Mackenzie Gas Project - EIR0405-001
Document List
Volume 2: Technical considerations: Implementing the decision. Chapter 1: Introduction, Chapter 2: Regulatory review process, Chapter 3: Environmental and socio-economic matters, and Chapter 4: Development fields
The document sets out the terms of reference for the Environmental Impact Review of the Mackenzie Gas Project. It includes background and rationale for the establishment of the Joint Review Panel.
Agreement between the Minister of the Environment, MVEIRB and the Inuvialuit to conduct an environmental review of the Mackenzie Gas Project, including the creation of the joint review panel. Agreement gives effect to the Cooperation Plan (see Additional
Sets out a "made in the North" approach to conducting a joint environmental review designed to satisfy the regulatory requirements of the <i>Canadian Environmental Assessment Act</i>, <i>Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act</i> and the Western Arctic
A joint letter from the Partners of the Joint Review Panel Agreement sent to the JRP ammending Section 4.9 (reporting requirements) of the "Agreement for the Environmental Impact Review of the Mackenzie Gas Project".
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Volume II
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Executive Summary - English
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Executive Summary - French
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Volume I
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Volume I, Figure 2-14
Joint Review Panel: Report of Environmental Review Volume I, Figure 2-16
The Federal Minister and Responsible Ministers, under the Mackenzie Valley Resources Management Act (MVRMA), have made a decision on the Environmental Impact Review of the Mackenzie Gas Project which was made under subsection 135(1) of the MVRMA This is a combined response is under the authority of the MVRMA and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA).
Volume 1: Respecting all voices: Our journey to a decision. Part 3: Production, The transmission pipelines and Part 4: Our decision
Volume 1: Respecting all voices: Our journey to a decision. Part 1: The project as a whole and Part 2: Production, gathering and processing systems
Volume 2: Technical considerations: Implementing the decision.Chapter 5: Routing and land matters, Chapter 6: Facilities, Chapter 7: Economic feasibility, Chapter 8: Toll, tariff and access provisions, Chapter 9: Consultation, Chapter 10: National Energy Board lifespan regulation, Chapter 11: Disposition, and Appendices