Cameron Hills Extension Project - EA03-005
Document List - Information requests
Response to information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Additional response to information request 1.2.1 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to second round information request 1.2.71 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to additional information requests 1.2.136 and 1.2.137 for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter explains why INAC has not responded to information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Additional response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Ka'a'gee Tu First Nation requests that the board provide written reasons for not issuing certain information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project. Also, a second letter to various agencies to dir
Requests that the board provide written reasons for not issuing two proposed information requests during the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Letter from Fort Providence Metis Council to regulatory agencies re: Cameron Hills Extension project
Letter states that the Council has decided to independently issue information requests to various regulatory agencies in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Requests for further information in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the first round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, Dehcho region.
Shows buffer zones around facilities and linear disturbances in the Cameron Hills area, South Slave region. Map submitted by Paramount Resources.
Shows corridor density in and around the significant discovery area at Cameron Hills. Submitted by Paramount Resources.
Signature sheet confirming delivery of information request responses to affected First Nations in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project.
Response to additional information requests from GNWT/Environment Canada for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.18 to 1.2.40.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.41 to 1.2.70.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.71 to 1.2.98.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.99 to 1.2.118.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.119 to 1.2.130.
Response to the second round of information requests for Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region. Includes responses to requests numbered 1.2.1 to 1.2.17.
Two information requests that were not previously issued in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
For the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Information requests issued by MVEIRB in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
Information requests issued by MVEIRB in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
MVEIRB adds 2 additional Information Requests and attaches a list of all affected parties.
Indian and Northern Affairs Canada respond to the MVEIRB's information request #1.1.27 and # for the Paramount Cameron Hills Extension Environmental Assessment (EA03-005)
MVEIRB is now providing directly affected parties and interveners with the opportunity to identify any Information Requests they deem necessary.
KTFN request that MVEIRB extend its IR deadline from December 5 to December 12, 2003.
Mandell Pinder Barristers and Solicitors writing on behalf of the KTFN, requests an extension on the due date for IRs.
In response to IR 1.2.103 Paramount has submitted a copy of their noise monitoring report.
Notification that Paramount's IR responses have been posted on the public registry.
Addition of 5 information requests to Paramount Resources, based on submissions from the GNWT and Environment Canada
Letter- Joe Acorn Re: Latter from Fraiser Fairman to Albert Lafferty. He explains the procedures for IR's and questions INAC not answering Fort Providence's IR.
Paramountƒ_Ts response to the Fort Providence MActis Council's inquiries about the responses to their IR's.
Communication regarding Fort Providence MActis Council's IRs and the NEB's refusal to answer the questions.
Communications regarding MVLWB's refusal to answer FPMC and KTFN's Information Requests
The Board responds to questions regarding certain proposed information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.
with the exception of IR 27 that is directed to INAC, DFO, Environment Canada and GNWT-RWED.
The Board responds to questions regarding certain proposed information requests in the environmental assessment of Paramount Resources' Cameron Hills Extension project, South Slave region.