EL Lake Mineral Exploration - EA0708-004
Document List - Post Report materials
This letter confirms that the Office of the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada has received notification from the Review Board that the Bayswater Uranium Corp. environmental assessment has been completed.
Notice from the Review Board to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada of the closure of EA's 0708-004 and 0708-005 ( EL Lake and Crab Lake) due to the developer, Bayswater Uranium Corporation, withdrawal of its land use permit applications.\r\n
Notice to the Review Board and Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board that Bayswater Uranium Corporation has officially withdrawn its applications for both its El Lake (EA0708-004) and Crab Lake (EA0708-005) land use permits.
Indian and Northern Affairs notice of receipt of the El Lake Mineral Exploration Project Report of Environmental Assessment.