KB

Letter provides clarification on the intent of the recommendations in the Report of Environmental Assessment for Snowfield Development Corp. diamond exploration.

552.55 KB

Comments from YKDFN on Goldwin's request to drill another hole using an existing Land Use Permit.

352.62 KB

Re: Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board Environmental Assessment Decision - Snowfield Development Corp. dated February 26, 2004.

25.77 KB

Letter regards the decision on the recommendation contained in the REA and Reaons for Decision on the Snowfield Development Corporation's Diamond Exploration Program.

15.94 KB

Request for consultations to modify the Review Board's recommendations.

189.69 KB

Letter regards resolution of the recommendations.

78.21 KB

Purpose of the meeting was to discuss concerns and rationale for the suggested modification to the REA for Snowfield Development.

43.92 KB

Letter requests Mr. Andrews to define and clarify the term "Archeaological Impact Assessment".

64.83 KB

Response from Mr. Tom Andrews to the request to define the term "Archaeological Impact Assessment" from MVEIRB.

62.01 KB

Comments on the SDC Report of Environmental Assessment.

68.87 KB

Letter in response to comments posed by YKDFN over the Snowfield Development Report of Environmental Assessment.

18.6 KB

Notice from MVEIRB to the distribution list.

95.08 KB

Letter from the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board to Snowfield Development issuing a Type "A" LUP.

627.28 KB

Includes: issuance letter, preliminary screening, Land Use Permit cover and conditions.

373.28 KB

Response from SDC to concerns raised by the NSMA during their consultation meeting (in the information request format).

519.34 KB

Re: Report of Environmental Assessment for Snowfield Development Corporation diamond exploration program.

22.09 KB

Sent out to the distribution list.

16.04 KB

Prepared by the Conference Board of Canada. Copy available from the MVEIRB office upon request.

16.04 KB

Report submitted by EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. Available upon request from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board office.

24.29 KB

Document available upon request from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board office. An electronic copy can be accessed from the www.tscript.com website.

16.04 KB

CD with presentations made by the North Slave Metis Alliance, the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation, Snowfield Development Corporation, and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board. CD available from the MVERIB office upon request.

17.98 KB

Sent out by MVEIRB to the distribution list.