Underground Decline and Pilot Plant - EA01-002
Document List
LEtter grants approvale to the Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities Condition Inspection Report.
Letter from Nahanni National Park Reserve to MVEIRB referring Canadian Zinc and its projects for environmental assessment.
Notice of referral to environmental assessment for the CZN surface exploration - Land User Permit (LUP) applications MV2001C0022, MV2001C0023, and water license application MV2001L2-0003.
A co-ordination email sent the the distribution list regarding the responsibilities of government departments and agencies.
Letter from MVEIRB notifying distribution list of the comencement of an environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc.
Letter forwards the environmental assessment notification letter for Canadian Zinc and government departments to distribution list.
Letters from Pehdzeh Ki First Nation to MVEIRB referring Canadian Zinc's Land Use Permit and Water license applications for environmental assessment.
Request for confirmation that Parks Canada's referral of the developer's project to environmental assessment reflects their official policy.
Letter includes Canadian Zinc's letter to MVEIRB regarding the referral, a request to Parks Canada for information from Can. Zinc, and a letter to MVEIRB from Can. Zinc requesting a speedy review of the referral.
Letter to MVEIRB attaches letter to Canadian Zinc from the Nahanni Butte Dene Band expressing their support for the proposed development at Prairie Creek as per the Prairie Creek Development Corporation Agreement signed by the Nahanni Butte Dene Band and
Request to distribution list to review attached development descriptions submitted by Canadian Zinc, and to let the Review Board know what they would like to see included in the draft work plan and draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Prairie Creek d
Letter requests MVEIRB to examine the different projects in the Nahanni watershed, foccussing on the cumulative effects, as part of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek.
Letter announces referral of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek for environmental assessment. Letter provides reasoning.
Several emails from interested parties offering comments on the draft work plan and draft Terms of Reference for the Canadian Zinc corporation's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Draft Terms of Reference and draft environmental assessment work plan for the Canadian Zinc Corporation Surface exploration, Underground Decline and Metallurgic Plant Operation environmental assessment.
Letter expresses comments from Nahanni National Park Reserve on the draft work plan.
Letter expresses concern that the developer did not consult affected communities before applying for a Land Use Permit.
Letter addresses a need for clarification and suggests formation of a technical committee to assist in addressing particular issues.
Letter responds to the notice of referral given regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration at Prairie Creek, and states the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's intended involvement in the environmental assessment process.
Letter expresses Nahanni National Park Reserve's intended involvement in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter expresses the GNWT's intended involvement in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter expresses Environment Canada's intended involvement in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter corrects the intended involvement of Natural Resources Canada in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter addresses roles of parties already in contact and requests notification and contact information of any have been omitted.
Letter supports Canadian Zinc's proposed projects at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter from Nahanni National Park Reserve to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board referring Canadian Zinc's proposed projects at Prairie Creek to MVEIRB for environmental assessment.
Letter requests copy of letter of referral from Parks Canada regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek projects. Expresses concern over the undertaking of full environmental assessment.
Letters expressing different concerns with Canadian Zinc's permit application for their proposed Prairie Creek mineral exploration project. Views of Pehdzeh Ki First Nation, Canadian Zinc, Nahanni Butte Dene Band, Lutsel K'e First Nation, and the Departme
Letter expresses the Department of Fisheries and Oceans' intended involvement in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter from the department of Indian and Northern Affairs requests one week extention of deadline for comments on the draft Terms of Reference and work plan for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek.
Letter provides Canadian Zinc's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan. Letter is misdated.
Letter of response to the department of Indian and Northern Affairs request for extention of comment deadline.
Letter from Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society requests a deadline extention for the submission of comments on the draft Terms of Refernece and environmental assessment work plan.
Letter of response to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's request for extention of comment deadline.
Letter expresses Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's concern with Candian Zinc's proposed project at Prairie Creek. Also urges Minister to publicly affirm support of Nahanni National Park Reserve Superintendent's decision to refer Canadian Zinc to MVE
Letter provides Nahanni National Park Reserve's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Discusses possiblity of splitting the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed three part project into two separate environmental assessments.
Letter request official response to similar letter dated April 24, 2001 regarding concern over the application of the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act.
Draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan following the May 18th decision to perform two separate environmental assessments.
The cumulative effects portion of an environmental assessment from Paramount Resources for their Liard East Drilling project. Submitted as aid for construction of the environmental assessment of Candian Zinc's Prairie Creek projects.
Letter provides the department of Indian and Northern Affairs' comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Draft guidelines prepared by the Regional Environmental Review Committee of the Environment & Conservation, Northern Affairs Program in June 1995.
Letter provides Nahanni National Park Reserve's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Letter expresses the Liidlii K'e First Nation's concern with the Canadian Zinc proposed development on Prairie Creek, and their desire to see the application refused.
Letter provides Environment Canada's Environmental Protection Branch's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Letter provides the GNWT Resources Wildlife and Economic Development's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Copies of the letters confirming the roles of several interested parties in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek.
Letter forwards documents and requests developer begin preparing environmental assessment reports and informs of a possible upcoming public hearing.
Letter stating the comencement of an environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed developments at Prairie Creek.
Letter expresses Nahanni National Park Reserve's intended involvement in the environmental assessment process for Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter requests MVEIRB to examine the different projects in the Nahanni watershed, foccussing on the cumulative effects, as part of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek.
Letter expresses thanks for present involvement in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration program at Prairie Creek, NT and requests suggestions for imrpoving MVEIRB's method and timing of consultations with the Deh Ch
Contains Nahanni National Park Reserve's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek mineral exploration project.
Letter provides the GNWT Resources Wildlife and Economic Development's comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Includes: Cover letter, EA report, Safety & Procedures Manual, Land Overlaps Map, Location Map, Claims Map, Pilot Plant Flowsheet, Pilot Plant Location Drawing, Site Plan and Metallurgical Studies Bibliography.
Letter concerning Canadian Zinc's previously submitted Environmental Assessment Report. Also Includes Milestone Completion Timetable for EA 01-002 and EA 01-003.
Letter thanks developer for Environmental Assessment Report and states that the timelines of 01-002 and 01-003 timelines are being brought together to overcome some time restraints.
Letter expresses concern with tight timeline of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development and with the inability to open some of the electronic documents.
Letter provides MVEIRB's decision on the conformity of the Environmental Assessment Report submitted by Canadian Zinc to the Terms of Reference.
Letter includes two information requests as well as a reiteration of concern of work plan timeline. The information requests concern: Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite, and Surface Lease 'Overhold Tenancy'.
Regarding: Alternatives to the proposed insitu pilot plant operation, Water Quality, and Predicted water quality in the tailings containment facility and for discharge to the environment.
Letter supports the idea that MVEIRB conduct the Conformity Analyses between the Environmental Assessment Report produced by Canadian Zinc and the Terms of Reference produced by MVEIRB.
Letter requests copy of Envrionmental Assessment Report on the proposed mineral exploration projects at Prairie Creek, submitted by Canadian Zinc.
Forward of the Information Requests submitted by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society to distribution list.
A letter requesting a timeline extention in the work plan for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek projects.
A letter requesting a timeline extention in the work plan for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek projects.
Letter responds to the timeline concerns of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and the Nahanni National Park Reserve. Requests that the timeline not be altered and provides reasoning.
A letter requesting a timeline extention in the work plan for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek projects.
Letter from Sierra Legal Defence Fund outlining a concern brought to them from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and their response.
Letter addresses timeline concerns brounght up by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Letter addresses timeline concerns brounght up by the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Notice of MVEIRB's decision in the matter of timeline extention requests.
Notice of MVEIRB's decision in the matter of timeline extention requests.
Letter expresses thanks for decision to extend timeline, and requests clarification on points in notification letter as well as making some suggestions for the new environmental assessment timeline.
Letter of response to DIAND's July 24, 2001 letter, and notification to distribution list of said extention.
Regarding: Tailings Containment Area, Groundwater Flows, Water Quality in Tailings Area, Test Work Utility in Metallurgical phase, Minewater Quality, Waste Rock and Ore Drainage management, South Nahanni Water Quality, Water Quality and Quantity Assessmen
Letter attaches all information requests and asks for timely responses despite timeline extention.
Letter attaches all information requests and asks for timely responses despite timeline extention.
Requests the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to review the information requests submitted by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and arrange for a response to those parts not protected by the Privacy Act.
Letter addresses concerns of Canadian Zinc regarding the timeline extention.
Letter provides information on anticipated release date of Work Plan Amendment.
Regarding: Wastewater quality, Cumulative Effects of Infrastructure Use, and Accidental Releases and Malfunctions.
Letter explains and attaches the amended work plan schedule, noting the Information Request response period.
Letter explains and attaches the ammended work plan schedule, noting the Information Request response period.
Regarding MVEIRB and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board's site visit to the Canadian Zinc Corporation's Prairie Creek mine project site.
Regarding: Accidental Releases and Malfunctions, Cumulative Effects and Infrastructure Use, and Wastewater Quality
Letter provides information on anticipated release date of Work Plan Amendment.
Letter explains and attaches the ammended work plan schedule, noting the Information Request response period.
Letter from Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development requesting that MVEIRB endorse the Information Requests recieved from Canadian Zinc.
Letter of response to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's August 15th letter.
Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests from the territorial government, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Acknowledges reciept of the Information Request responses submitted by Canadian Zinc.
Attaches Canadian Zinc's responses to the Information Requests.
Letter expressess concern over the duration of the permitting process in the Mackenzie Valley and requests ministerial action.
Letter informs Canadian Zinc that data requested of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is owned by the Nunavut Water Board.
Letter informs MVEIRB of the ownership of data on Polaris and Nanisivik water quality by the Nunavut Water Board.
Letter requesting that water quality data for Polaris, Nanisivik and Pine Point - required for Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests by GNWT-Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development amd the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Develop
Letter requests extention of Public Registry closure date. Provides reasoning.
Letter informs distribution list of one week extention of closure date of public registry.
Letter informs distribution list of one week extention of closure date of public registry.
The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's Technical Report for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Environment Canada's Technical Report for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
The Nahanni National Park Reserve's Technical Report for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Prepared for Nahanni National Park Reserve and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada by the National Resources Institute.
Comments on Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests, especially in light of observations made during the site visit of 28 August, 2001.
Provides comments on the environmental assessment provided by Canadian Zinc for their proposed development on Prairie Creek, NT.
Comments on Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests, especially in light of observations made during the site visit of 28 August, 2001.
Forwards Government Technical Reports to distribution list.
Letter expresses concern with Canadian Zinc's proposed project's effect on water quality downstream. Proposes daily water quality sampling and testing for any of Canadian Zinc's permit applications.
Letter expresses concerns of Environment Canada over the drilling Report of Environmental Assessment and coming permit issuance.
Original Water Licence for Cadillac Explorations Ltd. at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter requests timely approach to Canadian Zinc's environmental assessment.
Letter expresses concern over the timeline extention to the Final Work Plan for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek developments.
Notification that environmental assessments EA01-002 and EA01-003 being put on hold for thirty calendar days.
Canadian Zinc's response to technical review and public comments on EA01-002 and EA01-003.
Includes a copy of the Canada National Parks Act and further information on the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Letter concerning MVEIRB's information request of the department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada advising them to submit a formal request for the information under the Access to Information Act (or Privacy Act) (ATIP).
Letter includes Canadian Zinc's responses to information requests.
Notification of closing date of public registry.
Letter expresses concerns regarding site water management, and Canadian Zinc's response to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's technical comments.
Regarding: Concentrates from Pilot Plant, Canadian Zinc's Surface Lease, and the Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite.
Letter expresses concerns regarding Canadian Zinc's response to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's technical comments. Includes an information request regarding a fuel storage facility.
Regarding: Concentrates from Pilot Plant, Canadian Zinc's Surface Lease, and the Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite.
Regarding: Commitments table and Water Management and Water Quality.
Letter provides comments and concerns regarding the Land Use Permit applications made by Canadian Zinc, and unanswered information requests. Provides reasoning.
Letter responds to the comments made by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society in their letter of October 22, 2001.
Forwards twenty-five letters of concern relating to environmental impacts to Nahanni, from canoeists to the Ministers of Parks Canada and the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of October 20, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of October 20, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of November 5, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of November 5, 2001.
A group of letters from concerned individuals regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Report of Environmental Assessment, Canadian Zinc Corporation, Underground Decline and Drilling and Metallurgical Pilot Plant Developments, Prairie Creek, NT.
Five letter from concerned northerners, urging the Board to accept the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's information request regarding Canadian Zinc's surface leases for the Prairie Creek mine.
MVEIRB's response to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's forwarding letter of twenty-five letters from concerned individuals regarding the proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
The Minister of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's reply to Canadian Zinc's letters of May 1 and June 5, 2001, expressing concern over the duration of the permitting process in the Mackenzie Valley.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
The Minister of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to the April 9, 2002 letter of concern from an individual regarding the proposed development on Prairie Creek, NT, by Canadian Zinc.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Parks Canada's letter of response to an individual's April 10, 2002 letter of concern, requesting action to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter thanking Canadian Zinc for their February 19, 2002 letter expressing concern with the conclusion of the Report of Environmental Assessment. CZN's original letter attached.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting MVEIRB act to protect the South Nahanni Watershd from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter expresses concern with the length of the environmental assessment process. Requests Minister come to a decision regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed development at the Prairie Creek minesite.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter expresses concern with the length of the environmental assessment process. Requests Minister come to a decision regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed development at the Prairie Creek minesite.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the ministers act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter expresses Canadian Zinc' views on MVEIRB's Report of Environmental Assessment.
A letter from the Nahanni River Adventures Company, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting Parks Canada act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter informs Canadian Zinc of recent developments and the Department's proposed course of action with respect to the Inspector's Direction issued by Environment Canada to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development on June 19, 2001.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the board act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letters from concerned individuals, requesting action to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development.
Letter acknowledges receipt of MVEIRB's letter of February 5, 2002, regarding the Report of Environmental Assessment on the Canadian Zinc Corporation's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter acknowledges receipt of forwarded bundle of letters and thanks the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society for forwarding them.
Correspondance relates to the return of the Report of Environmental Assessment for the Prairie Creek development proposed by Canadian Zinc, and MVEIRB's proposal of how next to proceed.
Letters regarding the return of the Report of Environmental Assessment for the Prairie Creek proposed development by Canadian Zinc to MVEIRB for further assessment.
Letter notifies MVEIRB of the Minister's decision to return the Report of Environmental Assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed project on Prairie Creek to MVEIRB. Provides reasoning.
Letter addresses some of the concerns noted by the Minister of DIAND in the original Report on Environmental Assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development.
Letter notifies Minister of the reopening of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development.
A letter from a concerned individual, requesting the minister act to protect the South Nahanni Watershed from industrial development, and the Minister of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response.
Letter acknowledges receipt of the 287 letters forwarded by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, and addresses some of the general concerns.
Letter acknowledges receipt of, and addresses, letter from individual expressing concern about the proposed development at Prairie Creek, by Canadian Zinc.
Letter acknowledges receipt of, and addresses, letter from individuals expressing concern about the proposed development at Prairie Creek, by Canadian Zinc.
Letter addresses concerns in Canadian Zinc's letter of April 22, 2002, regarding the delay in reaching a decision on the recommendations contained in the MVEIRB's Report on Environmental Assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development.
Letter accepts the submitted draft work plan for the further consideration of the Prairie Creek environmental assessment.
A CBC news brief relating to Canadian Zinc's wait during the environmental assessment process for its permit applications for the Prairie Creek minesite.
A CBC news brief relating to possible expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve and the effect on mining developments in the area.
Letter approves work plan laid out by MVEIRB for the re-opening of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's Prairie Creek project.
An article by the National Post in their April 06, 2002 publication, relating to the appeal made by MVEIRB to the federal government asking them to intervene to decide what kind of developments are appropriate around the park.
Letters and Land Use Inspection Reports from the previous operating period of the Prairie Creek minesite under the company name of Cadillac Explorations.
Letter responds to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's request for copies of the original surface leases for the Prairie Creek mine in the Northwest Territories, and attaches documents.
Letter addresses insufficiencies in an information request previously received by MVEIRB from Canadian Zinc.
Letter in reply to the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's letter of May 29, 2002, requesting copies of inspection reports on the Canadian Zinc property from 1980 to 2002.
Letter includes inspection report on Canadian Zinc Prairie Creek property dated September 20, 1999.
Letter includes peer review and statistical analysis reports on the Historical Water Quality of the Prairie Creek Project Area Report for additional information.
Letter is response to MVEIRB's letter of December 24, 2002, in which they requested further information of Canadian Zinc to supplement the re-opened environmental assessment of their proposed Prairie Creek project.
Letter responds to the department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's letter forwarding peer review and statistical analysis reports on the Historical Water Quality of the Prairie Creek Project Area Report to MVEIRB for additional information.
Letter is response to MVEIRB's letter of December 24, 2002, informing the minister of MVEIRB's progress toward completing the Canadian Zinc Corporation's environmental assessment.
Letter of appeal to the minister requesting that he and his staff make a decision concerning the development of Prairie Creek mine, NT.
Letter provides Parks Canada's comments on the information provided by MVEIRB in response to Parks Canada's information requests.
Letter requests compensation, as downstream users, should their water sources become contaminated by development on Prairie Creek by Canadian Zinc's mine.
Letter expresses concerns about the adverse effects of Canadian Zinc operations on water quality and freshwater aquatic life, and requests extention on response timeframe given by MVEIRB.
Letter attaches the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's assessment of the response provided by Canadian Zinc Corporation with regard to deficiencies in the CZN development plan as identified by MVEIRB.
Letter states that the Government of the Northwest Territories has no further concerns with the Prairie Creek development.
Letter submits Parks Canada' additional comments on Canadian Zinc's January 31, 2003 response to MVEIRB's Information Requests.
Letter outlines concerns of the Deh Cho First Nations with Canadian Zinc's proposed mine on Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter from the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society requesting that MVEIRB "err on the side of caution" in their decision making regarding the Prairie Creek minesite, given it's proximity to the Nahanni National Park Reserve and upstream location to the
Letter provides the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fish Habitat Management division's comments on Canadian Zinc's response to MVEIRB's information request.
Letter provides the minister of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with an update regarding the environmental assessment of the Canadian Zinc Corporation's proposed Prairie Creek development.
Letter provides an individual's opinion of the Canadian Zinc environmental assessment, and his suggestions.
Provides the final decision of the MVEIRB and the pertaining reasons.
Letter responds to Canadian Zinc's letter of Februaury 17, 2003, commenting on the Peer Review of the "Historical Water Quality of the Prairie Creek Project Area" report.
Letter notifying the minister of the submission of the Reasons for Decision document, following the reconsideration of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development.
Letter conveys the decision of the responsible Ministers with Jurisdiction as to MVEIRB's Reasons for Decision document dated April 4, 2003. Letter also provides reasoning.
Prepared for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Water Resources Division, NWT Region, by Gartner Lee Limited. Available at MVEIRB's office.
Letter responds to Canadian Zinc's letter of concern over the duration of the environmental review process, dated May 13, 2003.
Letter attaches a Land Use Permit Type "A" and a Water License Type "B".
Letter provides the Reasons for Decision for the Canadian Zinc Water License.
Letter thanks MVEIRB for informing Parks Canada of the re-opening of the Public Registry for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter acknowledges receipt of MVEIRB's letter dated September 24, 2002.
Letter is an Urgent Reply to the department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada's letter dated October 1, 2002. It expresses timeline concerns regarding the response time suggessted to MVEIRB in INAC's letter.
Letter circulates, via email, a draft information request for comments, to be considered before it is to be submitted to Canadian Zinc.
Letter circulates, via fax, a draft information request for comments, to be considered before it is to be submitted to Canadian Zinc.
Letter provides Environment Canada's comments on the draft information request circulated earlier by MVEIRB for comment.
Agenda Item regarding the Canadian Zinc Corporation Information Request.
Letter provides the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fish Habitat Management division's comments on the draft information request circulated earlier by MVEIRB for comment.
Letter provides Parks Canada's comments on the draft information request circulated earlier by MVEIRB for comment.
The final Information Request issued to Canadian Zinc, following the comments provided by parties.
Forwards comments made on the draft information request by the department of Fisheries and Oceans, and by the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Letter from the department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development requests clarification on a point raised in MVEIRB's letter dated September 24, 2002.
Letter acknowledge's receipt of MVEIRB's letter dated September 24, 2002.
Letter forwards copy of Canadian Zinc's response to MVEIRB's information request of October 18, 2002.
Letter informs parties of Canadian Zinc's response to MVEIRB's information request and notifies them of the comment deadline.
Letter responds to the department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development's letter dated October 30, 2002.
A paid advertisement by Canadian Zinc regarding the Prairie Creek development and water quality in the Nahanni river.
Letter from MVEIRB to CZN re: Additional Information on Water Quality Sampling at Prairie Creek Mine
Letter acknowledges receipt of Canadian Zinc's response to MVEIRB's information request, and requests further water quality data.
Letter responds to the above noted report and provides comments on it.
Letter provides the department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fish Habitat Management division's comments on Canadian Zinc's response to MVEIRB's information request.
Letter provides comments on Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter provides Environment Canada's comments on Canadian Zinc's infomation provided in response to MVEIRB's information request.
Letter provides the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's comments on Canadian Zinc's infomation provided in response to MVEIRB's information request.
Letter provides Parks Canada's comments on Canadian Zinc's infomation provided in response to MVEIRB's information request.
Letter from a concerned individual regarding the comments provided by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society in relation to Canadian Zinc's proposed project on Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter acknowledges receipt of Canadian Zinc's letters dated May 1, 2001, and June 5, 2001 and addresses some of the issues raised in them.
Letter further clarifies what is required of Canadian Zinc by Appendix 1 of Water License MV2001L2-0003 and Land Use Permit MV2001C0023.
The Nahanni Butte Dene Band expresses concerns over proposed park expansion, and the Deh Cho Land Use Planning Committe addresses them and proposes a meeting.
Letter attaches the November 2004 version of all the reviewer's comments the MVLWB received during the review period for the A&R Plan, the November 2004 version of all the reviewer's comments the MVLWB received during the review period for the Minewater C
Forwards a letter from an individual protesting development in the South Nahanni Watershed to the distribution list.
Email from MVEIRB with attached document regarding Canadian Zinc Tote Road and Fuel.
Letter provides the department of Indian and Northern Affairs' comments on the draft Terms of Reference and environmental assessment work plan.
Letter provides responses to Technical Reviews and Public Comments made on the Environmental Assessment Reports for the Prairie Creek Mine.
Letter of response to the extention of the environmental assessment timeline, and to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's own response letter.
Letter requests a letter of each from the Nahanni Butte Dene Band, the Pehdzeh Ki First Nation, and the Liidlii Kue First Nation organizations recommending whether a joint public hearing would be desirable in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc'
The department of Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development's Technical Report for the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter includes the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to the information requests for the Canadian Zinc Corporation environmental assessments for their proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.