Jay Project - EA1314-01
Document List - Preliminary screening
This is a letter from IEMA to the WLWB submitted during preliminary screening and placed on the MVRB registry at the request of IEMA.
This is the Water Licence application - Mining Questionnaire submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Water Licence application Form submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Spill Contingency Plan submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Engagement Record submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Land Use Permit application map submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Land Use Permit application form submitted to the WLWB for preliminary screening.
This is the Project Description Appendix 4C - Report on Drawdown Alternatives
This is the Project Description Appendix 4B - Civil Engineering Components.
This is the Project Description Appendix 4A - Underground Mining Concept.
This is Appendix 3A of the Project Description - Aquatic Baseline Report.
This is Appendix 2A of the Project Description - a draft Terms of Reference for the EA of the Project prepared by Dominion Diamond Ekati Corporation.
This is the Project Description for the Jay-Cardinal Project.