Practitioners' workshops

The Review Board annually hosts EIA Practitioners workshops where participants examine the different aspects of the EIA process and identify current challenges and potential solutions to how environmental impact assessment is done in the Mackenzie Valley.

MVRMA Workshop 2024 - Fort Simpson

MVRMA Practitioners Workshop in Fort Simpson on March 26-27, 2024

RSEA of the Slave Geological Province Workshop and Post-Workshop Materials

EA Measure Implementation and Effectiveness Workshop

2022 Virtual MVRMA Workshop Series

The Resource Co-management Workshops are hosted by the Land and Water Boards of the Mackenzie Valley, the Mackenzie Valley Review Board, the Government of the Northwest Territories, and the Government of Canada. Given the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances, a series of four virtual half-day workshops were held rather than the typical several-day long in-person workshop once per year. The topics of the virtual workshops were based on a survey conducted in Fall of 2021. This year's workshops focus on:

  • The Co-Management System and Ongoing Initiatives (March 30 and 31)
  • Closure and Reclamation (June 8 and 9)
  • Engagement and Consultation (Sept. 28 and 29)
  • Climate Change (Dec. 15 and 16)


MVRMA workshop 2021

2021 Resource Co-management workshop

2020 Resource Co-management workshop

MVRMA Workshop 2019

MVRMA Workshop 2018

EIA Workshop 2015

MVRMA Workshop 2016

Preliminary Screener's Workshop 2016

Norman Wells Co-Management Workshop 2017

Hay River Co-management Workshop 2017

2008 EIA Practitioners' Workshop

Theme: "Close the Loop" - In 2008 we will close the loop by improving the integration of the EIA process into the overall resource management system. Key note speakers, plenary sessions, and working groups will explore how EIA can inform monitoring, enforcement, and follow up, and how these processesthemselves can shape EIA. Discussions will centre on the EIA process' place in the integrated resource management system.

2007 EIA Practitioners' Workshop

Theme: "Do Early Work"

2005 EIA Practitioners' Workshop

This workshop featured staff presentations on the "Lessons Learned" from selected environmental assessments