Underground Decline and Pilot Plant - EA01-002
Document List - Information requests
Letter addresses roles of parties already in contact and requests notification and contact information of any have been omitted.
Letter requests copy of letter of referral from Parks Canada regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek projects. Expresses concern over the undertaking of full environmental assessment.
Letter includes two information requests as well as a reiteration of concern of work plan timeline. The information requests concern: Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite, and Surface Lease 'Overhold Tenancy'.
Regarding: Alternatives to the proposed insitu pilot plant operation, Water Quality, and Predicted water quality in the tailings containment facility and for discharge to the environment.
Forward of the Information Requests submitted by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society to distribution list.
Regarding: Tailings Containment Area, Groundwater Flows, Water Quality in Tailings Area, Test Work Utility in Metallurgical phase, Minewater Quality, Waste Rock and Ore Drainage management, South Nahanni Water Quality, Water Quality and Quantity Assessmen
Letter attaches all information requests and asks for timely responses despite timeline extention.
Letter attaches all information requests and asks for timely responses despite timeline extention.
Requests the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development to review the information requests submitted by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and arrange for a response to those parts not protected by the Privacy Act.
Regarding: Wastewater quality, Cumulative Effects of Infrastructure Use, and Accidental Releases and Malfunctions.
Regarding: Accidental Releases and Malfunctions, Cumulative Effects and Infrastructure Use, and Wastewater Quality
Letter from Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development requesting that MVEIRB endorse the Information Requests recieved from Canadian Zinc.
Letter of response to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's August 15th letter.
Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests from the territorial government, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and the Nahanni National Park Reserve.
Acknowledges reciept of the Information Request responses submitted by Canadian Zinc.
Attaches Canadian Zinc's responses to the Information Requests.
Letter informs Canadian Zinc that data requested of the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is owned by the Nunavut Water Board.
Letter informs MVEIRB of the ownership of data on Polaris and Nanisivik water quality by the Nunavut Water Board.
Letter requesting that water quality data for Polaris, Nanisivik and Pine Point - required for Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests by GNWT-Resources, Wildlife and Economic Development amd the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Develop
Comments on Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests, especially in light of observations made during the site visit of 28 August, 2001.
Comments on Canadian Zinc's responses to Information Requests, especially in light of observations made during the site visit of 28 August, 2001.
Letter includes Canadian Zinc's responses to information requests.
Regarding: Concentrates from Pilot Plant, Canadian Zinc's Surface Lease, and the Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite.
Letter expresses concerns regarding Canadian Zinc's response to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's technical comments. Includes an information request regarding a fuel storage facility.
Regarding: Concentrates from Pilot Plant, Canadian Zinc's Surface Lease, and the Draft Reclamation Costing Model for Prairie Creek Minesite.
Regarding: Commitments table and Water Management and Water Quality.
Letter provides comments and concerns regarding the Land Use Permit applications made by Canadian Zinc, and unanswered information requests. Provides reasoning.
Letter responds to the comments made by the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society in their letter of October 22, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of October 20, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of October 20, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of November 5, 2001.
Response to MVEIRB's information request of November 5, 2001.
Letter requests a letter of each from the Nahanni Butte Dene Band, the Pehdzeh Ki First Nation, and the Liidlii Kue First Nation organizations recommending whether a joint public hearing would be desirable in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc'
Letter includes the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to the information requests for the Canadian Zinc Corporation environmental assessments for their proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.