The Review Board annually hosts EIA Practitioners workshops where participants examine the different aspects of the EIA process and identify current challenges and potential solutions to how environmental impact assessment is done in the Mackenzie Valley.
Practitioners' workshops
MVRMA Workshop 2024 - Fort Simpson
MVRMA Practitioners Workshop in Fort Simpson on March 26-27, 2024
On March 25-26, 2024, the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley, the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board, the Government of Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada hosted the annual Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) Resource Co-management Workshop in Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ (Fort Simpson), NWT. The goal of the workshop was to help familiarize participants with co-management and integrated systems of land and water management established through the MVRMA, Land Claim and Self-Government Agreements.This workshop was an in-person event. This Summary Report summarizes main themes, presentations, and panel discussions.
Date: March 26th & 27th, 2024
Location: Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́ (Fort Simpson) Recreation Centre
Register here
The Draft agenda is subject to change. The final agenda will be shared closer to the event
RSEA of the Slave Geological Province Workshop and Post-Workshop Materials
The Review Board's Executive Director provided an overview and update presentation on the Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Slave Geological Province process to date during the regulatory session of the 2023 NWT Geoscience Forum.
Letter from the Minister of Northern Affairs to Tlicho Grand Chief Lafferty in support of the recommendation to initiate a regional study of the Slave Geological Province under part 5.2 of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
Regional assessments under the Impact Assessment Act - Presentation by Steve Bonnell, PhD (385.86 KB) 
Regional assessments under the Impact Assessment Act. Presentation by Dr. Steve Bonnell, Manager Strategic and Regional Assessments with the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
SGP RSEA Post-workshop submission from GNWT (342.94 KB) 
Letter from the Assistant Deputy Minister Jayleen Robertson to CIRNAC
Letter to the Honourable Daniel Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs from NWT MLA Kevin O'Reilly.
Letter from the Tlicho Government to CIRNAC
Letter from the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines to CIRNAC.
SGP RSEA Post-workshop submission from LKDFN (219.86 KB) 
Letter from the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation to CIRNAC.
Letter from the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley to CIRNAC.
SGP RSEA Post-workshop submission from CIRNAC (258.58 KB) 
Letter from Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board.
SGP RSEA Post-Workshop Submission from YKDFN (190.53 KB) 
Post- Workshop submission from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation
EA Measure Implementation and Effectiveness Workshop
Summary Report of the Environmental Assessment Measure Implementation and Effectiveness Practitioners' Workshop, held in Yellowknife on June 28-29, 2023
2022 Virtual MVRMA Workshop Series
The Resource Co-management Workshops are hosted by the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley, the Mackenzie Valley Review Board, the Government of the Northwest Territories, and the Government of Canada. Given the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances, a series of four virtual half-day workshops were held rather than the typical several-day long in-person workshop once per year. The topics of the virtual workshops were based on a survey conducted in Fall of 2021. This year's workshops focus on:
- The Co-Management System and Ongoing Initiatives (March 30 and 31)
- Closure and Reclamation (June 8 and 9)
- Engagement and Consultation (Sept. 28 and 29)
- Climate Change (Dec. 15 and 16)
Appendices to the summary report for virtual workshop #4 on climate change. Appendices include presenter slides, bios and reference material
The December 15 and 16 2022 Workshop focussed on climate change and how this important topic is considered in co-management Board decisions within the Mackenzie Valley.
Appendices to the Summary Report for virtual workshop #3 on Consultation and Engagement. Appendices include presenter slides, bios and reference material.
The September 28 and 29 2022 workshop focussed on consultation and engagement processes in the Mackenzie Valley. The workshop shared knowledge, ideas, and experiences on existing co-management processes with regard to consultation and engagement.
Virtual Workshop #2- Workshop Materials (15.48 MB) 
Workshop materials including presentation slides from Virtual Workshop #2 on Closure and Reclamation.
2022 Virtual Workshop #1- workshop materials (14.06 MB) 
Workshop materials and presentation slides from the March 30-31 virtual workshop on the Co-management System and Ongoing Initiatives
The June 8 and 9, 2022 workshop focussed on the closure and reclamation process in the Mackenzie Valley. The workshop shared knowledge, ideas, and experiences on existing co-management processes with regard to closure and reclamation and provided information on current closure and reclamation-related initiatives in the Mackenzie Valley.
The March 30 and 31 workshop introduced the integrated co-management system of land and water management established through the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA).
MVRMA workshop 2021
2021 MVRMA Workshop Summary Report (13.69 MB) 
On March 9-11, 2021, the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley, the Mackenzie Valley Review Board, the Government of Northwest Territories (GNWT) and the Government of Canada hosted the annual Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (MVRMA) Resource Co-management Workshop. This workshop was a hybrid virtual and in-person event. This Summary Report summarizes the rich and productive discussions held over three days, capturing main themes, presentations, and panels.
2021 Resource Co-management workshop
Resource Co-management Workshop 2021 (497.96 KB) 
The Resource Co-management Workshop 2021 is being held from March 9-11, 2021. The final agenda, technical information for participants and COVID risk minimization plan are now available for all registered participants.
2020 Resource Co-management workshop
Resource Co-management Workshop: Engagement and Consultation (February, 2020) Final Report (1.93 MB) 
This is the final report for the Resource Co-management Workshop in the Mackenzie Valley: Engagement and Consultation.
The workshop was held in February, 2020 in Yellowknife.
Preliminary Screener's Workshop 2019
MVRMA Workshop 2019
MVRMA Workshop Inuvik 2019 Appendices Part 2
MVRMA Workshop Inuvik 2019 Appendices Part 1
MVRMA Workshop Report Inuvik Feb 2019 (813.31 KB) 
This is the report from the MVRMA Workshop held in Inuvik February 26-28, 2019.
Theme: Fostering Integrated Decision‐Making in Resource Management
Audio files: Workshop proceedings are available on audio file at the Review Board office in Yellowknife
MVRMA Workshop 2018
This is the second of two Appendices for the MVRMA Workshop: " A project gets the green light: now what?". This Workshop was held in Yellowknife on February 13-14, 2018.
This is the first of two Appendices for the MVRMA Workshop: " A project gets the green light: now what?". This Workshop was held in Yellowknife on February 13-14, 2018.
This is the summary report for the MVRMA Workshop: " A project gets the green light: now what?". This Workshop was held in Yellowknife on February 13-14, 2018. Two Appendices accompany this report.
EIA Workshop 2015
2015 EIA Practitioners' Workshop (7.75 MB) 
Theme: New Tools for New Rules
The topics of this workshop included amendments to the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act and the process improvements that are being considered. This document contains the agenda, plenary presentations and the break-out workshop presentations.
The workshop was held on February 16 and 17, 2015 in Yellowknife.
MVRMA Workshop 2016
The following document contains the presentations given at the MVRMA Workshop in January of 2016. A summary report will be available in March, 2016.
MVRMA Workshop Summary Report (8.73 MB) 
This is the summary report for the MVRMA workshop that was held in January, 2016 in Yellowknife.
Preliminary Screener's Workshop 2016
The Preliminary Screening Practitioner's Workshop was held on Wednesday, September 7th at the Tree of Peace in Yellowknife. The attached includes the purpose of the workshop, the agenda and the presentations given. A summary report will be available in October, 2016.
Preliminary Screening Workshop Report (1.36 MB) 
This is the report from the Preliminary Screening Workshop held at Tree of Peace in Yellowknife on September 7, 2016.
Norman Wells Co-Management Workshop 2017
This is the report from the Resource Co-management Workshop held in Norman Wells, February, 2017. The report also contains the agenda and presentations given.
Hay River Co-management Workshop 2017
This is the report from the Resource Co-management Workshop held in Hay River, January 2017. Presentations from the workshop are found in two separate documents- please see subsequent links.
Part 1 of 2 Presentations from the Hay River Resource Co-management Workshop, January 2017.
Part 2 of 2 Presentations from the Hay River Resource Co-management Workshop, January 2017.
2008 EIA Practitioners' Workshop
Theme: "Close the Loop" - In 2008 we will close the loop by improving the integration of the EIA process into the overall resource management system. Key note speakers, plenary sessions, and working groups will explore how EIA can inform monitoring, enforcement, and follow up, and how these processesthemselves can shape EIA. Discussions will centre on the EIA process' place in the integrated resource management system.
2007 EIA Practitioners' Workshop
Theme: "Do Early Work"
2006 EIA Practitioners' Workshop
Theme: Raising the Bar for Socio-economic impact assessment
2005 EIA Practitioners' Workshop
This workshop featured staff presentations on the "Lessons Learned" from selected environmental assessments