EL Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-004
Document List - Terms of Reference and workplans
Draft workplan for EA of Bayswater EL Lake mineral exploration program
Comments received by the Review Board on the draft Workplan for Bayswater Uranium's EL Lake mineral exploration program EA, on January 29, 2008.
GNWT comments on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005.
Comment on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005, from the NWT Treaty #8 Tribal Corporation.
Comments on draft workplans for EAs 0708-002 through 005, from the Bevery Qamanirjuaq Caribou Management Board.
Fort Resolution Metis Council letter to MVEIRB dated January 30, 2008, regarding Bayswater Uranium files.
INAC comments on draft workplan for the EL Lake environmental assessment.
Northwest Territory Metis Nation comments on draft work plans for Upper Thelon mineral exploration program environmental assessments proposed by Bayswater and Uravan.
An audio recording of this meeting hosted by the Review Board on February 5, 2008, is available at the Review Board's offices. It is held in the public record of EA0708-002 Uravan South Boomerang Lake EA, as PR#32.