Giant Mine Remediation Project - EA0809-001
Document List - Scoping
This is one of four attachments to the letter of March 8, 2013 from AANDC to the MVLWB regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of four attachments to the letter of March 8, 2013 from AANDC to the MVLWB regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of four attachments to the letter of March 8, 2013 from AANDC to the MVLWB regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is one of four attachments to the letter of March 8, 2013 from AANDC to the MVLWB regarding emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This letter of March 8, 2013 from AANDC to the MVLWB describes emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization at the Giant mine site.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the MVLWB regarding the EA scope and the emergency work proposed at the Giant mine site.
Letter from AANDC to Review Board re: emergency work at Giant Mine site
This letter from the Review Board to the developer discusses s.119 emergency work on the roaster and underground stabilization, and the scope of the environemental assessment.
This is a letter from the Review Board to the City of Yellowknife regarding the municipal water pipeline and the scope of this EA.
This clarification of the scope of the EA is a response to the YKDFN letter of Sept. 6, 2011.
This is a letter from the YKDFN requesting a clarification of the scope of environmental assessment for the Giant Mine EA
This letter provides comments on the recent Reasons for Decision on Scope issued by the Review Board in the EA of the Giant Mine Remediation plan.
The Review Board has made its determination on both the scope of development and scope of assessment in the Giant Mine Remediation EA. This document outlines this decision as it pertains to issues that were raised by participants during the scoping phase
This letter outlines information requested by the Review Board on this matter. The Review Board is currently considering the scope of assessment for this EA and has not yet made an determination in this matter.
INAC has expressed an interest in conducting a freeze optimization study, as described in Undertaking #1, submitted prior to the scoping hearing for Giant Mine. This correspondence includes a request from the Review Board for additional information o
Letter from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to MVEIRB highlighting 5 major DFO concerns regarding the scope of the Giant Mine Remediation Plan.
Mr. O'Reilly has provided comments on the responses received by the Review Board to undertakings that arose during the public scoping hearing for the Giant Mine Remediation Plan.
Sign-in sheet for first day of scoping hearing at Explorer Hotel. Includes media and public attendance sheet.
Sign in sheets from the second day of the Giant Mine Public Scoping Hearing, July 23, 2008
Letter submitted by INAC that contains their response to Undertaking #4 from the scoping hearing for Giant Mine.
A request from Warren Heath to the Board to send the Giant Mine Remediation Project to EIR.
Response from MVEIRB to INAC's request for extension regarding the submission of undertaking #4.
The Yellowknives Dene First Nation undertoke to provided their updated presentation to the Review Board.
Environment Canada clarifies their role in the EA process. Please note that this document incorrectly identifies this information as responding to Undertaking #8 and #9. It should read Undertaking #9.
Undertaking explains INACs opinion on whether the interim activiites ongoing at the site contravene s.118, which states that no permit or authorization shall be granted while an EA is ongoing.
INAC has requested an extension to August 22, 2008 to submit its response to Undertaking #4. The Review Board will consider this request at its next board meeting, August 19 & 20, 2008.
INAC clarifies whether participant funding might be made available during an EA or an EIR.
INAC proposes to complete a study of the proposed frozen ground method at a location on site. They agreed to provide more infomration on this proposed work to the Review Board.
Undertakings deal with property taxes, surface lease and water quality study results. This document is too large for the website. If interested in seeing the document please contact MVEIRB office.
A submission by private citizen on behalf of his family who are YKD band members, regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Plan.
Medicinal Plant Study Report 2002-2003 ,from the Yellowknives Dene First Nations- Land and Environment Committee's. Submitted for the Giant MIne Remediation EA.
In response to questions regarding the Ingraham Trail realignment, GNWT has submitted information about the status of that project.
Report prepared for the Joint Review Panel in their review of the Mackenzie Gas Project. Submitted by Kevin O'Reilly as an attachment to his submission for the public scoping hearing held on July 22 & 23, 2008.
Letter from Kevin O'Reilly, submitted after the scoping hearing held on july 22-23, 2008.
Mr. Vaillancourt submitted this letter to the Review Board after the scoping hearing held on July 22 and 23, 2008. It details his concerns regarding the Giant Mine Remediation Plan.
INAC Presentation at the Giant Mine Scoping Hearing at the Explorer Hotel July 22 and 23
Presented by the City of Yellowknife at the scoping hearing for the Giant Mine EA.
Presented by Kevin O'Reilly at the scoping hearing for the Giant Mine EA. Updated to include written submission also submitted to the Review Board.
Presented by the Yellowknives Dene First Nation at the scoping hearing for the Giant Mine EA.
Presented on July 23, 2008 by the North Slave Metis Alliance during the scoping hearing for the Giant Mine EA.
This is the transcript from the first day of the Giant Mine scoping hearing, conducted by the Review Board on July 22, 2008. This includes undertakings 1 through 5.
This is the transcript from the second day of the Giant Mine scoping hearing, conducted by the Review Board on July 23, 2008. This includes a listing of undertakings 6 through 10.
Several posters from INACs Contaminents and Remediation Division displayed at Giant Mine Scoping Hearing July 2008. Documents too large for website. Please contact MVEIRB office to see posters.
Arsenic Levels in the Yellowknife Area: A report written by \r\r\nEnvironmental Science Group February 2001 for YASRC submitted as evidence by YKDFN introduced at the Giant Mine Scoping Hearing July 22 and 23, 2008 in Yellowknife,NT. It is marked as Exhibit 1.
Letter from the City of Yellowknife Mayor Gordon Van Tighem regarding the main issues to be presented at the July 22 and 23 scoping hearing for the Giant Mine Remediation EA.
In this letter, the Review Board respectfully asks that representatives from Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans attend the scoping hearing for the Giant Mine Remediation environmental assessment on July 23, 2008 in order to provide the Review Boa
This is the proposed agenda for the upcoming scoping hearing for the Giant Mine Remediation Plan. The hearing is scheduled for July 22-23, 2008, Yellowknife.
This is a letter reminding parties about dates and times for the upcoming public issues scoping hearing scheduled for July 22nd and 23rd 2008 in Yellowknife at the Explorer Hotel. <br><br> An agenda will be circulated later this week.
This document lays out a preliminary scope of assessment, timelines and milestones for the environmental assessment of the proposed Giant Mine Remediation Plan.
In this letter, the Review Board gives party status to an organization and an individual. Also, the Review Board issues the initial workplan for this assessment.
This is the audio recording of the scoping meeting held at the Tree of Peace Friendship Centre on June 17 2008. This recording includes presentations from MVEIRB & the developer, along with questions. We were unable to upload the recording on the registry however if you are interested in listening to it please contact our office.
This letter contains important deadlines for participation in the upcoming scoping hearing for Giant Mine. If parties intend to present during the hearing, they should inform Review Board staff before Jul 8, 2008.
Review Board staff record of proceeding and compilation of comments from parties and members of the public made at the scoping session on June 17th, 2008, at the Tree of Peace Friendship Centre.
On May 22, 2008, the Review Board and Review Board staff attended a site visit at the Giant Mine. The developer gave this presentation to the attendees.
The developer gave this presentation to the attendees of a scoping meeting held on June 17th, 2008 at the Tree of Peace Friendship
These comments were submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board during their preliminary screening of the Giant Mine Remediation Plan. These comments were submitted to the public registry by Kevin O'Reilly.
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. This letter was submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board during the review of CARD-INAC's proposed remediation plan. Feb 13, 2008
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. Canadian Institute of Resources Law and Cnaadian Arctic Resources Committee. Wenig, M. & O'Reilly, K., 21-January-2005
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 2002.
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter.
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. City of Yellowknife, Revision 4- June 2006
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. Terriplan Consultants, March 30, 2007.
This letter is an overview of concerns and issues Mr. O'Reilly would like to bring to the attention of the Review Board. The letter references several documents; all of which are included in the online public registry.
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. The relevant sections pertaining to Mr. O'Reilly's submissions to the Review Board are found in Article 4 and deal with the establishment of an independent oversight body.
Attachment to Kevin O'Reilly's letter. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, January 2007.
This letter invites participants to a scoping hearing on July 22 & 23 and a scoping session on June 17, 2008. Attached is an agenda for the June 17, 2008 session.
This draft work plan & notification of party status is issued by the Review Board in the EA of the Giant Mine Remediation Plan. The deadline for comments is June 18th, 2008. If you would like to submit comments on this work plan please contact Tawanis Tes
This letter is a request to participants in the Giant Mine EA for any relevant material they would like to add to the public registry for this EA. Any submissions should be sent to MVEIRB by fax at (867) 766-7074 or by email to befor
The attachment to the Request for Submissions letter is an outdated version of this form. This is the updated version. The old form differentiates between 'directly affected party' and 'intervenor'; the new one combines these choices as 'party'. By select