Waste Facility - Norman Wells - EA2223-01
Document List - Assessment/review startup
A letter from CIRNAC to the Review Board advising the Review Board and the public that participant funding will be provided for this EA.
This is a Pubic Notice issued by CIRNAC regarding Participant Funding for the scoping phase of this EA.
This is CIRNAC's guide and application for participant funding for the scoping phase of this EA.
A letter from the Review Board to Fisheries and Oceans Canada pursuant to section 79(1) of the Species at Risk Act that provides notice that species at risk may be potentially affected by the Project.
A letter from the Review Board to ECCC pursuant to section 79(1) of the Species at Risk Act that provides notice that species at risk may be potentially affected by the Project.
Preliminary screening documents from the SLWB Water Licence amendment application
Letter to Imperial from Review Board re: Notice of Assessment.
A letter to the Review Board Chair referring the Normal Wells Operation Waste Management Facility to Environmental Assessment.