Underground Decline and Pilot Plant - EA01-002
Document List - Scoping
Letter requests MVEIRB to examine the different projects in the Nahanni watershed, foccussing on the cumulative effects, as part of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek.
Letter expresses Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society's concern with Candian Zinc's proposed project at Prairie Creek. Also urges Minister to publicly affirm support of Nahanni National Park Reserve Superintendent's decision to refer Canadian Zinc to MVE
Letter requests MVEIRB to examine the different projects in the Nahanni watershed, foccussing on the cumulative effects, as part of the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration project at Prairie Creek.
Letter expresses thanks for present involvement in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed mineral exploration program at Prairie Creek, NT and requests suggestions for imrpoving MVEIRB's method and timing of consultations with the Deh Ch