Depositing Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground - EA1819-01
Document List - Public hearings
Transcript from the final day of public hearings, September 6 2019.
This document was added to the public registry at the request of the Fort Resolution Metis Council.
Diavik's response to Board question related to project storage capacity with dam raises, undertaking 4 from the public hearing.
The transcript of the first day of technical hearings in Yellowknife on September 5, 2019.
Updated hearing presentation for Environment and Climate Change Canada
Diavik's response to undertaking 3 from the public hearing.
Teleconference and video presentation information for day 2 of public hearing.
GNWT-Health and Social Services Response to question from Behchoko hearing about Healing, wellness and on the land programs.
Diavik's response to undertaking 1 from the public hearing.
The transcript of the community hearing in Dettah on September 4, 2019.
Note to file describing how to access video presentation services for the technical hearings in Yellowknife.
The transcript of the community hearing in Behchoko on September 3, 2019.
Diavik provided an updated presentation for the public hearing in Dettah.
Note to file describing the Review Board's retention of Joe Handley as a special advisor.
Technical hearing presentation from the Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
Behchoko and Dettah community hearing presentation from Diavik Diamond Mines Inc.
Teleconference information for the technical hearings in Yellowknife on September 5th and 6th, 2019.
Technical hearing presentation from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation.
Technical hearing presentation from the Fort Resolution Metis Council.
Technical hearing presentation from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation
Technical hearing presentation from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation
Technical hearing presentation from the Government of the Northwest Territories
Technical hearing presentation from Environment and Climate Change Canada
Behchoko community hearing presentation from the Tlicho Government and Elders.
Technical hearing presentation from the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board
Technical hearing presentation from the North Slave Metis Alliance
Curriculum Vitae for the Review Board's internal expert consultant
Notice of Proceeding describing the temporary closure of the public record for EA1819-01 in advance of the public hearings.
Meeting report detailing a meeting between Diavik and the GNWT on August 14, 2019 including 5 commitments made by Diavik to address concerns. One of Diavik's commitments is to "remove the A21 mine workings from further consideration for processed kimberlite deposition in the current Review"
Please see a revised public hearing agenda that contains updates to the order of intervener presentations for the technical hearings in Yellowknife. These changes were made following requests from interveners.
Meeting notes from the second pre-hearing conference, held on August 9 2019.
Letter to interveners requesting information necessary to finalize pubic hearing agenda.
Slides for the second pre-hearing conference, to be held at 10am on August 9, 2019.
Draft agenda for the public hearings. This document will be discussed in the pre-hearing conference on August 9, 2019.
Notice of Proceeding describing the requirement for interveners and the developer to submit CVs for expert technical witnesses.
Letter from the NWT Treaty 8 Tribal Corporation - Akaitcho IMA Office to the Review Board withdrawing its intervener status for these hearings.
Agenda for the pre-hearing conference follow-up meeting, to be held on August 9, 2019.
Letter from the Review Board to the Fort Resolution Metis Council in response to their invitation to hold a public hearing in Fort Resolution.
Notice of Proceeding describing how members of the public can participate in the hearings for this EA.
Letter from the Fort Resolution Metis Council requesting a one week extension to submit their intervention.
Note to file describing a meeting between Review Board staff and consultants and Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. on July 25, 2019.
Letter to all participants of the Diavik Mine Site tour.
A letter from the Chair of the Review Board to the Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, regarding the participation of Board member Joe Handley in the Diavik public hearings and the vacant Tlicho Government nomination Board position.
The FRMC have invited the Review Board to host a community hearing in Fort Resolution.
Review Board staff notes from the Pre-hearing Conference.
The revised call-in information for the pre-hearing conference.
The Mackenzie Valley Review Board's pre-hearing conference powerpoint presentation.
This notice of proceeding offers parties the opportunity to participate in a site visit to Diavik Mine on July 24, 2019. Details on how to participate are included.
Notice of Proceeding on the hearing phase for this environmental assessment