Fuel Cache Retrieval and Clean-up development - EA00-002
Document List - Information requests
Regarding: the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's policy with respect to the Deh Cho First Nations' position regarding the protection of the Nahanni National Park Reserve watershed; and the status of the existing fuel caches.
Regarding: the requirement of a Water Licence by Canadian Zinc for their proposed development.
Response to MVEIRB's letter regarding the deadline for the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to the information request submitted by MVIERB.
The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to MVEIRB's January 3rd, 2001, information request regarding DIAND's policy with respect to the Deh Cho First Nations' position regarding the protection of the Nahanni National Park Rese
Correspondance within the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding MVEIRB's information request regarding the Cat Camp/Fuel Cache clean-up at Prairie Creek.
Provides further information in response to MVEIRB's information request of January 3rd, regarding DIAND's policy with respect to the Deh Cho First Nations' position regarding the protection of the Nahanni National Park Reserve watershed; and the status o
Response to information request submitted by MVEIRB on January 3, 2001, regarding the requirement of a Water Licence by Canadian Zinc for their proposed development on Prairie Creek.
Regarding: Rehabilitation Site Restoration Model for Prairie Creek Mine.
Regarding: Stream Crossings - namely, the number, type, location and condition of stream crossings as well as the potential species present in the watersheds.
Regarding: Canadian Zinc proposed Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval and Clean-up, particularily to determine the current state of the fuel tanks, and to determine how much fuel has escaped from them.
MVEIRB letter to the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development notifying them of information requests submitted to the board to be answered by DIAND, and their deadline.
MVEIRB letter to Canadian Zinc notifying them of information requests submitted to the board to be answered by Canadian Zinc, and their deadline.
Notification to Canadian Zinc of an upcoming Information Request for them to be issued by MVEIRB.
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board's response to the information request submitted to them in regards to Canadian Zinc's Land Use Permit application for Mineral Exploration and Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval at the Prairie Creek minesite.
Letter forwards Canadian Zinc's responses to the information requests asked of them.
Letter forwards response to an information request asked of Canadian Zinc.
Letter forwards information request responses from Canadain Zinc to information requests asked of them.
Letter requesting Canadian Zinc forward information request documents requested by the department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Letter regarding the documents sent from Canadian Zinc to the department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Letter reminding the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development of the upcoming deadline for their response to information reqeusted of them in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval project at Pr
Letter responds to the information request asked of the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding Canadian Zinc's Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval program.
Letter forwards the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's information request response to the parties on the distribution.
Letter to MVEIRB's legal counsel, regarding an information request in dispute. Forwards background information on the information request.
Letter forwards to the distribution list, the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's response to the information request asked of them, regarding Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek, NT.
Letter forwards additional information submitted by the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding their information request response in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed development at Prairie Creek.
Letter from Nahanni National Park Reserve requests additional documentation from MVEIRB to aid in the preparation of their technical report on Canadian Zinc's proposed development.
Letter requests MVEIRB to substantiate their request for a copy of the "Rehabilitation Site Restoration Model for Prairie Creek Mine".
Letter expressing agreement with the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's view that the Draft Reclamation Costing Report holds confidention information, such as to not be released to Parks Canada publicly. Provides alternate suggestion
Letter of response to Canadian Zinc's letter of March 8, 2001 regarding the Draft Reclamation Costing Report.
Letter requests Nahanni National Park Reserve to clarify whether they would like to view the requested document before their technical report is due.
Letter notifies distribution list of the technical reports provided by government experts on the Canadian Zinc Corporation environmental assessment reports.
Letter regarding the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's site visit to the Cat Camp on August 18, 1999, and the resulting inspection report.
Letter requests more specific information regarding the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development's site visit to the Cat Camp.
Letter responds to MVEIRB's letter of March 13th, 2001, in which they asked for clarification of Nahanni National Park Reserve's intent to read the Draft Reclamamtion Costing Report for Canadian Zinc's Prairie Creek minesite.
Letter forwards correspondance between MVEIRB and Nahanni National Park Reserve regarding the Draft Reclamation Costing Report and NNPR's intent to view said document.
Letter addresses the sensitive nature of the report that Nahanni National Park Reserve had previously requested a copy of.
Letter in regards to MVEIRB's letter regarding viewing of the draft Reclamation Costing Report for the Cat Camp/Fuel Cache Retrieval project proposed by Canadian Zinc.
Letter clarifying a point in a previous (March 1, 2001) letter from the department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, regarding an information request in the environmental assessment of Canadian Zinc's proposed Prairie Creek development.
Regarding: Evidence regarding consultation initiatives and outcomes