EL Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-004
Document List
This letter from the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development acknowledges the closure of the environmental assessment for the Bayswater Uranium Corporation's El Lake Mineral Exploration Project.
This letter confirms that the Office of the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has received notification from the Review Board that the Bayswater Uranium Corp. environmental assessment has been completed.
Notice from the Review Board to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada of the closure of EA's 0708-004 and 0708-005 ( EL Lake and Crab Lake) due to the developer, Bayswater Uranium Corporation, withdrawal of its land use permit applications.\r\n
Notice to the Review Board and Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board that Bayswater Uranium Corporation has officially withdrawn its applications for both its El Lake (EA0708-004) and Crab Lake (EA0708-005) land use permits.
Notice to Gordon Davidson, Vice President Exploration, of Bayswater Uranium, that the E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program (Land use permit application MV2007C0010) has been referred to Environmental Assessment by the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board.
Letter from the MVEIRB to a distribution list of groups potentially interested in participating in the E1 Lake environmental assessment, noting that an EA has been started on this file, with a form for interested groups to fill out in order to stay on the
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board staff report sent to Board members on August 10 in preparation for the preliminary screening decision on the land use permit application for the E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program.
Dated August 23, 2007 and received August 29, 2007. Referred MV2007C0010 to environmental assessment pursuant to subsection 125(1) of the MVRMA. Reasons for decision included.
Notification from MVEIRB that Alistair MacDonald will be the lead EAO on each of the environmental assessments occuring around uranium exploration in the Akaitcho territory - EAs 0708-002 through 0708-005.
Document identifying different options for the conduct of the four EAs currently underway on projects in the Upper Thelon River basin. Deadline for comments is Nov. 2, 2007. PLEASE NOTE: INTERESTED PARTIES SHOULD ONLY REPLY ONCE TO THIS REQUEST FOR
The response is to MVEIRB's request for comments on the above topic to address the issue of simultaneously conducting four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin. From an expedition outfitter in the region.
The response is to MVEIRB's request for comments on the above topic to address the issue of simultaneously conducting four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin.
The response is to MVEIRB's request for comments on the above topic to address the issue of simultaneously conducting four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin.
Response by the Government of the Northwest Territories to the MVEIRB's request for comments on how to most efficiently structure four separate exploration EAs in the Upper Thelon area.
The response addresses the issue of how to most effectively run four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin. One of the recommendations by the DKFN is to apply First Nations evidence gathered from the UR-Energy project to the four upcoming environmental
The response addresses the issue of how to most effectively run four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin. The recommendations by Environment Canada include the transfer of evidence from the UR-Energy EA and developer specific public hearings.
The response addresses the issue of how to most effectively run four separate EA's in the Upper Thelon Basin. Comments include preference for separate public hearings for each developer, evidence transfer from the Ur Energy public record and a Terms of Re
Response includes the support of evidence transfer from the UR Energy file and separate hearings for each developer, and separate Terms of Reference for each EA.
The response includes support for the transfer for UR Energy file information subject to party identification of relevant material, the deferment of an EA process until adequate progress occurs for a land and resource management plan in the Upper Thelon B
Comments include support for a resource development and conservation plan for the Thelon Basin as a prerequisite for further mineral development in the area and concerns regarding consultation and the lack of benefits for the Athabasca Denesuline.
Comments from Bayswater Uranium, expressing no opinion on how to structure EAs 0708-004 (E1 Lake) or 0708-005 (Crab Lake).
A consolidation by the Review Board of the responses received to the Oct. 3, 2007 "Call for Comments" on how to structure the four uranium exploration EAs currently ongoing. Comments from 12 organizations and individuals received.
A resolution passed by the Fort Resolution Metis Council on November 14, 2007, opposing all uranium related activity in their traditional territory.
A request from the Review Board for the developer to provide a concise project description and overview of the existing environment around the EL Lake mineral exploration program, in advance of the issuance of a scoping questionnaire by the Review Board.
A request from Bayswater Uranium Corporation for an extension of the December 17 deadline to submit a project description summary, to January 18, 2008, for the EL Lake mineral exploration program.
Acceptance letter from the Review Board allowing Bayswater Uranium until January 18, 2008 to submit a Project Description Summary.
Status report on the Upper Thelon Land and Resource Management Plan proposed by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, issued on December 7, 2007.
Draft workplan for EA of Bayswater EL Lake mineral exploration program
Bayswater El Lake mineral exploration project description, including maps of project area
This package of preliminary screening documents includes: letter from MVLWB to Bayswater requesting further information to support the El Lake LUP application; a revised LUP application from Bayswater and description of community meetings held; letters fr
Proposed agenda and details for a draft workplan information meeting / teleconference for EAs of Uravan Minerals Boomerang Lake South and North, and Bayswater Uranium El Lake and Crab Lake proposed mineral exploration programs.
The attached preliminary screening comments were provided by the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board to the MVLWB on August 10, 2007 in reference to the Bayswater Uranium exploration applications.
Comments received by the Review Board on the draft Workplan for Bayswater Uranium's EL Lake mineral exploration program EA, on January 29, 2008.
GNWT comments on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005.
Comment on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005, from the NWT Treaty #8 Tribal Corporation.
Comments on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005, from the Bevery Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board.
Fort Resolution Metis Council letter to MVEIRB dated January 30, 2008, regarding Bayswater Uranium files.
INAC comments on draft workplan for the EL Lake environmental assessment.
Northwest Territory Metis Nation comments on draft work plans for Upper Thelon mineral exploration program environmental assessments proposed by Bayswater and Uravan.
This document dated October 24, 2007, provides the World Wildlife Fund's comments on how to structure the four ongoing Upper Thelon EAs. Provided late with Review Board staff apologies.
This document contains questions to potential parties regarding the transfer of evidence from the UR Energy public record, and asks questions pertaining to the scope of the assessment.
This is the response from the Treaty 8 Tribal Corp to the Review Board's evidence transfer and scoping questions.
This is the response from the Athabasca Denesuline Negotiation Team to the Review Board's evidence transfer and scoping questions.
This is the response from the Indian and Northern Affairs Canada to the Review Board's evidence transfer and scoping questions.
This is the response from the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board to the Review Board's evidence transfer and scoping questions.
This is the response from the Canoe Arctic Inc to the Review Board's evidence transfer and scoping questions.
This letter confirms that the Review Board has granted party status to the groups that requested it.
This is the Review Board's Reasons for Decision regarding evidence transfer for the Bayswater El Lake uranium exploration project.
This is a letter describing the next steps in this environmental assessment and requesting further submissions.
Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board submission of May 23, 2008, for Bayswater Uranium Corporation's E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program environmental assessment.
A request from Joe Murdock on behalfe of the Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation, requesting the Review Board grant an extension period for parties to comment on the Uravan and Bayswater proposed developments.
Comments received on May 19, 2008 on the E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program of Bayswater Uranium Corporation.
Submission of May 20, 2008 from a member of the public commenting on the Uravan (EAs 0708-002 and -003) and Bayswater (EA 0708-004) proposed developments.
GNWT submission of May 23, 2008, for Bayswater Uranium Corporation's E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program.
INAC submission of May 23, 2008, for Bayswater Uranium Corporation's E1 Lake Mineral Exploration Program.
Note to file from the MVEIRB that extensions have been granted to all Parties and the developers for the submission of additional evidence to EAs 0708-002 through -005.
This is a submission from Treaty 8 Tribal Corp. describing its views regarding this development. (Please note that the same PDF inludes seperate submissions for four different environmental assessments.)
This is a letter from WWF in response to the Review Board's request for further submissions.
This is a letter from Lutsel K'e First Nation in response to the Review Board's request for further submissions.
This letter from the Yellowknives Dene First Nation addresses the 2008 Thelon environmental assessments.
Comments forwarded by the Beverly and Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board to the MVEIRB in relation to the Uravan (South and North Boomerang Lake) and Bayswater Uranium (El Lake and Crab Lake) EAs in the Akaitcho Territory. Comments originally sent
Note to file stating that the Review Board has closed the public record and is proceeding with its deliberations on the information it has received
Transmittal letter from Review Board to Minister of INAC for the Report of Environmental Assessment.
The Review Board's Report of Environmental Assessment and Reasons for Decision on Bayswater Uranium Corporation's proposed EL Lake mineral exploration project.
Indian and Northern Affairs notice of receipt of the El Lake Mineral Exploration Project Report of Environmental Assessment.
Attachment to letter from Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada re: evidence on the public records of EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in focusing the proposed studies and consultations for the Upper Thelon Land and Resourc
A letter from the Review Board to Indian and Northern Affairs Canada identifying evidence gathered during EAs 0708-002 through -005 that may be of assistance in defining the scope of studies and consultations required for the proposed Upper Thelon Land an
An audio recording of this meeting hosted by the Review Board on February 5, 2008, is available at the Review Board's offices. It is held in the public record of EA0708-002 Uravan South Boomerang Lake EA, as PR#32.