Depositing Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground - EA1819-01
Document List
The 2023 PKMW EA Annual Report provides an update on the post-EA regulatory process to date, the status of DDMI's implementation of the Reasons for Decision Measures, and DDMI's commitments made during the PKMW EA or Review.
2023 Annual Environmental Assessment Measures Report for the Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc.'s depositing processed kimberlite into pit(s) and underground project. The 2023 Annual Report describes the implementation of measures directed to the GNWT, as required by the EA1819-01 follow-up program, and summarizes GNWT actions to implement the measures completed between April 01, 2023, and March 31, 2024.
Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.'s 2022 Annual Report for the Processed Kimberlite to Mine Workings Project.
2021 Annual Report from Diavik Diamond Mines Inc on follow up program requirements in the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for this project.
2020 Processed Kimberlite to Mine Workings Environmental Assessment Annual Report
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the North Slave Metis Alliance regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Hay River Metis Government Council regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Fort Smith Metis Council regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Deninu Kue First Nation regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Northwest Territory Metis Nation regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
etter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Fort Resolution Metis Government regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Kitikmeot Inuit Association regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Mountain Island Metis regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada to the Tlicho Government regarding the Minister's decision for EA1819-01.
Responsible Ministers' adopt the Review Board's Recommendation for the Environmental Assessment for Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.'s Kimberlite Deposit Proposal (EA1819-01).
Letter from the Fort Resolution Metis Government to the Government of the Northwest Territories.
Letter from Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. to the Government of the Northwest Territories in response to post-EA engagement submissions.
Letter from the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the Deninu Kue First Nation in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the Tlicho Government in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the North Slave Metis Alliance in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
Letter from the Kitikmeot Inuit Association in response to the January 6 letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and Government of Canada (PR#198).
An updated engagement record from Diavik. Includes records of engagement during the environmental assessment (Attachment 1) and during the water licence amendment process (Attachment 2).
A note to file describing the January 17th meeting with Diavik and intervenors to present the Review Board Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision.
The presentation for the January 17th meeting, where Review Board staff will present the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision.
A notice of proceeding inviting Diavik and intervenors to a meeting from 10am-12pm on January 17th, to review the final Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada inviting the Akaitcho Dene First Nation to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada inviting the Tlicho Government to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada inviting the Northwest Territories Metis Nation to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada inviting the North Slave Metis Alliance to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada inviting the Kitikmeot Inuit Association to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
Letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories inviting the Mountain Island Metis to advise on the Report of Environmental Assessment for EA1819-01.
This is the Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for EA1819-01 - Diavik - Depositing processed kimberlite into pit(s) and underground.
Letter from the Review Board to the GNWT Minister of Lands about the Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision for EA1819-01
The public record for EA1819-01 is now closed.
Closing arguments from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation. Received after due date.
Closing submission from CanNor on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Environmental Protection Operations Directorate of Environment and Climate Change Canada
Closing argument from the Government of the Northwest Territories
Letter from Environment and Climate Change Canada to the Review Board in response to post-hearing follow up
Note to file regarding the Review Board's post-hearing follow up with Environment and Climate Change Canada
Closing argument from the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board.
Diavik's response to Lutsel K'e's September 13 letter (PR#174).
Note to file describing Bertha Norwegian's role as a special advisor to the Review Board for the remainder of this assessment
A letter from Deninu Kue First Nation regarding commitment 2 from the public hearings. Public hearing undertakings and commitments are described in PR#169.
Diavik's response to undertaking #2 in regards to FRMC's proposals.
At the public hearings, NSMA consultants had two questions for Diavik that they were unable to ask. Diavik agreed to respond to two questions after the fact.
Response to Undertaking 5 from North Slave Metis Alliance.
Letter from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation with several outstanding questions. Diavik has agreed to respond by Sept. 27, 2019.
Diavik's response to the recommendations provided by Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation in it's hearing presentation.
An updated table of Diavik's commitments, including commitments made in response to interventions and at the public hearing.
A letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board, indicating that the GNWT does not have any new evidence or information to submit regarding the supplementary information requests.
Notice of Proceeding detailing the post-hearing phase.
Note to file summarizing undertakings and commitments made during the public hearings.
Transcript from the final day of public hearings, September 6 2019.
This document was added to the public registry at the request of the Fort Resolution Metis Council.
Diavik's response to Board question related to project storage capacity with dam raises, undertaking 4 from the public hearing.
The transcript of the first day of technical hearings in Yellowknife on September 5, 2019.
Updated hearing presentation for Environment and Climate Change Canada
Diavik's response to undertaking 3 from the public hearing.
Teleconference and video presentation information for day 2 of public hearing.
GNWT-Health and Social Services Response to question from Behchoko hearing about Healing, wellness and on the land programs.
Diavik's response to undertaking 1 from the public hearing.
The transcript of the community hearing in Dettah on September 4, 2019.
Note to file describing how to access video presentation services for the technical hearings in Yellowknife.
The transcript of the community hearing in Behchoko on September 3, 2019.
Diavik provided an updated presentation for the public hearing in Dettah.
Note to file describing the Review Board's retention of Joe Handley as a special advisor.
Technical hearing presentation from the Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
Behchoko and Dettah community hearing presentation from Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
Teleconference information for the technical hearings in Yellowknife on September 5th and 6th, 2019.
Technical hearing presentation from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation.
Technical hearing presentation from the Fort Resolution Metis Council.
Technical hearing presentation from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation
Technical hearing presentation from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation
Technical hearing presentation from the Government of the Northwest Territories
Technical hearing presentation from Environment and Climate Change Canada
Behchoko community hearing presentation from the Tlicho Government and Elders.
Technical hearing presentation from the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board
Technical hearing presentation from the North Slave Metis Alliance
Curriculum Vitae for the Review Board's internal expert consultant
As part of its response to interventions, DDMI submitted a video of processed kimberlite consolidation. This note to file describes how to view the video online.
Notice of Proceeding describing the temporary closure of the public record for EA1819-01 in advance of the public hearings.
Meeting report detailing a meeting between Diavik and the GNWT on August 14, 2019 including 5 commitments made by Diavik to address concerns. One of Diavik's commitments is to "remove the A21 mine workings from further consideration for processed kimberlite deposition in the current Review"
Please see a revised public hearing agenda that contains updates to the order of intervener presentations for the technical hearings in Yellowknife. These changes were made following requests from interveners.
Traditional Knowledge reports referenced in YKDFN Intervention
Curriculum vitae for Tony Pearse - technical expert with Tlicho Government.
DDMI response to the Review Board's supplemental information request #5
Meeting notes from the second pre-hearing conference, held on August 9 2019.
Letter to interveners requesting information necessary to finalize pubic hearing agenda.
Slides for the second pre-hearing conference, to be held at 10am on August 9, 2019.
Note to file concerning small corrections to the interventions submitted by Environment and Climate Change Canada and the Yellowknives Dene First Nation.
Draft agenda for the public hearings. This document will be discussed in the pre-hearing conference on August 9, 2019.
Notice of Proceeding describing the requirement for interveners and the developer to submit CVs for expert technical witnesses.
Letter from the NWT Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation - Akaitcho IMA Office to the Review Board withdrawing its intervener status for these hearings.
Correspondence with NSMA and the Akaitcho IMA Office regarding late submission of NSMA's and the Akaitcho IMA Office's interventions. Diavik has indicated it will respond, as long as the interventions are received by August 7, 2019.
Agenda for the pre-hearing conference follow-up meeting, to be held on August 9, 2019.
Intervention from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation
Intervention from the Fort Resolution Metis Council. Attachments include: Attachment 1: COSEWIC 2016 Attachment 2: GIll and Ritchie 2011 Attachment 3: Luginaah SMith Lockridge 2010 Attachment 4: Section 6.0 Exerpt from NWTMN Gahcho Kue TK Assessment Report July 24
Intervention from the Government of the Northwest Territories. Includes GNWT expert CV and an article GNWT referenced in its intervention: ScoRE - A Simple Approach to Select a Water Quality Model (Mateus et al. 2018).
Attachments for EMAB's intervention as follows: Attachment 1: JIAPA Significance Spectrum Ehrlich&Ross Attachment 2: W2007L2-003 - Diavik-ICRP-2012 Annual Progress Rerport-Dec10_12 Attachment 3:DDMI TK Panel Recommendation Tracking v10_10-05018_DDMI Responses Attachment 4: DDMI ICRP v3.2 (Please see PR#8) Attachment 5: Signed Environmental Agreement Attachment 6: Knapp FInal Revised Feb Report to EMAB Rev1-PK disposal to Mines Amendment review Feb 23 209 Attachment 7: Knapp FInal Report Review of Version 4 CLosure Plan Attachment 8: NSC MVEIRB intervention July 26 2019 Attachment 9: 19-07-28 Intervention Support_PK to Pits
A communication record for a meeting between Diavik Diamond Mines Inc and Fisheries and Oceans Canada on July 26.
A letter from the Review Board to Fort Resolution Metis Council in response to the July 29, 2019 extension request for interventions (PR#99).
Notice of proceeding on how parties can respond to the evidence provided by Diavik in response to the Review Board's supplemental information request through the public hearing phase of this EA.
Letter from the Review Board to the Fort Resolution Metis Council in response to their invitation to hold a public hearing in Fort Resolution.
Notice of Proceeding describing how members of the public can participate in the hearings for this EA.
Diavik's responses to Review Board supplementary information requests #1-4 and timeline for response to supplementary information request #5
Letter from the Fort Resolution Metis Council requesting a one week extension to submit their intervention.
A letter from the Review Board requiring clarification and more detailed information on several topics. The letter identifies five supplemental information requests for diavik to respond to.
Note to file describing a meeting between Review Board staff and consultants and Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. on July 25, 2019.
Letter to all participants of the Diavik Mine Site tour.
A communication record for a meeting between Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. and Environment and Climate Change Canada on July 12.
A letter from the Chair of the Review Board to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, regarding the participation of Board member Joe Handley in the Diavik public hearings and the vacant Tlicho Government nomination Board position.
The FRMC have invited the Review Board to host a community hearing in Fort Resolution.
Review Board staff notes from the Pre-hearing Conference.
A joint letter from the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board and the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board in response to Diavik's June 19 letter (PR#64).
A workplan with dates and locations of the public hearings for this EA. Current as of July 10, 2019.
The revised call-in information for the pre-hearing conference.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board's pre-hearing conference powerpoint presentation.
Part 3 of 3 of the attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). PDF's include: the TK Panel session report Our Youth Our Future, DDMI's cover letter to MVEIRB re 2nd round IR's, Tlicho Government's summary of recommendations, and Tlicho Governments Diavik Report (1999).
The attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). PDF includes: Part 2 of the TK Panel Reefs and Water Monitoring Report, the TK panel Session report on Caribou and NCRP Closure Plan, and the TK Panel session report on options for processed kimberlite.
The attachments from the ORS comment table for the Information Requests for DDMI's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01). Index to the pdf's included on the first page of the document.
The ORS comment table from the Information Requests for EA1819-01.
NWT Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation - Akaitcho IMA Implementation Office response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
This notice of proceeding offers parties the opportunity to participate in a site visit to Diavik Mine on July 24, 2019. Details on how to participate are included.
Agenda for the pre-hearing conference on Tuesday, July 9 from 10am-12pm.
A notice of proceeding with guidance from the Review Board on preparing interventions.
Federal department responses to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (PR#43). Includes: Transport Canada's response to Question 6; Environment and Climate Change Canada's responses to Questions 2, 4, and 5; and, Fisheries and Oceans Canada's responses to Questions 2 and 3.
Fort Resolution Metis Council response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
North Slave Metis Alliance response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43). Includes the 1999 NSMA Can't Live Without Work report referenced in NSMA's response to the Review Board.
Deninu Kue First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43). Includes the 2012 Deninu K'ue Ethno-history report referenced in DKFN's response to the Review Board.
Northwest Territory Metis Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Government of the Northwest Territories response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information request (Question 2, PR#43).
Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Tlicho Government response to the Review Board's April 26, 2019 information requests (questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board response to the Review Board's April 26th, 2019 information request (Question 2, PR#43).
Yellowknives Dene First Nation response to the Review Board's April 26th, 2019 information requests (Questions 1 and 2, PR#43).
Notice of Proceeding on the hearing phase for this environmental assessment
A workplan with dates and deadlines leading up to the public hearings for this EA. Current as of June 28, 2019.
Reminder to all parties that the Review Board requests parties and the developer submit meeting reports for meetings that discuss EA issues.
This document contains the comments and attachments received from parties and the developer during the ORS review of Diavik's request for a clarification on scope (PR#46).
A letter from Diavik to the Review Board and the Wek'eezhii Land and Water Board, requesting an updated on the MVEIRB-WLWB coordinated process for the Processed Kimberlite to Pits and Underground project. See PR#3 for the Boards' original joint letter in February 2019.
Letter from the Review Board to the Yellowknives Dene First Nation in response to the June 6, 2019 extension request.
GNWT's response to the Review Board's letter (PR#57), indicating the GNWT intends to fully participate in this EA and at the public hearings.
A notice of proceeding describing the Review Board's decision to grant Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation's request for a two-week extension for preparing information requests.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Fisheries and Oceans Canada participation in this environmental assessment.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Environment and Climate Change Canada participation in this environmental assessment.
Letter from the Review Board regarding Government of the Northwest Territories participation in this environmental assessment.
A letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board, describing the relevant roles and expertise of GNWT departments in this environmental assessment.
Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation's request for a two week extension for preparing information requests.
The Review Board's Reasons for Decision on clarification on scope of assessment for EA1819-01.
Diavik's Summary Impact Statement, in response to Review Board information request #1 on the online review system.
Notice of Proceeding to parties regarding clarifications on the scope of assessment in response to Diavik's May 2, 2019 letter on scope.
Updated letter from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board about participant funding allocations.
Letter from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board about participant funding allocations.
At the request of Lutsel K'e First Nation (LKDFN), Review Board staff have removed PR#44, which containted LKDFN's initial response to the Board's information requests.
Letter from Environment and Climate Change Canada to the Review Board regarding species at risk considerations in EA1819-01.
A notice of proceeding from the Review Board regarding the items discussed in the May 2 letter from Diavik (PR#46)
Letter from Diavik to the Review Board related to its plans for submitting information request responses and the Summary Impact Statement. The letter also discusses Diavik's position on Scope of Development and scope of assessment for this environmental assessment.
Note to file describing a meeting between Review Board staff and Diavik staff on April 30, 2019.
In order to help describe and evaluate the potential impacts of the project, the Review Board is seeking information from parties to EA1819-01. This document includes all of the Review Board information requests to parties. This file was updated on April 29, 2019.
An updated workplan with revised dates, considering feedback from parties. The workplan dates for information requests have since been extended, please see PR#60 for details.
A notice of proceeding from the Review Board, describing the information request stage of the environmental assessment.
The Review Board's final scope for EA1819-01, including its reasons for decision.
Note to file to all parties describing a meeting held between Review Board staff and staff and consultants from Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
Request for extension to the participant funding application deadline submitted by Fort Resolution Metis Council.
This document contains all of the comments and attachments received from parties and the developer from the ORS review of the draft Scoping Document and Workplan.
A letter from the Tlicho Government to the Review Board, discussing the proposed environmental assessment and water licence amendment process for EA1819-01.
This Notice of EA and Initiation of Aboriginal consultation letter from the GNWT to the Akaitcho Pre-screening Board includes the March 15th letter from the GNWT and GoC to the Akaitcho Dene First Nation Chiefs (PR#28).
The meeting summary from the scoping session on Diavik's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01) held in Yellowknife on March 18, 2019.
An updated notice to parties from the Review Board regarding the participant funding available for EA1819-01.The deadline has been extended to April 12th. The original notice was released on March 20th with a deadline of April 5th.
The Participant Funding Application Form for parties to apply for participant funding for the Environmental Assessment of Diavik's Proposal to Deposit Processed Kimberlite into Pits and Underground.
The Participant Funding guide for parties to apply for participant funding for the Environmental Assessment of Diavik's Proposal to Deposit Processed Kimberlite into Pits and Underground.
A letter from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board to Environment and Climate Change Canada identifying the species under the Species at Risk Act that might be affected by Diavik's proposed project (EA1819-01).
The Comprehensive Study Report the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act completed on the Diavik Dimond Mine in 1999. The Mackenzie Valley Review Board references this report in its reason for decision for referring Diavik's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground project to environmental assessment.
The letter's sent to indigenous governments and organizations from the GNWT Department of Lands and the Government of Canada's Northern Projects Management Office, notifying groups of the environmental assessment for Diavik's project (EA1819-01) and the initiation of the governments' consultation on the project. PR#35 is a similar letter from the GNWT to the Akaitcho Pre-screening Board.
Diavik's revised presentation for the scoping session in Yellowknife, March 18.
Review Board slides and presentation for the scoping meeting on Monday, March 18th.
This file is replaced by an updated presentation in PR#27. Diavik's presentation for the scoping session on Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground (EA1819-01)
The scoping meeting agenda for Diavik's Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground EA1819-01.
A summary table of all comments, recommendations, and developer responses received on the online review system for the review of Diavik's responses to the WLWB's Aug. 31 information requests.
A summary table of all comments, recommendations, and developer responses received on the online review system for the initial review of Diavik's amendment application.
A notice of proceeding from the Review Board, providing more details about an upcoming scoping meeting in Yellowknife.
The response from Diavik to DFO regarding the information requests from the WLWB technical session on the water license amendment (W2015L2-0001) to deposit process kimberlite in mine workings.
The response from the GNWT Environment and Natural Resources to the information requests from the WLWB technical session on Diavik's water license amendment (W2015L2-0001) to deposit process kimberlite into mine workings.
The response from the Environmental Monitoring Agency Board (EMAB) to the information requests from the WLWB technical session on Diavik's water license amendment application (WL2015L2-0001) to deposit process kimberlite into mine workings.
The Department of Fisheries and Ocean's (DFO) response to the information requests from the WLWB technical session on Diavik's water license (W2015L2-0001) amendment application to deposit process kimberlite in mine workings.
The Diavik's response to WLWB's information requests from the WLWB's technical session for the water license (W2015L2-0001) amendment request for the deposition of processed kimberlite into mine workings.
Environment and Climate Change Canada's response to the IR's issued to Diavik from the WLWB Technical Sessions regarding the W2015L2-0001 amendment application.
A letter from the WLWB detailing the Information Requests resulting from the WLWB Technical Session on Diavik's Water License (W2015L2-0001) Amendment Application for Processed Kimberlite to Mine Workings.
Diavik's presentation from the WLWB's Technical Session on the water license (W2015L2-0001) amendment application to deposit process kimberlite into mine workings.
A report from Golder Associates regarding the model calibration for Diavik's Sensitivity Analysis Results. See PR#007 for excel file of the sensitivity analysis results for the A418 development case.
Diavik's response to the information request from the WLWB for more information regarding the amendment application to Water License W2015L2-0001 for the deposition of processed kimberlite into mine workings. The response includes a technical report from Golder Associates that summarizes the preliminary modeling analysis at closure/post-closure in response to the WLWB's requests.
The Diavik's response to the WLWB information request for more information to inform a preliminary screening determination for the amendment application for the placement of processed kimberlite in mine workings.
The information request from the WLWB to DDMI regarding the Water License (W2015L2-0001) Amendment Application for Processed Kimberlite to Mine Workings.
Part 1 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 2 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation Plan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 3 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation PLan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 4 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation PLan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 5 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation PLan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 6 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation PLan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
Part 7 of DDMI's Interim Closure and Reclamation PLan v3.2 replacing North Country Rock Pile ICRP.
The results of Diavik's sensitivity analysis for the A418 Development Case.
A letter from the Mackenzie Valley Review Board to the Distribution list regarding the notice of referral to environmental assessment of DDMI's Depositing of Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground.
The Water License Amendment Application and supporting documents for Diavik Diamond Mines (2012) Inc.'s (DDMI) request to the WLWB to amend the Water License WL2015L2-0001 to allow for the deposition of Processed Kimberlite (PK) material into mine workings.
The Draft Scoping Document and proposed work-plan for the assessment of Diavik Diamond Mines' Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground.
A joint letter from the WLWB and the Mackenzie Valley Review Board outlining their commitment to coordinate their activities regarding the assessment of Diavik's application of Depositing Process Kimberlite in Pits and Underground.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board's Reasons for Decision to order an Environmental Assessment of Diavik Diamond Mines's proposal to deposit processed kimberlite in pits and underground.
Notification of the Mackenzie Valley Review Board's decision to refer Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.'s proposed changes to its processed kimberlite containment to Environmental Assessment.