Depositing Processed Kimberlite in Pits and Underground - EA1819-01
Document List - Hearing follow-up
The public record for EA1819-01 is now closed.
Closing arguments from the Northwest Territories Metis Nation. Received after due date.
Closing submission from CanNor on behalf of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Environmental Protection Operations Directorate of Environment and Climate Change Canada
Closing argument from the Government of the Northwest Territories
Letter from Environment and Climate Change Canada to the Review Board in response to post-hearing follow up
Note to file regarding the Review Board's post-hearing follow up with Environment and Climate Change Canada
Closing argument from the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board.
Diavik's response to Lutsel K'e's September 13 letter (PR#174).
Note to file describing Bertha Norwegian's role as a special advisor to the Review Board for the remainder of this assessment
A letter from Deninu Kue First Nation regarding commitment 2 from the public hearings. Public hearing undertakings and commitments are described in PR#169.
Diavik's response to undertaking #2 in regards to FRMC's proposals.
At the public hearings, NSMA consultants had two questions for Diavik that they were unable to ask. Diavik agreed to respond to two questions after the fact.
Response to Undertaking 5 from North Slave Metis Alliance.
Letter from Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation with several outstanding questions. Diavik has agreed to respond by Sept. 27, 2019.
Diavik's response to the recommendations provided by Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation in it's hearing presentation.
An updated table of Diavik's commitments, including commitments made in response to interventions and at the public hearing.
A letter from the Government of the Northwest Territories to the Review Board, indicating that the GNWT does not have any new evidence or information to submit regarding the supplementary information requests.
Notice of Proceeding detailing the post-hearing phase.
Note to file summarizing undertakings and commitments made during the public hearings.