Drybones Bay mineral exploration - EA03-006
Document List - Information requests
Response to request from Yellowknives Dene First Nation for additional time to develop information requests in the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.
Provides answers to information requests issued by MVEIRB to Snowfield Development for their proposed diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay.
Deadlines for Information Requests issued by MVEIRB for the diamond exploration program proposed by Snowfield Development at Drybones/Wool Bay.
Issued in the environmental assessment of Snowfield Development's diamond exploration program at Drybones/Wool Bay, Akaitcho region.
Letter from MVEIRB to the distribution list notifying them that the Review Board is now accepting information requests for the EA of Snowfield Development Corp.
Request for additional time to prepare Information Requests considering the delay in finalizing the DAR for Snowfield Development's Drybones Bay exploration project.
Letter regards YKDFN's request keep documents entered into evidence for the EA at Drybones Bay confidential.
Clarification on the deadlines for the submission of the Pre-Hearing Conference Worksheet and comments on the YKDFN request for ruling.
A fax sent to the distribution list as a reminder of the November 14, 2003 IR deadline.
Procedure for viewing YKDFN's reports.
INAC's responses to the information requests #1.1.6, 1.1.11, 1.1.15 and 1.1.16
Email sent from Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to MVEIRB.
Reponse to MVEIRB regarding questions arising from the management of archaeological resources in the Drybones and Wool Bay areas.
GNWT's response to information requests issued by MVEIRB.
Response from NSMA re: information request, and information request from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Letter from Snowfield Development which nominates representatives from the company who may request to view the confidential documents.
In response to IR #1.1.18 requesting the NWT Bureau of Statistics to provide information on population trends for Yellowknife, Dettah, Ndilo, Ft. Resolution and Lutsel K'e between 1970 and 2000.
Information requests from YKDFN.
Letter also addresses YKDFN's request for ruling.
Response from SDC to the round two IRs issued by the Department of Oceans and Fisheries.
Response from SDC to IRs submitted by the Department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development, GNWT.
Response from SDC to concerns raised by the NSMA during their consultation meeting (in the information request format).