Snap Lake Diamond Mine - EA01-004
Document List - Assessment/review startup
For DeBeers proposed Snap Lake diamond project, Akaitcho region.
For the environmental assessment of De Beers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region.
Letter identifies the GNWT as an expert advisor in the environmental assessment of DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region.
Letter requests that agencies identify their roles in the environmental assessment of DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region.
Meeting was an introduction from DeBeers to their proposed Snap Lake diamond project for the MVEIRB staff.
Invitation to a site tour and information meeting on the proposed DeBeers Snap Lake project, Akaitcho region.
Letter identifies the MVLWB as a regulatory authority in the EA of DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond project, Akaitcho region.
Proposed distribution list for the assessment of DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region. File includes correspondence related to changes to the list.
Letter asks that DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region be called up for environmental assessment.
Letter identifies the YKDFN as an intervener in the assessment of DeBeers' proposed Snap Lake diamond mine, Akaitcho region.
Letter identifies DIAND as an expert advisor and as a responsible minister.
Updated distribution list for the assessment of the DeBeers Snap Lake Diamond Project.
Letter sent out to the distribution list requesting parties involved to indicate their appropiate category.
Letter regards the GNWT's assignment of expert reviewer roles for the environmental assessment of De Beers Snap Lake Diamond Project.
Email regards questions/concerns from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans on the proposed division of labour and the lead reviewer roles.
Comments from both MVEIRB and Natural Resources Canada on the role allocations for the environmental assessment of the Snap Lake Project.
Meeting to discuss the determination of standings in the De Beers environmental Assessment.
Request from EC to make a correction to the MVEIRB "experts list".
Letter MVEIRB to the distribution list.
Meeting to discuss the Rules of Procedure as they apply to the De Beers environmental assessment and to clarify the different role types.
Letter identifies the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs as a responsible Minister and as having directly affected party status.
Email identifies NRCan as a directly affected party and as a responsible Minister.
Emails from Natural Resources Canada and the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development.
Letter identifies the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development as a directly affected party.
This letter identifies the Dene Nation as an Intervener and also expresses some concern regarding the responsibilities assigned to that role.
Letter identifies the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines as an intervener.
Letter requests for LKDFN to be considered as a directly affected party for the environmental assessment of De Beers Snap Lake.
Letter from MVEIRB confirming NSMA's status as a directly affected party.
Letter requests for directly affected party status for the NSMA.
Email identifies YKDFN as a directly affected party.
Email identifies CARC as a intervener.
Notification to the distribution of a change in the meeting date.
Email requesting guidance from MVEIRB on sending community representatives to the meeting for the De Beers Rules of Procedure.
Confirmation that DLFN will send two representatives to the De Beers Rules of Procedure meeting.
Email identifies Environment Canada as a directly affected party.
For the environmental assessment of the De Beers Snap Lake Diamond Exploration Project.
Request submitted by the World Wildlife Fund for minutes from the February 25, 2002 meeting on the Rules of Procedure. MVEIRB response attached as well.
Letter regards the acceptance of the Dene Nation as an intervener in the EA of De Beers Canada Snap Lake Diamond Project.
Letter regards the acceptance of LKDFN as a directly affected party for the EA of De Beers Canada Snap Lake Project.
Request from Dogrib Treaty 11 Council for directly affected party status in the EA of De Beers Snap Lake Diamond Project.
MVEIRB distribution of the request for directly affected party status for Dogrib Treaty 11 Council.
Email identifies DFO as a Directly Affected Party.
Letter from MVEIRB accepting DT11C as a directly affected party in the environmental assessment of De Beers Canada Snap Lake Project.
Sent out by MVEIRB.
Fax distribution of a letter from MVEIRB re: directly affected status for Rae-Edzo Metis.
Letter regards the assignment of expert reviewer roles for the environmental assessment of De Beers Snap Lake.
Fax distribution of the letter from the Rae Edzo Metis request for directly affected party status.
Request for legal opinion on the matter of the request from the Rae-Edzo Metis for directly affected party status.
Letter accepting the Rae-Edzo Metis Nation as a directly affected party.
Fax and email distribution of the letter accepting the Rae-Edzo Metis as a directly affected party.
Email from DIAND confirming DIAND to be a regulatory authority, and identifying the Manager of Land Administration as the official contact.
Email from NRCan which identifies the areas where it can provide expertise in the De Beers Snap Lake EA.
Identification of areas of expertise from DFO.
Coverletter. Submitted bt De Beers to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board.
Email regards WWF involvment in the EA of De Beers Canada Snap Lake Diamond Project.
Email regards the identification and role of expert advisors.
DFO preferences for receiving requests and providing feedback on issues.
Areas where EC can provide advice on, and their preference for receiving and distributing information.