Mackenzie Valley Highway - EA1213-02
Document List - Preliminary screening
Displaying 5 documents.
31.77 KB
A letter from AANDC to DoT regarding access to crown land for the proposed Right of Way associated with DoT's land user permit application for Km 1508-1478
37.14 KB
A letter from the Gwich'in Tribal Council granting access authorization to DoT for the construction activities associated with the Mackenzie Valley Highway.
264.25 KB
A Waste Management Plan in support of DOT's land use permit application for right of way clearing, Km 1508-1478
402.93 KB
A spill contingency plan in support of DoT's Land User Permit application for right of way clearing.
57.39 KB
DoT cover letter to MVLWB for a Land Use Permit application in support of MVH