Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project - EA0708-007

Document List - Public hearings

Displaying 25 documents.
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Updated presentation that was given by David Connelly at the public hearing in Dettah, January 14 and 15, 2010.

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This is a summary fo the points raised by Todd Slack on behalf of the Yellowknives Dene First Nation during the hearing on January 14th, 2010.

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A submission given to the Review Board by Gordon Van Tighem during the Taltson project public hearing in Dettah. It is an article from the Slave River Journal in addition to his speaking notes.

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Actual presentation presented at the public hearing in Dettah on January 14/15 2010.

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Day 2 transcription of the public hearing in Dettah, NT for the Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project, January 15, 2010.

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Day 1 transcription of public hearing in Dettah, NT for the Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project, January 14, 2010.

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Information on caribou provided by the GNWT to the Review Board prior to the public hearing

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This document outlines Deze Energy's employment and training policies for the proposed Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project.

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Presentation sent in by the Carter family for the Taltson public hearing January 14 and 15, 2010.

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Updated (February 12, 2010) Presentation from DKFN for the public hearing January 14 and 15, 2010.

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Presentation from Transport Canada for the public hearing January 14 and 15, 2010.

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This updated agenda contains significant changes to the order of presentations. It is very important that all parties review the agenda carefully. Also, it should be noted that timeframes include presentations and question periods and party's presentations should be timed accordingly.

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An email response from Review Board to parties regarding participant funding for the public hearing in Dettah, January 2010.

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This is a draft agenda for the January 2010 public hearing in Dettah, NT. It outlines presenters, time requirements and order of presentations over the 2 day hearing for Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project.

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A summaryof the meeting notes taken by Review Board staff at the pre-hearing conference held December 15, 2009 for the Taltson Hydroelectric Expansion Project environmental assessment.

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This letter contains important information about the upcoming Pre-Hearing Conference. All parties are required to attend this conference in preparation for the upcoming Public Hearing for this environmental assessment. The letter includes information on location, timing and dial-in information for those parties who will be attending by teleconference. An agenda is included.